Building Lakka with Docker

Hello everyone. Following my request on adding GPIo to lakka, I found a pretty easy way to do this. Now to avoid running day-long builds from a VM I’d like to use Docker in Windows. Unfortunately after setting it all up nicely, I’m granted with that error :

 End Configuration for Lakka

Packages loaded : 1053
Build trigger(s): 1 [image]
Package steps   : 347

[001/347] [DONE] build   configtools:host
CLEAN      libtool
          * Removing /home/ubuntu/build.Lakka-RPi4.arm-3.0-devel/libtool-2.4.6 ...
UNPACK      libtool
    APPLY PATCH (common)      packages/devel/libtool/patches/libtool-01_dont_relink_against_host.patch
File build-aux/ is read-only; trying to patch anyway
patching file build-aux/
Hunk #1 succeeded at 8361 (offset 28 lines).
    APPLY PATCH (common)      packages/devel/libtool/patches/libtool-02-use_ld.patch
File build-aux/ is read-only; trying to patch anyway
patching file build-aux/
Hunk #1 succeeded at 7275 (offset 25 lines).
patch: **** Can't rename file build-aux/ to build-aux/ : Permission denied
FAILURE: scripts/build libtool:host has failed!
[002/347] [FAIL] build   libtool:host

The following logs for this failure are available:
  stdout: /home/ubuntu/build.Lakka-RPi4.arm-3.0-devel/.threads/logs/13/stdout
  stderr: /home/ubuntu/build.Lakka-RPi4.arm-3.0-devel/.threads/logs/13/stderr

parallel: This job failed:
package_worker 9 13 347 'build libtool:host'
Parallel build failure - see log for details. Time of failure: Thu Apr  1 21:59:10 UTC 2021
make: *** [Makefile:12: image] Error 1

The weirdest part is if I manually try to rename the file from Docker, everything goes well, no permission denied. I’ve tried running my prompt in administrator and it didn’t help. I’m guessing there’s some shenanigans with permissions on the Docker host, but without experience in Docker, I have no idea what it could be. I even tried ‘chown’-ing all files to the ubuntu user, and ‘chmod 777’ on all files, which was confirmed to work with ‘ls -l’ but that didn’t work (which makes sense since the renamed file is created by the build process).

Thanks in advance ! :slight_smile: