Ask about Lakka nightly builds

Lakka nightly builds( has not been updated since November 4, 2019. Where can I find a new version of nightly.builds?

It’s not been updated because no nightly has been made yet

So there is no CI pipeline for Lakka? The builds are being assembled by humans?

Look at the repo, if there are no new commits there won’t be any nightly generated :stuck_out_tongue:

But LibRetro/RetroArch has been updated since then. So Lakka’s binding to LibRetro/RetroArch doesn’t have any kind of automated “get latest” and just doing LibRetro/RetroARCH Version++ needs human intervention?

Of course, we aim to use stable versions not bleeding edges. Also there are so many cores that we can’t just update at every single commit, it would be unmaintanable and always break

@natinusala since this seems the right thread, can you explain in short words whats the difference between


Thanks in advance

PRs are builds of pull requests, useless for people

LE9 are dev builds of the upcoming Lakka 3.0 version

Many thanks :smile:
Keep up the great work!