Hi. this is my first question. (Android, GLSL Shader)
I want to use two shader at once (LUT+Simplitex LCD) because of improving flexibility of color palette and getting some ‘grid looks’ likes ‘Game-boy’.
I know that there is ‘Gameboy shader’, but it support only 4 color palette so it’s so hard to applying other platform like SNES or NES, and ‘Dot Shader’ in handheld only has dark color grid.
So i made custom palette for LUT Shader and add one more shader pass, Loaded ‘Simplitex LCD Shader’ and it shows me some weird graphic. It duplicate screen drawing. please take a look my screenshot.
Please let me know how to fix it. I really like ‘Simplitex LCD Shader’ and want to use custom color palette for all platform… Please excuse me for my bad english!