About the Lutro category

Lutro is a 2D game engine for libretro

What is Lutro?

Lutro is a 2D game framework that aims for simplicity and extreme portability.

Using lutro, you can develop any kind of 2D retro games, like NES or Genesis games, and run them on a wide range of platforms through RetroArch.

Lutro makes it easy to write games by using Lua and following the love2d API.

Portability is achieved through the libretro API: Lutro is just loaded as a plugin in a frontend like RetroArch which takes care of display, audio and inputs.

Quick Start

Lutro follows the love2d API. If you are already familiar with this framework, it should be easy to get started.

Drawing text

function love.load()
  font = love.graphics.newImageFont("font.png", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")

function love.draw()
  love.graphics.print("HELLO 123", 16, 32)

Drawing an image

function love.load()
  whale = love.graphics.newImage("whale.png")

function love.draw()
  love.graphics.draw(whale, 32, 32)

Playing a sound

function love.load()
  sound = love.audio.newSource("music.ogg", "stream")

You can also read the sample games if you prefer to learn by example.

To learn more about Lutro, the FAQ is a good place to start.