Hi Kivutar,
i made 2 Joypad profiles you might wanna upload. The first one is for a corded USB Joypad from Logitech. Logitech ChillStream, which is PS3 compatible. I tested it, it’s working on the RPi2 Lakka port using udev. http://amzn.com/B000IX1NDC
The second one is somewhat akward. It is a bluetooth remote shutter. It has only 5 buttons, plus 4 combos. It would be fun for NES and Gameboy for example. It is small and usable on a keychain. http://amzn.com/B00SCOAL0K
It got it workin, but you need a udev rule like the 8bitdo controllers.
MOCUTE-032_B43-0F1E Joystick BlueTooth mode
SUBSYSTEM==“input”, ATTRS{name}==“MOCUTE-032_B43-0F1E”, MODE=“0666”, ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}=“1”
Only drawback of having less buttons is the “Exit” button combination. In Lakka i can change it to “L3+R3” or “Down+L1+R1+Y”. Can i create my own combo? I would do something like “down+start” or something else with the combination keys.
Logitech_Chillstream.cfg.txt (684 Bytes) Mocute_Bluetooth_Remote.cfg.txt (633 Bytes)