Tin Star by @walter.farmacia
Love artwork over bezel!!!
I totally agree. I’m at the point where I don’t even want to play the game if it doesn’t have a vertical overlay. Would be great to see full overlays with control panels for Kung-Fu Master, Vigilante, Karate Champ, Time Soldiers, Shinobi, Elevator Action, and Xevious at some point. Xevious might be the most annoying trying to fit all the art into a vertical frame.
Looks awesome as usual. Your artwork contributions to the community are greatly appreciated.
@PapaShine, I love your Space Harrier Overlay. I think it would be cool to have a Reflection mask image to use with HSM-MB, so those plastic side walls can be used for reflections too. If you or somebody can make it, it would be glorious!!
Thanks @ArsInvictus, that’s really lovely of you, it’s been my absolute pleasure and very happy to have made a meaningful contribution - I love to see all of the joint efforts and collaborations being used in so many ways, every time someone brings something new and can re use an element someone has worked on getting just right it only helps to level up the quality and diversity of the overlays which is part of what makes this group work so well!
That NeoGeo bezel we built for your NeoGeo project has been a real benefit, I’m always thrown by how real it looks on every overlay it’s used for! Completely forgot about the Coin mech project seems a shame not to do any more of those, feels like it needs completing
Btw, that new Snow bros overlay is beautiful, keeps getting better and better !
Hope your daughter is having a great semester at collage!
@NeoKarnage absolutely, it’s a total game changer! I have Shinobi on my short list and about 80% compete for over a year I’m pretty sure those have all been done in one shape or another by now, might take a look at vigilante too, love all of those .
@PapaShine, if you do want to work on Vigilante, @neokarnage passed some good control panel assets along to me a while back, I just haven’t gotten around to constructing an overlay for this one yet. Sort of fell off my radar. But here is what I have:
If you start working on it let me know so we don’t duplicate efforts
There are overlays for Elevator Action, Shinobi, and Vigilante without the control panels. Kung-Fu Master, Karate Champ, Time Soldiers, and Xevious don’t have any vertical overlays available in this forum. Just curious what do you think of the rendered cabinets in Arcade Time Capsule (VR Arcade)?
A gift for you @NeoKarnage, there is now a Shinobi overlay with control panel out on the drive. There is a version without the bezel instruction card as well, in case you prefer without. It’s duplicative of the instructions on the control panel, but I included it for sake of completeness:
Ah, Very nice! I knew there was a reason I gave up on it!
I have a group of friends coming round next weekend for some arcade and pinball to celebrate a birthday and Shinobi is his favourite arcade game of all time, that will go down nicely!
@papashine, you built a virtual pinball cabinet I think? How did that turn out, happy with it?
Yes, I built two - 2nd one I’m very happy with, the emulation is phenomenal. I have a 4k OLED screen as the playfield and especially the latest tables are just incredible to look at, I also have a virtual reality headset hooked up to it now and being able to lean into the table and see all of that glorious work in 3D and real time is mindbending!
Oh wow, thanks that looks fantastic. Shinobi is one of my favorites as well. I have two minor suggestions. A black ball top for the joystick and the button labels should mirror. So the “Ninja Magic” and “Attack” buttons/labels should be swapped on the left side. Either way it’s another one checked off. Thanks again.
The color of the joystick and buttons plus the layout are from the instruction manual. I prefer your placement of the player start buttons.
I took a shot at modifying it myself. I hope you don’t mind.
https://1drv.ms/i/s!AuP-HfEK4kOUoip2b9JEkgm2VROx <-- Full Resolution
Thanks @NeoKarnage! Good observations, and I wasn’t aware of the standards in terms of the colors, etc. @papashine and I were talking about an improvement to the texture for the stickers as well (they were originally a shiny metallic material), once we figure that out we can incorporate these changes as well!
Nicely done. Looking forward to the overlay.