Core Additions for Raspberry Pi

Hey everyone, really excited about the new cores being added for the upcoming release.

I thought i would be cheeky and ask for a couple of cores to be added, as it was stated that if we ask, they will be added.

My two suggestions are; Wolf4sdl (as Ecwolf doesn’t have a core yet), Eduke32.

Both games have a vibrant modding community, and both cores work well on retropie.

If anyone else has more suggestions, please feel free to discuss down below.

Thank you so much to the Lakka Team, who are making this the best OS for gaming on so many devices.

When kivutar said that, I believe he was referring to existing libretro cores.

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I was under the impression that they were already ported for use with Retroarch, what a shame :frowning:

Hopefully they will sometime soon?

Cheers anyway mate. :slight_smile:

Sorry buddy one more question, will i be able to run scripts in the future to add a reset switch for my pi, along with a rtc and an LED light? I made a case out of a broken Mega Drive, plenty of room to add stuff, and a currently useless reset button :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advance.

Not sure about that. @kivutar would be the guy to ask about that.

We include wiringPi in the RPi images, so you can use the gpio utility with bash to script what you need.

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Cheers for the reply mate, i see what i was doing wrong, I’ve been trying to use basic python.

Maybe i’ll upload some pictures of my finished mega pi once i’m done modifying the shell casing.

Good luck for the new release :thumbsup:

Hi @Kivutar,

you mentioned before that wiringPi is included in the RPi images, but I just cant find it on my Lakka RPi3 installation. Can you give advice on how to make use of the GPIO Pins?

Regards, Max