CRT-Royale Uneven Scanlines

I was wondering if there is any possible way to fix this issue with CRT-Royale:

It gets really annoying with certain colors. Perhaps there is something that can be tweaked, something I missed? It’s my favourite shader, I would love to enjoy it properly.

Thank you in advance. =)

Nope, that’s just the way math works. At 1080p, fullscreen is ~4.5 scale (give or take overscan cropping) and it’s simply not possible to have a line that’s 4.5 pixels tall.

One of the more popular workarounds is to use a custom viewport to force a 5x scale and let the edges bleed off of your monitor. Some old TVs had this much overscan anyway, so very few games put any important information there.

So for 19801080 screen and 256224 Super NES game, I should have: -

custom_viewport_width = “1280” custom_viewport_height = “1120”=

I have Integer OFF and Aspect Ratio Index as ‘Core Provided’.


Set integer scale to ON and then the custom viewport will snap to integers and display what integer scale factor you’re at (you want it to say 5x) and then change aspect ratio to ‘custom’.

Thanks. It turns out that I can better put up with the uneven scanlines with the non-integer, core provided 4:3 aspect ratio. To me this is better than having a smaller viewport.


Bumping this because I can’t figure this out. I have uneven scanlines no matter which shader I use. They’re pretty much all towards the top of the screen for some reason and are mostly noticeable when the screen scrolls.

I’ve tried 5x scale but that makes the image much larger than the screen so surely that’s not correct. Integer scale does nothing other than put the screen in a smaller box (scanline issue remains). Also overscan makes no difference. Some help would be appreciate as uneven scanlines are always a distraction during play.

It is correct, the viewer is not supposed to see the entirety of the picture drawn on screen. Like these blue bars, they are not supposed to be seen. It’s called “overscan”.

I mean much larger that it’s unplayable. For example playing Street Fighter 2 and only seeing the top half of the character.

Sounds like something isn’t quite right with your settings. Can you post a screenshot (one of your typical setup and one at 5x would be nice, as that sounds wonky, as well).

Also, what resolution is your display? Royale doesn’t look good below 1080p, and 720p would indeed lose a lot of the screen at 5x.

OK here’s two images. The first is typical setup I use except I’ve darkened the scanlines a bit so that they stand out a bit more on a screen shot (it’s much more noticeable when there’s movement on the screen). The second is set to 5x and can see that a lot of the screen is missing. Integer scale makes no real difference other than the typical setup is within more of a border, but scanline issues remain.

However I’m thinking the display might be where the issue is. My system is set to output on a 4k TV but I have the PC resolution set to 1920x1080. The screenshots seem to be set to 1280x720, despite being full screen. I can’t seem to find an option to display at 1920x1080 other than the custom resolution setting, but that would mean I’m unable to display at 4:3.

Yeah, judging by those screenshots, it appears that you’re getting 720p out of the TV and then that’s getting upscaled by the TV to 4K. The mystery is why your computer reports a resolution of 1080p… I guess your TV reports that the PC is handing it 1080p, as well?

I’ve just hooked up the laptop to a 1080p monitor and the scanlines appear correct on that and screenshots output at that resolution too. Problem seems to be when hooked up to a 4K TV but not sure where to look to fix it. Surely it should be the PC settings but it says the resolution is 1920x1080. I’ll have a play around but any suggestions in the mean times?

I would check your TV’s input/output settings. See if you can change the TV’s output to 1080p and if that changes anything.

Ok TV is definitely displaying 1080p and PC is also displaying 1080p. It just seems to be Retroarch that’s reverting to 720p and only on the TV but not the monitor. If I take a screenshot of anything other than Retroarch it’s a 1080p image. Is there a way to force Retroarch to load at the correct screen resolution?

Check your retroarch.cfg and look for video_fullscreen_x and video_fullscreen_y and try setting those to 1920 and 1080, respectively.

OK getting somewhere. Displays at correct resolution when change that in Retroarch.cfg and scanlines look fine. However it only seems to work with arcade games. The menu is displaying much too large to navigate comfortably and other consoles such as the Megadrive (no shaders used) are too large for the screen.

Ah, ok. So, do non-arcade systems look okay without those options? If so, does your MAME core have the ‘alternate renderer’ core option enabled?

The non arcade games still seem to render at 720p but I only use filters on the arcade games so not an issue with those. I’m using FBA for arcade at the moment (CPS2 titles seem to not work in MAME but that’s an issue for another day) but it’s the only core I have set to use this filter and the rest set to default shader. I can’t seem to find an “alternate renderer” option but everything seems to display at the same resolution, only FBA looks as it should with the menus and other cores too large for the screen.

I’m stumped then. If you move your retroarch.cfg to another directory (that is, so RetroArch can’t find it and generates a new default config), does that change anything?

That got it! Beautiful. I’m guessing weeks of adjusting and playing with shaders and settings caused some conflicts in the config file. I let it create the new file whilst hooked up to the TV so it’s now displaying at 1080p with scanlines looking fine. Thanks for the help.