Bluetooth Problem

Hello Guys, I have, like so many others, a Problem Pairing my Bluetooth Controller.

My Hardware is Asus USB-BT400 Nano Bluetooth Stick Xbox Wireless Controller with Bluetooth (NOT the Dongle Version) Lakka running on an old PC

I tried this guide because i havent found a guide especially for a X-Box controller.

My Problem is now : when i use “scan on” i get “Failed to start discovery: org.bluez.Error.InProgress” so i rebooted the system. after that it worked one time so i got my BT- ID. when i try to connect the Controller i get

[bluetooth]# connect EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Attempting to connect to EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: no
[CHG] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 Discoverable: no

after that i try i again and i receive a
[bluetooth]# connect EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Attempting to connect to EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed

can anyone help ???

For clarification [CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 should be the asus nano dongle and 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 the xbox controller

When you repeat

power on
agent on
trust 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 

and reboot you should have a working connection when putting the controller in pairing mode

Hey tanks for the reply, when i Open bluetoothctl i see
[NEW] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 BlueZ 5.43 [default]
[NEW] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Xbox Wireless Controller

so should i trust the controller or the ASUS Stick ???

ok i tryed it now multiple times same error as yesterday … cant pair the Controller. i used “remove” to clear the controller and the Stick and started fresh but when i use “connect” i get the error

First run

power on
agent on
discoverable on
pairable on

Put the controller in pair mode and run

scan on

when the controller shows up run

trust EC:83:50:CF:AC:94

Then it should autoconnect if it doesn’t run

connect EC:83:50:CF:AC:94

Same Problem as the last days

Lakka:~ # bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 BlueZ 5.43 [default]
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# discoverable on
Changing discoverable on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 Discoverable: yes
[bluetooth]# pairable on
Changing pairable on succeeded
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Xbox Wireless Controller
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 RSSI: -77
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[bluetooth]# trust EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Trusted: yes
Changing EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 trust succeeded
[bluetooth]# connect EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Attempting to connect to EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: no
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 RSSI: -66

here is the complete Terminal history from first to last command

@Jinlaoh I’ve always used the procedure from ArchWiki .

It’s basically the same, only it also includes the following command:

pair MAC_address

It could be worth a shot.

so i tryed your method

Lakka:~ # bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 BlueZ 5.43 [default]
[bluetooth]# agent KeyboardOnly
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Xbox Wireless Controller
[bluetooth]# pair EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Attempting to pair with EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: no
[bluetooth]# connect EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Attempting to connect to EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 RSSI: -36
[bluetooth]# connect EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
Attempting to connect to EC:83:50:CF:AC:94
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Controller 5C:F3:70:7C:6B:26 Discoverable: no
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:CF:AC:94 Connected: no

the Problem still exists it shows “Pairing successful” but the blinking dosn’t stop and connect shows the same error as always

i see the Error “Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed” but WHAT fails ???
how can i get more info about this error ???

I found a couple of Arch Linux threads probably related to this:

  1. Can’t connect to Xbox One S controller via Bluetooth

  2. Xbox One S Controller & BT

There is a bluetooth configuration needed (disable_ertm) to make this controller work, apparently. You may want to test to see if the fix described works in Lakka.

Hope it helps.

I have a GPD Win 2, and I am getting this Issue: XInput Mode Switch will work perfectly.

I connect another Controller to it, say the XBox Controller via Bluetooth, or another Controller, and it works great.

After a few Days, I go to use the XInput Switch. XInput Mode no longer working in RetroArch. It comes up saying it Loaded the XInput Controller (360 Controller Driver, which it shows up as in the Device Manager), but it does not work at all.

All other Games, or Emulators, it works perfectly.

I had to Uninstall the Driver then do a Restart to get it working again.

ok i have read your Posts but i understand nearly nothing. ^ I wanted only build an easy out of the Box SNES Player but that is so hard to configure a simple Controler is very depressing. can someone explain i for me who is not an fully skilled linux guy ???

Sorry about that. Anyway, I think we’ve all been through something similar, that’s how you end up learning.

Your best bet is for someone with your pad testing and making it work and providing instructions.

I’m actually surprised this is not in the Wiki, I would assume the Xbox pad is rather popular.

has no one a useful idea ??? does nobody uses an Xbox Controller in Combination with lakka ??