I built it on Linux fine, trying to run:
retroarch -v -L ~/.config/retroarch/cores/x64_libretro.so ~/Downloads/ik.d64
It just aborts immediately, no errors:
Retro SYSTEM_DIRECTORY /home/dan/Downloads/
Retro SAVE_DIRECTORY /home/dan/Downloads/
Retro CONTENT_DIRECTORY /home/dan/.config/retroarch/downloads
s(384,272,32) (0,0,0,0)
create surface XR8G8B8 libretro
Init nuklear 0
0 x64
1 /home/dan/Downloads/ik.d64
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
HW scale not available, forcing to disabled
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
Error - Default keymap not found, this should be fixed. Going on anyway...
HW scale not available, forcing to disabled
I know it’s a WIP, so I hope my expectations aren’t too high right now.