Console & Game Themed Bezels

I am totally in love with your art. This seems to me to be one of your best works.

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Hi Orions! I really love your bezels!!! Is there a link to download your game themed bezels? All I can find is your Themed console Bezels. Thanks!!!


Thanks hgoda90!!! I was trying to download those Game Themed Overlays. How did you do it? I can’t find a way to download each one of them. Also, I see OrionsAngel has released new bezels not included in your post, so I wanted to download them as well. Thanks!!!

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You can find the links to them in the description of his youtube videos.

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Hi, I wanted to congratulate you on your work, it looks great! I wanted to understand one thing, can you by any chance download and use them, or are they just for showing your work? Because I have opened several of your videos but there is never a download link so I wanted to understand this.



What of OrionsAngel’s work are you looking for? And are you looking for presets with Mega Bezel or just the overlay images?

You can find presets for his work at


Thank you! Pretty much what @hgoda90 said. :grin:


Here I made a game themed bezel for what many consider the greatest game of all time E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial on Atari 2600 The revered game changed the gaming industry forever and established what a true adventure game could be on a console. To this day developers are inspired by this game.


The sarcasm is strong with this one.

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I was thinking what would be the worst game to make a bezel for as an April Fools joke. Thought of that game. :grin:

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You made a good choice seeing that they dumped the unsold into a landfill.

I have a funny story with ET. When I was a kid I had no console (they were super expensive here in South America), and I happened to pass by a garbage bin with an immaculate Atari 2600 and guess what game they threw the console with? Anyway, just the title screen with ET’s face and music amazed me, and also the fact that I had no idea what to do in the game helped to keep the illusion.


That’s awesome! It was your destiny to play video games! :grin:

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Here I made some Super Game Boy Bezels using the Mega Bezel Reflection Shader for Retroarch


How do you release a game in this condition? The port of Berzerk on Atari 5200 is atrocious. It’s like Atari didn’t even care. I don’t think anyone from my generation is working on this Atari 50 anniversary collection. They weren’t there when these games launched and they have no idea what these classic games looked or sounded like back in the day. So they just assumed that Berzerk sounded that bad on Atari 5200. It feels like a, whatever attitude here. It’s insulting considering the love and care they present here about the history of Atari. Preserving the games in a proper manner would go a long way.

Hey, just a heads up to everyone in the community, I’ve made several of my Nintendo related videos private on my YouTube channel. So if you’re wondering why you can’t find certain Nintendo bezels on my channel, that’s the reason why. As some of you may know, Nintendo has been going after Nintendo emulation videos, mostly Switch for now. So, there you have it.


Hey so umm, i tried to use the NES border but sides next to the border are black, i do have a screenshot if that helps.

Go to video and then scaling in Retroarch. You can adjust the size of the screen to fit the bezel.

Here’s a Croc themed bezel using the Mega Bezel Reflection Shader for Retroarch


Here’s a Bonk’s Revenge themed bezel using the Mega Bezel Reflection Shader for Retroarch