Add NES PAL composite signal simulation Shader to RetroArch package

r57shell wrote retroarch cg-shader, that simulates PAL decoder artifacts and NES PAL/Dendy palette with help of feos, HardWareMan and NewRisingSun:

Default shaders and presets paths:


Current version:

Shader can use RGB of all retroarch cores (not only NES!)
or nestopia RAW palette (more authentic PAL palette but more GPU-intensive)
For RAW mode you must uncomment line 70 of the

#define USE_RAW

nestopia palette must be set to "RAW" if you're use this setting!
It's very GPU-intensive, so you can uncomment line 74:

#define USE_LUT

It’s less accurate, but much faster

pal-r57shell.cgp is clean preset
crt-royale-pal-r57shell.cgp is preset mixed with CRT Royale

Shader has many settings available via RetroArch UI

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