How do i fix this citra error? I have no idea what to do.
ryan@RYAN-PC:~$ cd Lakka-LibreELEC
ryan@RYAN-PC:~/Lakka-LibreELEC$ DISTRO=Lakka PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 NVIDIAX11=yes make image
./scripts/image mkimage
Configuration for Lakka (community)
- CPU (ARCH): x86-64 (x86_64)
- FPU:
- SIMD support: yes
- LTO (Link Time Optimization) support: yes
- GOLD (Google Linker) Support: yes
- LLVM support: yes
Graphic configuration:
- OpenGL (GLX) support (provider): yes (mesa)
- OpenGLES support (provider): no (no)
- uvesafb support: yes
Hardware decoder configuration:
- Kodi Player driver: default
- VAAPI Support: yes
- VDPAU Support: yes
Input device configuration:
- Remote support: no
- ATV Remote support: no
- CEC Adapter support: yes
- Kodi Joystick support: yes
Misc. hardware configuration:
- ALSA support: yes
- Pulseaudio support: no
- Bluetooth support: yes
- Include driver: RTL8192CU
- Include driver: RTL8192DU
- Include driver: RTL8192EU
- Include driver: RTL8188EU
- Include driver: RTL8812AU
- Include driver: RTL8192EU
- Include driver: bcm_sta
- Include firmware: misc-firmware
- Include firmware: wlan-firmware
- Include firmware: dvb-firmware
- Include firmware: iwlwifi-firmware
Network service configuration:
- Avahi (Zeroconf) support: yes
- NFS mounting support: yes
- SAMBA mounting support: yes
- SAMBA server support: yes
- SFTP server support: yes
- OpenVPN support: yes
OS configuration:
- OEM Support: yes
- Default ROOT Password: root
- Bootloader: syslinux
- UDevil support: yes
- Installer support: yes
Misc. Filesystems:
- Swap Support: no
- exFAT Support (via Fuse): yes
- NTFS Support (via Fuse): yes
- Install HFS Tools: yes
Kodi configuration:
- Kodi version: no
- Kodi nonfree support: yes
- Kodi Blu-Ray support: yes
- Bluray BD+ support: yes
- Bluray AACS support: yes
- Kodi DVDCSS support: yes
- Kodi Airplay support: yes
- Kodi Airtunes support: yes
- Kodi NFS support: yes
- Kodi MySQL support: yes
- Kodi Optical Drive support: yes
- Kodi SAMBA client support: yes
- Kodi SSH client support: yes
- Kodi UPNP support: yes
- Kodi Webserver support: yes
- Include Skin: Confluence
- Default Skin: Confluence
- Include extra fonts: yes
End Configuration for Lakka
INSTALL libc (target)
INSTALL toolchain (target)
INSTALL configtools (host)
INSTALL make (host)
INSTALL xz (host)
INSTALL sed (host)
INSTALL pkg-config (host)
INSTALL autoconf (host)
INSTALL automake (host)
INSTALL libtool (host)
INSTALL intltool (host)
INSTALL autoconf-archive (host)
INSTALL gcc (host)
INSTALL bison (host)
INSTALL flex (host)
INSTALL cmake (host)
INSTALL yasm (host)
INSTALL glibc (target)
INSTALL ccache (host)
INSTALL autotools (host)
INSTALL linux (host)
INSTALL gcc (bootstrap)
INSTALL tz (target)
INSTALL gcc (target)
INSTALL linux (target)
INSTALL cpio (host)
INSTALL kmod (host)
INSTALL pciutils (target)
INSTALL kmod (target)
INSTALL systemd (target)
INSTALL libcap (target)
INSTALL util-linux (target)
INSTALL wireless-regdb (target)
INSTALL keyutils (target)
INSTALL intel-ucode (host)
INSTALL kernel-firmware (target)
INSTALL linux-drivers (target)
INSTALL RTL8192CU (target)
INSTALL RTL8192DU (target)
INSTALL RTL8192EU (target)
INSTALL RTL8188EU (target)
INSTALL RTL8812AU (target)
INSTALL bcm_sta (target)
INSTALL linux-firmware (target)
INSTALL misc-firmware (target)
INSTALL wlan-firmware (target)
INSTALL dvb-firmware (target)
INSTALL iwlwifi-firmware (target)
INSTALL syslinux (target)
INSTALL e2fsprogs (target)
INSTALL diskdev_cmds (target)
INSTALL openssl (target)
INSTALL syslinux (host)
INSTALL busybox (target)
INSTALL busybox (host)
INSTALL hdparm (target)
INSTALL dosfstools (target)
INSTALL zip (target)
INSTALL bzip2 (target)
INSTALL unzip (target)
INSTALL usbutils (target)
INSTALL libusb (target)
INSTALL parted (target)
INSTALL parted (host)
INSTALL procps-ng (target)
INSTALL netbsd-curses (target)
INSTALL gptfdisk (target)
INSTALL popt (target)
INSTALL nano (target)
INSTALL rpcbind (target)
INSTALL libtirpc (target)
INSTALL corefonts (target)
INSTALL liberation-fonts-ttf (target)
INSTALL util-macros (target)
INSTALL network (target)
INSTALL connman (target)
INSTALL glib (target)
INSTALL zlib (target)
INSTALL libffi (target)
INSTALL Python (host)
INSTALL readline (target)
INSTALL dbus (target)
INSTALL expat (target)
INSTALL iptables (target)
INSTALL libmnl (target)
INSTALL libnftnl (target)
INSTALL wpa_supplicant (target)
INSTALL libnl (target)
INSTALL iana-etc (target)
INSTALL ethtool (target)
INSTALL openssh (target)
INSTALL bluez (target)
INSTALL samba (target)
INSTALL heimdal (host)
INSTALL Python (target)
INSTALL sqlite (target)
INSTALL libaio (target)
INSTALL avahi (target)
INSTALL libdaemon (target)
INSTALL openvpn (target)
INSTALL lzo (target)
INSTALL alsa (target)
INSTALL alsa-lib (target)
INSTALL alsa-utils (target)
INSTALL udevil (target)
INSTALL fuse-exfat (target)
INSTALL fuse (target)
INSTALL ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs (target)
INSTALL virtual (target)
INSTALL qemu (host)
INSTALL installer (target)
INSTALL newt (target)
INSTALL slang (target)
INSTALL debug (target)
INSTALL gdb (target)
CLEAN citra
* Removing /home/ryan/Lakka-LibreELEC/build.Lakka-Generic.x86_64-8.1.2/citra-c892166 ...
UNPACK citra
Cloning into '/home/ryan/Lakka-LibreELEC/build.Lakka-Generic.x86_64-8.1.2/citra-c892166'...
remote: Counting objects: 40100, done.
remote: Total 40100 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 40100
Receiving objects: 100% (40100/40100), 16.91 MiB | 1.63 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (31019/31019), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
error: pathspec 'c892166' did not match any file(s) known to git.
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 1