Authentic N64 look shader, possible?

Is it possible to make a shader that mimics the authentic look like when you use Angrylions plugin? Or is there already one in existence?

The best I can come up with is this which is a modified NTSC S-Video shader:


There are a few components to the N64 hardware that are important to the look but can’t really be done in post-processing: edge-antialiasing and the VI filters. Your modified NTSC shader is probably about as good as you can expect without being able to hook into the rendering pipeline where these effects are supposed to be applied.

Thanks for taking your time to explain this to me hunterk. If it’s impossible then I’m more then enough satisfied with my modified NTSC S-Video shader I use today because that’s as close to the real thing I can get at the moment.

But no harm in asking I suppose.

Also try out the 3dfx shaders. I read herethat the N64’s GPU and 3dfx cards had some similar quirks, so try it out and see if it’s close. It looks like it adds a scanline effect, which you might or might not want (everyone’s different…), but it also seems like it won’t soften and blur the image as much.

Thanks for the tip Mr. Figs, that certainly looks like something I was looking for. I’ll make sure to look at leilei’s 3dfx shader closer when I get home from work.

[QUOTE=SigmaVirus;47785] The best I can come up with is this which is a modified NTSC S-Video shader:


It looks great. Can you share it?

Sure, here you go: (21 KB)

Just put it in the shaders\shaders_glsl folder in your RetroArch directory.

Regarding leilei’s 3dfx shader I can’t get that to work (glsl), is it broken? This is how it looks from the Filthy Pants blogspot:

I can’t for the life of me get this shader to work at all.

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Damn, me neither. The old version (3dfx/shaders/old/) works, but probably isn’t as good, for obvious reasons. I only have the cg shaders downloaded btw.

Dollars to donuts this is an AMD issue. I was having issues with lcd-grid-v2 earlier; it worked on other people’s Nvidia setups, but not with team red. Cg was written with Nvidia hardware in mind iirc, so AMD falls through the cracks sometimes. Am I right?

I actually like the older one better than the newer one, and that’s the one that’s pictured in the article, IIRC.

Both the Cg and GLSL conversion of the old one work for me on my Intel IGP, too.

Hi, I tested your n64 and it’s great,. Can you tell me how can I bring back natural colors? Without changes in gamma/saturation? First pic isn’t your shader. Second it’s your shader. Red it’s too red for me. :slight_smile: Thanks


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These Mario 64 pics don’t look like a N64. The real N64 had heavy antialiasing, you shouldn’t be able to see all these jaggies around Mario’s hat or the top of the hills, these lines were actually much smoother.

This is the closest i could do so far:

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