PlayStation 2 I know it’s not retro console but that would be awesome. Nintendo DS is also not retro but it’s ported.
This could be an amazing problem solver for me! Want to test it for loading games not named as MAME hash file names but I have never used command line stuff for MAME.
Could you give me a real life example for loading say a A5200 game located in
Storage/emulated/0/roms/Atari 5200
I can then test options from there
Thanks for all your hard work @r-type.
“pcsx2” can’t be ported, “play!” is unplayable. There is no point in asking for something which isn’t possible at the moment.
SuperModel 3 would be nice. Fixing current dolphin core too.
WOOW I got this to work from my Hyperspin frontend. This could be really awesome stuff…I am so greatful. Totally buzzing
Probably C64 for me. Hoxs64 is currently the best standalone, and it’s awesome except it lacks shaders. So an RA port would be rad… not sure if it’s open source though.
Second would probably be x68k or something like a sega model 2/3 emulator.
it’s strange that many users complain about the missing C64 core , although they don’t look at the libretro vice core (V3.0).
for me i will try if it contains the follwing features…
-automatic playlist support for at least one romset (No-Intro, Gamebase64, GoodGB64 v3.00 or any usable else). -easy ingame/quickmenu managing for floppy-drives and multiple disk-images (most important swap/change disk) -Support for PAL-Games incl. true native Output-Refreshrate with 50 Hz on Pal-TVs
nice to have : full database-support for “Gamebase64” would be nice for automatic maschine and drive settings and informations about all included games, crack, trainers (no need for setting up anything for 99,9% of the available games - perfect for frontend usage).
if you don’t try it , I don’t care . but stop all here to ask for a vice port because it’s already there.
- Automatic playslist support , how official vice c64 support it ? if it support it , this core support it , if not , this core don’t support it.
- in game floppy … Ok to this point , for now this core only use fliplist (next/prev) it’s not ideal , i need to enhance this point.
- Pal support , i will look at , it can be easily done.
For GB64 , how does it works on Linux ?
i think gb64 itself is only a (windows-)frontend for an offline database wich is included and it supports vice, CCS64 ,and hox i think. port it to linux isnt surely impossible!?! For GoodGB64 Set exists a dat-file there is also an !no-intro set out there with a “dat” packed in. no clue about the emulator itself must support playlist scanning natively… if it so than sorry vice has not such a feature (i use a frontend to play with it and not for standalone).
sorry abouut my realy realy messy english
I think the same about my English.
IMHO many people will stop complaining the day when Lakka will have the C64 core built-in. I personally don’t know how to compile the core on my raspberry pi 2, and since I’m running Lakka that is based on LibreElec, I guess I couldn’t compile anything on it even if I’d know how.
I’m just one of the many libretro donators on Patreon, but if I can say what I personally think… IMHO if this thing of the bounty system is going to be activated, IMHO you should be rewarded for all your efforts and get some extra money for your help in compiling the vice core for as many platform as possible.
This why i add cmd file support. Just put the same arg from cmdline in a text file with cmd extension.
Thats pretty cool. I think the issue is this doesn’t look like its documented anywhere (at least that I could find). Which MAME cores support cmd files?
don’t remember too many mame core: ) ,you have to look at core info file (if cmd is valid extension) or at github to see if cmd is supported .
Why does Vice not show up in the core updater?
I would love to see Beebem ported to retroarch.
Its an 8-bit acorn bbc micro emulator. A few years back I compiled the beebem source code on raspi pi 2 and it worked except no sound.
The bbc micro was mainly used at schools back in the 80’s so mainly for education but a large catalogue of games aswell.
Sega Model 2 or Supermodel cores would be great.
Can I still believe in a PlayStation 2 core? It’s all I want in this life.
someday, probably but not any time soon.
With Hoxs64 you can use Reshade for shader effects. I use Reshade to add scanlines to Hoxs64…
I would like to say, I think that instead of adding more consoles or cores should be polished the existing list. For example, there are cores that do not work properly enough, I do not know if it is only the appliances that I use, but for example Quicknes never worked because it hangs 20 to 30 seconds after starting a game. I think that to give more support to low-end devices should be added frameskip support to some emulators 2d as is the case of snes, gba or sega, I read a couple of weeks ago that would support midi and that makes me happy, I do not know If the case but for games like doom would come great. I really like the project and I thank them for the effort, I know they do not like Frameskip, but at least in my humble opinion I consider that although it is not used in all cases should at least be present as an option for the user.