- Fixed [GBC NIGHT AMBILIGHT] scaling.
Some users were having the content scale messed up, bigger than the border, so I disabled integer scaling and opted for normal zoom instead. If you were having problems with the preset, it should work now.
Some users were having the content scale messed up, bigger than the border, so I disabled integer scaling and opted for normal zoom instead. If you were having problems with the preset, it should work now.
That’s because if the content change resolution, to stay a multiple integer, the output size will change accordingly. You only use interger scaling in systems that don’t change resolution.
The same way as I did for Boz, here’s your TV presets converted for glsl:
Ambilight won’t work, though.
Thanks! Added them to the pack
I LOVE these! I’ve been going through the overlays and I’m absolutely fascinated by how amazing these look. I’ve actually been thinking about using some of these as streaming overlays. It makes me hope someone comes out with one that looks like those old Disney Princess TVs.
Thanks, feel free to do so!
I don’t mind if you want to share links here or anything.
If you have an image like that, but with transparency where the screen is, share it and I’ll do my best!
If not, maybe if you have one in 16:9 (horizontal aspect ratio), I could still kinda edit it with GIMP, but no promises
Here’s the preset + border to be installed inside Bitman’s presets:
@bitman if you decide to incorporate, feel free to do it. I don’t know if this is a theme you’re interested.
Added a pink wall background to @Hyllian’s work and tweaked it a little further (thanks Hylian!).
Added [Disney] to the pack:
Choosing the no-ambilight flavor:
(Pink wall background from https://unsplash.com/es/fotos/muro-de-hormigon-rosa-ZlHvmQ0igW4)
This is the right time to introduce my daughter to retrogaming - she will be thrilled! Thank you so much for your work @bitman @Hyllian
Nice! I’m really clueless at composing selections in softwares like gimp and others.
No problem, we’re making our inner princess proud here
If it helps bring a smile to a child’s face, then the effort was definitely worth it
Me too, I had to look up every step - not an expert by any means!
Thank you so much. I wanted to try to introduce my daughter, who has a passion for Disney for the game Roblox, to retrogaming with something captivating for her. Your graphics will help me a lot in this test. Unfortunately I am away for work for at least another week, so I will have to wait.
Nice! Which AI did you use?
That’s super sweet of you!!! Sorry it took me so long to respond! I did find this though! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/obNrDk I found a 3D render of it but I’m not sure if there’s a way to make it much bigger or if you can download it. I might see if I can email the artist (if it’s an option) but I’m not sure what to do beyond that!
YOOO THESE ARE SO COOL!! Thank you guys!!!
You and Bitman are AWESOME FOR THIS!!! Thank you guys so much for helping!!!
No problem. Happy streaming!!
One thing you can do to help mitigate against the cons of non-integer scaling is to set a non-integer scale resolution which matches the integer scale resolution which is used in main gameplay or maybe match the integer scale resolution which eliminates any negative side effects such as moiré or uneven scanlines.
That way the game will run in the optimal faux integer scale resolution and you won’t have any jarring border size switching or viewport misalignment due to resolution changes while integer scaling is enabled.