Hi, is there a way to choose which menu items are shown when the “advanced configurations” option is on? For example, I would like to hide some options on the playlist, the “remove item” for example, and when the game is on, I would like to hide the core options. For me those are great to set the manual configurations if needed, but last night a younger cousin wanted to play some games and totally broke my SNES settings.
No, the easiest thing to do to avoid someone messing up configs in that case is to make the config files read-only once you have them set up as you want them.
Yeah, either make the configs read-only or back them up so you can experiment as much as you want.
I mean, backing up your setup should be a given thing anyway.
The way i like to do it is keeping my RetroArch setup in a RAMDisk. So, whatever happens isn’t saved unless i manually save it myself over the RAMDisk image. This allows me for more experimentation and even messing up the setup on purpose for fun.
this setting can be disable in Playlist-Settings (only available in Advanced Settings Mode)
I’m definitely trying this out, I havent thought aboout it…thanks, my first attempt will be to make the .conf file read only like hunterk wrote.
Hmm so probably I missed out that setting, I will check it out later this day , thanks
Hello, I couldn’t check it out until today because of my work…but I don’t seem to find such setting, can you help me out? I’ve already activated advanced settings
i think you use an outdated release. maybe you can try again after updating lakka? http://le.builds.lakka.tv/