Full credit given fella @p3st
Will also give links to your work
Back-Ups Arcade is now at a stage where I’d consider it complete and so I won’t be carrying on with it (publicly). However I do get kinda bored sometimes and will still add the odd extra game here and there. I started a private discord server for this purpose, so if you’re interested in the project and would like to keep up to date then dm me for the link Thanks
I want to record some footage from retroarch using retroarch’s own recorder. I want to record at my screen res not the game res, I read a post on here saying there was an option to allow this but I forgot where the post was now . Can anyone point me in the right direction please?(sorry for not making a new thread for this).
wasn´t this just the Post Filter and GPU Recording option try to enable both this should record the whole screen …i hope ^^
also retroarch recording feature isn´t really performance friendly at least on my end/ default settings
idk if this can be changed
Thanks for the quick reply m8, gonna try this tomorrow I owe you one!
tell me how it went i think this where the options
i tryied it once to record the whole screen with retroarch couldn´t get the quality i wanted without heavy performance hit and left it alone
just the game without filter etc was working flawless btw. but now i use OBS or Windows DVR for all my recording needs
I normally use the Nvidia screen record (ansel I think it’s called iirc) but this needs to be be raw output.
Yeah it didn’t like it lol!
Raw as in uncompressed AVI? I use these settings with GeForce Experience for great results:
I started with the High Quality preset then clicked Custom and set bitrate to 95Mbps. I can make out the finest details in my presets with these settings and you can go even higher than that for near/virtually lossless output.
Thanks for the reply, I do use GeForce Experience for a lot of my projects. I just wasn’t sure how well the video compression would effect more detailed capture such as slot masks etc. I wanted to compare some lossless video output from retroarch to see if there was any benefit from potentially huge files. (I know these files would end up compressed further on down the line but I just wanted to see for shits and giggles )
I understand. I’ve posted quite a number of high quality videos featuring my presets which have all been encoded with an aim for efficiency so that they’re easy to download while preserving all of the essential fine details of masks, scanlines as well as noise.
If you look through my thread you should see some of them, especially in the first post.
Lossless would look identical to what you’re seeing when you’re playing so you don’t really need to record to see the difference except if you wanted to see the filesizes or I guess see if working with lossless from the beginning of a video project would improve final results.
I’ll share an example of one of the last videos I did (if I could still find it) so you can get an idea of the potential:
Here are some videos of my presets in action on YouTube which were originally captured using nVENC at 95Mbps.
Thanks for the reply 95Mbps it is then… you can actually set it to go higher (not sure if it actually goes higher I’d have to look at the media info). Selecting custom option from the gui and then 2160p opens up the higher bitrates. Because I’m on a 1080p display though I obviously won’t get 4K video but it might up the bitrate. @TheNamec told me about the super res option so I could actually go 4K. Anyway I’m waffling, 95 sounds good to me fella
I mentioned this…lol
Yes, it’s called Dynamic Super Resolution or DSR. AMD has Virtual Super Resolution or VSR. Technically it should give you the same quality recordings as if you were at native 4K desktop resolution as the app thinks it’s running at native 4K and the graphics are being rendered at 4K internally. It’s only when it’s time for final output to your display that the video output is downsampled to match the display resolution.
I’ve used VSR to test my 4K_Optimized presets on a 1440p display and even though those presets are supposed to be subpixel accurate at native resolution, the results looked really well.
That 95Mbps was selected because it was the minimum where I wasn’t seeing certain banding artifacts in backgrounds and the noise looked just as it did in live gameplay.
For my videos, I then transcoded the 95Mbps H.264 file into H.265 in handbrake using the following settings:
I started with the:
Web - Vimeo YouTube HQ 2160p60 4K preset
I changed the following:
Video Encoder to H.265 10-bit (x265)
Encoder Preset to Placebo
Encoder Tune to Grain
Quality to Constant Quality 27 RF
I get about 1fps on my 6 Core 12 thread Ryzen 5 5600X CPU with these settings.
My ultra fast but high quality NVEnc settings:
Started with H.265 NVENC 2160p 4K
Format Web Optimized
All filters Off
Encoder Preset Slowest
Constant Quality 30
I get about 60fps with these settings on my GeForce GTX 1070 GPU with about 25% larger filesize and very similar quality.
You can probably disable deinterlacing as well any filters for either preset. These are just the settings that I started with apart from the CQ settings.
I tried several different CQ and Bitrate settings before settling on these probably after noticing diminishing returns or no differences in filesizes and stuff like that but that testing was done a long time ago.
I briefly tested AV1 and got higher filesizes. I can’t remember if I noticed any improvement in quality but whatever happened it wasn’t worth it for me at least using CPU based encoding.
Thanks for that, very useful and in depth information. I appreciate it
Here’s the link for Nvidia side of the story, we’ll do some tests in the weekend
Just a quick heads up, I’m not dead but I have been quietly updating this AIO in my spare time.
The main benefit of the update is that playable game area coordinates and position for each of the games is controlled by the shader only (Which should have been done in the first place tbh).
This means that the games will scale to any resolution (hopefully).
For those who don’t particularly care for the Backups branding can basically take the custom Mr Retrolust bezels and slang files and just use them in their own retroarch set up.
Great to see youe updates Boz please contact uncle coreylad
Alreeet bruv, what’s up fella? Not been on discord m8… it was doin my head in!