Cores Request, Lakka needs more cores!

Hello! I have been using lakka since the last week and I have been very impressed! :smiley:

However, I would like it even more if these cores were added to lakka:

Emulation Cores: [ol] [li]Core for PS2 (PCSX2 recommended).[/li][li]Core for 3DS (Citra recommended).[/li][/ol] Tool Cores: [ol] [li]A screen capturing utility (SimpleScreenRecorder recommended).[/li][li]A basic text file reader (for reading game walkthroughs, guides, cheats etc.).[/li][li]A basic file manager (with basic functions like copy, cut, paste, delete, rename etc.).[/li][li]A terminal emulator (I know, I know, there is a way to access the terminal from the boot menu…).[/li][/ol]

I would love to see them implemented! Kind Regards to the developers, TD.

In time, maybe.

Emulators for PS2 are quite resource-intensive.

Alas, I once, privately suggested an Android emulator for those that install Lakka on computers, thing is, though, that Lakka would lose its value as retro emulator/OS if libretro cores for modern consoles/systems are produced.

I’ve asked about PCSX2 being turned into a Retroarch core before. The developers pointed out that PCSX2 is heavily dependent on DirectX and other Windows libraries, so it can’t be ported easily to a core that will work on Retroarch (and all the platforms it supports).

Personally I’d love to see a Dolphin core for its excellent Gamecube and Wii emulation :slight_smile: All you can do is ask the developers of the emulator in question nicely.

Well then, ask it, what are you waiting for?

I’m in full support because this way, I won’t have to customize an Arch installation with RetroArch and Dolphin (and ePSXe & PPSSPP for good measure)!

How about we move the below to Github with a Suggestions/Requests tag since it is easier for the devs to keep in check todo and bug lists over there?

If someone does put it on Github, put a link here for reference.

[B]Emulation Cores:

[ol] [li]Core for PS2 (PCSX2 recommended).[/li][li]Core for 3DS (Citra recommended).[/li][li]Core for GameCube & Wii (Dolphin recommended).[/li][/ol]

[B]Tool Cores:

[ol] [li]A screen capturing utility (SimpleScreenRecorder recommended).[/li][li]A basic text file reader (for reading game walkthroughs, guides, cheats etc.).[/li][li]A basic file manager (with basic functions like copy, cut, paste, delete, rename etc.).[/li][li]A terminal emulator (I know, I know, there is a way to access the terminal from the boot menu…).[/li][/ol] [/B][/B]

For the emulation cores, there’s no need to recommend/request those. We’re well aware of them and will port them when we’re ready and able to do it. PCSX2 isn’t going to happen unless they drastically overhaul their largely Windows-centric codebase. Play! is probably going to be a better option there. Citra is still too new for us to bother with; it’s not a good idea for us to port cores that are still in active, volatile development because it will break our port and make us do it all over again. Dolphin will happen at some point but there are some significant complications in its architecture that make it difficult for us to port. Their in-progress vulkan renderer may help with at least one of those issues but it’s too early to say for sure.

The tool cores aren’t really a good fit for libretro cores (for example, cores are self-contained and can’t really break out of their jail to take screenshots, etc.). However, we have very tentative plans to integrate RA/Lakka with letoram’s ArcanFE, which would give a sort of desktop OS environment that Lakka users could pop in and out of.

This stuff is all pretty distant pipeline, though, so don’t expect any of it any time soon.

Thank you, hunterk, for clarifying what is and is not in the near and distant future.

May I suggest that a roadmap is created for fellow RA/Lakka users to have a general idea of what to expect in the future of this collection of emulators and OS.

Roadmaps/timelines of some pieces of software that I follow are Kodi & Solus(OS).

Thanks to everyone for responding :slight_smile:

rpcs3 please!

agreed, but they need to change the psx core, im having troubles with it, back when i had windows on my laptop i could run PSX games fine, now i tried running ace combat 2 and it runned 20 fps, same at other games, such as crash bandicoot, crash team racing, etc…