Is it possible within Lakka to access the Kodi GUI. I currently have OpenElec installed on my Intel NUC device and am interested in using Lakka (which i believe uses OpenElec) but also want to be able to watch my Films and Programs via Kodi GUI, is it possible to have Lakka boot into OpenElec Kodi GUI and then have access to Lakka at all???
Hello, sorry it is not possible for now. You can still try our ffmpeg core to watch some movies, but it can be slow. It’s not finished yet.
Will an option be added to access OpenElec at all? or even for Lakka to be installed on a OpenElec system via ‘Add-On’?
This is not in our todo list for now. We focus on having the basic functionnalities of a game console for now.
I have both Lakka and Kodi installed on two different removable drives (SD card and thumb drive) in my Acer Aspire Revo 1600. I just plug in what I want to do (play games OR watch movies) and boot. Not ideal, but it works. I tried to have both drives plugged in and select what to boot from the BIOS screen (F12), but it didn’t work, some kind of conflict. Right now the PC doesn’t even have an internal hard drive.
It’s not quite as slick as a Kodi button in the RetroArch UI and won’t be supported but I managed to get libreELEC and Lakka dual booting quite nicely, it just means a reboot to switch between them. I wont write the full detail unless you want it but essentially, I did the following:
- Install libreELEC using the normal USB installer
- Resize the ‘storage’ partition to make space for two new partitions (I named them LK_SYSTEM and LK_SYSTEM)
- Created a Lakka USB installer, then copied KERNEL and SYSTEM to the system partition, followed by copying KERNEL to the libreELEC system partition with a new name (LK_KERNEL)
- Copied the Lakka vesamenu files to the libreELEC system partition (to get a nicer looking menu) then updated the menu options by adding one for libreELEC and also making sure Lakka is pointed at the new LK_System/LK_Storage partitions
That works really well for me, its a little clumsy having to copy the KERNEL file to the libreELEC system partition but it works for now.
For anyone else looking, I have created nice dual boot images for the Pi to allow for Lakka + KODI. Either OSMC or LibreELEC.
KODI comes with an add-on that reboots into Lakka. Lakka has been setup to reboot back into KODI on exit.
You can get them here: