YabaSashiro Freezing/Crashing Retroarch 1.9.7

I been Trying to play Games(Dragon Force) I start playing but very Quickly when Text Message Comes up it just Freezes and Says Retroarch is not Responding.

I am using Window 64 Bit Version and using Default Options and go and glcore video plugins.

Works on Older Versions of RA but not stable release 1.9.7 and 1.9.6

Here is the Log:

  1. [INFO] [CORE]: Using content: E:\Video Games\Sega Saturn\Games\Dragon Force (USA)\Dragon Force (USA).cue.
  2. [INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds.
  3. [INFO] [Core]: Unloading core…
  4. [INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols…
  5. [INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
  6. [INFO] RetroArch 1.9.7 (Git 5c2f79a)
  7. [INFO] === Build =======================================
  8. [INFO] CPU Model Name: Intel® Core™ i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  10. [INFO] Built: Jul 25 2021
  11. [INFO] Version: 1.9.7
  12. [INFO] Git: 5c2f79a
  13. [INFO] =================================================
  14. [INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: “dinput”.
  15. [INFO] [Core]: Loading dynamic libretro core from: “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\cores\yabasanshiro_libretro.dll”
  16. [INFO] [Overrides]: No core-specific overrides found at “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\config\YabaSanshiro\YabaSanshiro.cfg”.
  17. [INFO] [Overrides]: No content-dir-specific overrides found at “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\config\YabaSanshiro\Dragon Force (USA).cfg”.
  18. [INFO] [Overrides]: No game-specific overrides found at “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\config\YabaSanshiro\Dragon Force (USA).cfg”.
  19. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_VARIABLES.
  20. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_CONTROLLER_INFO.
  21. [INFO] [Remaps]: Remap directory: “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\config\remaps”.
  22. [INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save file to “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\saves\Dragon Force (USA).srm”.
  23. [INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save state to “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\states\Dragon Force (USA).state”.
  24. [INFO] [Environ]: GET_LOG_INTERFACE.
  25. [INFO] [Environ]: GET_PERF_INTERFACE.
  26. [INFO] [Environ]: SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: “E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\system”.
  27. [INFO] [Environ]: GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY.
  28. [INFO] [Environ]: PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 16.
  30. [INFO] [CONTENT LOAD]: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
  32. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: XRGB8888.
  33. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_HW_RENDER, context type: gl.
  34. [INFO] Requesting OpenGL context.
  35. [INFO] Reached end of SET_HW_RENDER.
  36. [INFO] [SRAM]: Skipping SRAM load…
  37. [INFO] Version of libretro API: 1
  38. [INFO] Compiled against API: 1
  39. [INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 44100.00 Hz.
  40. [INFO] [Video]: Video @ 1357x764
  41. [INFO] [Video]: Using HW render, OpenGL driver forced.
  42. [INFO] [Video]: Using configured “glcore” driver for GL HW render.
  43. [INFO] [GLCore]: Found GL context: wgl
  44. [INFO] [GLCore]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080.
  45. [INFO] [WGL] extensions: WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness WGL_ARB_context_flush_control WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multi[INFO] [WGL]: Adaptive VSync supported.
  46. [INFO] [GLCore]: Initializing HW render (1024 x 1024).
  47. [INFO] [GLCore]: Max texture size: 32768 px, renderbuffer size: 32768 px.
  48. [INFO] [GLCore]: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050/PCIe/SSE2.
  49. [INFO] [GLCore]: Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 471.11.
  50. [INFO] [GLCore]: Using resolution 1357x764
  51. [INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: “dinput”.
  52. [INFO] [GLCore]: Loading stock shader.
  53. [INFO] [slang]: Building pass #0 (N/A)
  54. [INFO] [GLCore]: Not using frame history.
  55. [INFO] [GLCore]: Not using framebuffer feedback.
  56. [INFO] [Video]: Found display server: win32
  57. [libretro INFO] PG_NORMAL
  58. [libretro INFO] PG_VDP1_NORMAL
  61. [libretro INFO] PG_VFP1_HALFTRANS
  62. [libretro INFO] PG_VFP1_SHADOW
  64. [libretro INFO] PG_VFP1_HALF_LUMINANCE
  65. [libretro INFO] PG_VFP1_MESH
  66. [libretro INFO] PG_WINDOW
  68. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY.
  69. [INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
  70. [INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: “glcore”.
  71. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
  72. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
  73. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
  74. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
  75. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
  76. [INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
  77. [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: [E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\content_history.lpl].
  78. [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: [E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\content_music_history.lpl].
  79. [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: [E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\content_video_history.lpl].
  80. [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: [E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\content_image_history.lpl].
  81. [INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: [E:\Video Games\RetroArch\RetroArch 1.9.7 (64 Bit)\content_favorites.lpl].
  82. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 320x224, aspect: 1.333.
  83. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 320x240, aspect: 1.333.
  84. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 320x224, aspect: 1.333.
  85. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 320x240, aspect: 1.333.
  86. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 320x224, aspect: 1.333.
  87. [INFO] [Environ]: SET_GEOMETRY: 320x240, aspect: 1.333.


Please Help

Do you have Sega Saturn bios installed in the Retroarch/system/ directory? Looks like the core isn’t even loading.

Yes I do have the Bios Files in System Folder.

Core Loads Up but Crashes when I 1st start a Campaign while the Text’s Comes Up

Support for this core has been dropped back in 2019, so i recommend switching to other saturn cores since i doubt you’ll find help for this one.

Then what Saturn Core should I be using then?

What ones are still Supported?

I guess any core whose author didn’t make dozens of statements that he’ll never touch it again would be better as far as support is involved, and i believe mednafen/beetle saturn is the best libretro saturn core available right now.

Sorry I never saw that Statement.

I read somewhere that that Beetle Saturn Core was no longer being Worked on but they also said the Libretro Team said the Yabasashiro Core was the Main Retroarch Saturn Core

I mentioned it in pretty much every topic about this core on this forum, and also in other places related to libretro/retroarch.

It still has by far the best compatibility among libretro saturn cores, and while it’s behind upstream, i don’t remember hearing the support was dropped, nor that it has major issues.

Be more careful about your sources, because the libretro team never said that.

Another Reason to use them over Beetle Saturn that Cheats actually work on these Cores where they don’t on Beetle Saturn

Feel free to use whatever core you want, just don’t expect any kind of support for yabasanshiro, this crap is unmaintained.

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What do you mean No Support?

1- No Updates(I am not)

2-No Help from people IF I can’t get something to work.

Is there Support for Kronos and Yabausue?

Both, there is no dev interested in that core anymore, so no one to update it or fix issues.

Kronos is active and maintained. Yabause upstream is dead, so don’t expect any major update, the libretro port is already in sync with it, the most you can expect are improvements in its libretro integration (retroachievements, alternative device types, …), which i’ve been backporting from Kronos occasionally.


If only kronos could be port on android, it would be a great thing to emulate saturn with retroarch’ advantages


Man that sucks, I remember talking about this core in another thread, Yabasanshiro is literally the only Saturn core that works for Android users at decent speeds , tragic part is that the core version available (v3.4 2) is the last version that only had gl support right before the dev introduced Vulkan support to the emulator. All I wanted to do was use slang shaders with this core and I was just an update away from making that happen, just one more update is all I need lol

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I remember telling you in that other topic that i won’t touch that core ever again because i can’t stand the fact upstream keeps breaking the original yabause license. For anyone who wants that core to get updates, it’s time to acquire some computer skills and become the next maintainer.

Edit : closing since this is apparently a hot topic where people report perfectly appropriate answers as inappropriate.