430 RetroArch Shader Screenshots and Crops @ 720p, 1080p and 1440p

Hi all. In the last few days I went back to resume on playing with RetroArch and Shaders a bit. And my own results are garbage. You guys have my full respect, there is so much work involved programming Shaders and carefully creating preset configurations. And it keeps getting better.

Originally I had plans on writing a new article, but that idea just flew away. It’s not my fault. So instead I post here to get some attention and as a side effect to show off what’s possible with scripting (my knowledge is limited how to do this on a Linux PC). What I did is listing all .slangp Shader presets in RetroArch by reading out the Shaders folder, just to run RetroArch with a game and core for every listed file. And that’s not all. Every Shader was run at 3 different resolutions 720p, 1080p and 1440p. Plus it creates crops for every single screenshot. You can do the math yourself, this is a lot. That’s why it has been uploaded to archive.org (downloads can be slow sometimes or always?). At the end, I am not sure how useful this is. The idea was to create an alternative to the RetroArch Shader examples from the documentation.

This was done with only one game and a single scene so far. That limit its usefulness. I noticed that possibly a few files weren’t created correctly (they are simply created without a Shader preset active). And user downloaded and installed Shaders are not included, as well the bezel related stuff. I couldn’t create 4k screenshots for whatever reason, despite it worked fine on my old OS install. Because of all these downsides, it’s an incomplete list.

Game: Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (USA), System: Mega Drive / Genesis

At archive.org you can view the content of the ZIP archive in your browser to inspect specific files or download the content directly. The images are converted into .webp format, to save some space.

Direct links to partial Crops:

Direct links to full Screenshots:

1440p nearest

1440p presets/crt-royale-ntsc-svideo

1440p presets/crt-geom-deluxe-ntsc-adaptive

1440p crt/crt-guest-advanced-ntsc

1440p crt/crt-hyllian-curvature-ntsc

1440p blurs/kawase_glow

1440p xbr/xbr-lv3-sharp

1440p presets/scalefx+rAA+aa-fast