Combining with Two Shader (LUT + Simplitex LCD)

Hi. this is my first question. (Android, GLSL Shader)

I want to use two shader at once (LUT+Simplitex LCD) because of improving flexibility of color palette and getting some ‘grid looks’ likes ‘Game-boy’.

I know that there is ‘Gameboy shader’, but it support only 4 color palette so it’s so hard to applying other platform like SNES or NES, and ‘Dot Shader’ in handheld only has dark color grid.

So i made custom palette for LUT Shader and add one more shader pass, Loaded ‘Simplitex LCD Shader’ and it shows me some weird graphic. It duplicate screen drawing. please take a look my screenshot.

Please let me know how to fix it. I really like ‘Simplitex LCD Shader’ and want to use custom color palette for all platform… Please excuse me for my bad english!

It seems like a scaling issue with one of the shader, I’d try increase and decrease the scaling of each shader pass.

This may be entirely wrong though.

So i tried to change shader scale but nothing goes better…that big duplicated screen drawing always remains…

Make a copy of a glslp and copy paste this into with a text editor.

shaders = 2

shader0 = shaders/LUT/LUT.glsl

shader1 = shaders/simpletex_lcd/simpletex_lcd.glsl

filter_linear1 = true
wrap_mode1 = clamp_to_border
mipmap_input1 = false
alias1 = 
float_framebuffer1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = false

textures = SamplerLUT;BACKGROUND
SamplerLUT = shaders/LUT/16.png
SamplerLUT_linear = true
BACKGROUND = shaders/simpletex_lcd/png/2k/textured_paper.png
BACKGROUND_linear = false


I wrote that on my phone so I’m not sure if it will work or not.

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You are genius!!! My problem is solved!!! Thanks a lot!!!:slight_smile: This screenshot is final result!(SMBW+Custom shader preset)

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Glad I could help!

Honestly wasn’t sure if it would work because I didn’t test it.