Bitman's Uborder Presets

Thanks for your input!

I’m still quite new to all this, to be honest; but if I’m understanding correctly, is it something like what I did for the GBC preset?

By that I mean, I disabled integer scaling, but zoomed the frame just enough to match what the exact integer scaling would be. The problem is that I think it only matches the integer scaling when on my screen resolution (1366x768).

(also I’m not sure if I’m understanding correctly - sorry if I’m getting anything wrong!)



That’s why folks like me make resolution specific optimized presets. A lot changes at different resolutions in any case that if you’re after any type of quality or accuracy, you simply can’t use the same preset for different resolutions and expect any type of consistency.

Of course it’s possible that in the future shader devs could include this as a goal for future development as things are already pretty decent in other aspects with most popular shaders.

The challenge would be:

“How to maintain consistent TVL, sharpness and viewport size across resolutions?”

I’m sure it’s attainable and it would be nice to see things head in that direction.