Hello everyone
I have a problem with the core Fuse … the games are launched but after I can not do anything my controller is not recognized …
The keyboard of the ZX Spectrum does not load ? How to make it appear to start a game ?
Hello everyone
I have a problem with the core Fuse … the games are launched but after I can not do anything my controller is not recognized …
The keyboard of the ZX Spectrum does not load ? How to make it appear to start a game ?
I have the same problem! Games start, but then when thay ask “press any key to start” nothing happens by pressing any key… I use Linux Mint 19.2
I can’t get my keyboard to work on any spectrum game either. Has anyone come up with a solution yet?
Hello !
I finally found the solution. Go to options > keys & choose Kempston Joystick. Then the Start button on the joystick displays the virtual keyboard.
Greetings !
Options where? in game? If so, how do you get to the options section? I’ve loaded games and can’t do anything
Yes you have to launch a game then press the F1 key (default) & then go to the controller options.
Hello gentlemen, I have not found the “path” informed by Mr. Sebiohazard. I’m using RetroArch v1.8.9 in Windows with fuse (1.1.1 c2f03e6).
They could explain to me in more detail the exact procedure, because the game opens normally but I have no control response (X-Box360 Contole) or sound.
Hello !
So here is the procedure I took for example the game Nebulus.
For sound press the right Shift key on your keyboard to bring up Fuse’s virtual keyboard.
To activate the sound, press key 3 on the virtual keyboard or deactivate the sound, press key 4 (framed in red):
Enjoy greetings !
PS: here you will find the documentation on the Kempston Joystick interface of the ZX Spectrum
Well, first thanks for the illustrations Mr. Sebiohazard. Steps 1, 2 and 3 performed as instructed. However, no command starts the game, and even after pressing “Right Shift” to invoke “Fuse’s virtual keyboard” and being able to move the cursor, I cannot press the keys on this virtual keyboard, there is no response by the joystick and neither by the physical keyboard.
(Altered Beast (1988) (Activision) .tap) performs but does not respond. A message from the game states the following: “Please Turn Tape Over And Press Space”.
Game is only in demoattraction, does not start the game.
Hello !
I tried the Altered Baest game on ZX Spectrum which I didn’t know about.
When you get to this screen you must open the virtual keyboard with the right Shift key & press the SPACE key on the latter:
Then you get to this screen. Still with the virtual keyboard, you must press the C key on it to activate the Kempston interface:
To end the last operation, still with the virtual keyboard, press the SPACE key again, this will launch the game.
By cons there is no sound I do not know how to fix it… if you have a solution tell me !
Well … how can I say this, thank you very much. I haven’t operated a ZX Spectrum in Hardware for many years, and I had forgotten the basics.
I played Altered Beast without sound and Alien Syndrome with sound effects. When my free time allows, I will recall some classics from my childhood. Thank you again.
Hello with pleasure !
I would like to help you more & find a solution to have sound in the game Altered Baest… if another person knows the solution ?
Greetings !
Probably have to go quick menu->options-> model: spectrum 128k. Should be the first option. Then go overrides, save core overrides. Restart game.
Works with sound on my cellphone, retroarch fuse emulator and Spectrum 128k emulated. Just choose Spectrum 128k as i said before.
Hello !
Indeed in Spectrum 128k mode the sound works but only with the .tap game extension! With the .tzx game extension I have no sound…
Another problem with RetroArch when I change machines (example Spectrum 48k > Spectrum 128k or MSX 1 > MSX 2) you have to restart RetroArch completely, it’s a shame !
Why simply restarting the game is not enough ?
Greetings !
Did you saved the configuration after changing? (Overrides-save core overrides)
No… this is not done automatically ?
No. Change model then save core overrides.
Yes, it worked by changing the Hardware mode to 128k, the music plays perfectly. However, there is a conflict of controls in phase 2 making it impossible for me to continue. Well … wait for new Core updates.
Thank you Sebiohazard and DariusG for your time.