Trying to set up a 2nd Lakka pi for my stepbrother for Christmas (I have a fully working device that didn’t experience any of these issues).
Imaged the SD card with Lakka-RPi2.arm-2.1, started the device. Connected to wifi. Enabled SSH and samba. I can SSH into the device, but I am unable to do anything that allows me to transfer roms to the device. typing \lakka in an explorer window gives me “Windows cannot access lakka” doing \ does the same. Trying to connect with WinSCP and I get "Couldn’t agree a client-to-server cipher (available ".
But I can ssh in just fine.
Really at a loss here, tried re-imaging the SD card twice, same result. Really confused with the struggle I am having with this one, when I have an identical Pi that had no problems at all.