Boot directly to FAVORITES or any other playlist, possible?


I have just configured an arcade machine for my workplace, so workmates can play arcade games easily. However, they are not computer-oriented people (we are all firefighters) so I am trying to make it as easy and direct as possible.

Of course, Lakka was my OS of choice.

So, is it possible to configure Lakka so it boots directly to a playlist instead of having to move around the menu to go to one?


AFAIK, no. It always starts on the main menu. You can hide (almost?) everything in that menu, but it will always start on that tab.

Is there a chance that I can open a bounty so someone adds the function in the future?

Sure, it’s a fairly common request. However, we don’t really have a good way to handle bounties at the moment because bountysource is extremely unreliable these days. :frowning:

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I’d gladly throw a good bit of cash at that bounty. I’d simply would want to change the order of the tabs to make the rom playlists take priority from left to right. I’ll keep an eye out.

I know it is a lot of cumbersome but you might try to use then use RetroArch network command interface because I doubt xdotool will work on DRM/KMS to move to the item you want ?

Edit : And luckily I found this tool ydotool but we will have to package it first :wink: