Crt-royale-xm29plus request

Can anyone combine crt-royale-xm29plus with ntsc-adaptive? I tried doing it myself, but it came out red and blurry . . . :sweat_smile:

Here you go (paths based on running from ‘presets’ directory):

# Shader passes need to know details about the image in the mask_texture LUT
# files, so set the following constants in user-cgp-constants.h accordingly:
# 1.) mask_triads_per_tile = (number of horizontal triads in mask texture LUT's)
# 2.) mask_texture_small_size = (texture size of mask*texture_small LUT's)
# 3.) mask_texture_large_size = (texture size of mask*texture_large LUT's)
# 4.) mask_grille_avg_color = (avg. brightness of mask_grille_texture* LUT's, in [0, 1])
# 5.) mask_slot_avg_color = (avg. brightness of mask_slot_texture* LUT's, in [0, 1])
# 6.) mask_shadow_avg_color = (avg. brightness of mask_shadow_texture* LUT's, in [0, 1])
# Shader passes also need to know certain scales set in this .slangp, but their
# compilation model doesn't currently allow the .slangp file to tell them.  Make
# sure to set the following constants in user-cgp-constants.h accordingly too:
# 1.) bloom_approx_scale_x = scale_x2
# 2.) mask_resize_viewport_scale = float2(scale_x6, scale_y5)
# Finally, shader passes need to know the value of geom_max_aspect_ratio used to
# calculate scale_y6 (among other values):
# 1.) geom_max_aspect_ratio = (geom_max_aspect_ratio used to calculate scale_y5)

shaders = "15"

# Set an identifier, filename, and sampling traits for the phosphor mask texture.
# Load an aperture grille, slot mask, and an EDP shadow mask, and load a small
# non-mipmapped version and a large mipmapped version.
# TODO: Test masks in other directories.
textures = "mask_grille_texture_small;mask_grille_texture_large;mask_slot_texture_small;mask_slot_texture_large;mask_shadow_texture_small;mask_shadow_texture_large;SamplerLUT"
mask_grille_texture_small = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/TileableLinearApertureGrille15Wide8And5d5SpacingResizeTo64.png"
mask_grille_texture_large = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/TileableLinearApertureGrille15Wide8And5d5Spacing.png"
mask_slot_texture_small = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/TileableLinearSlotMaskTall15Wide9And4d5Horizontal9d14VerticalSpacingResizeTo64.png"
mask_slot_texture_large = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/TileableLinearSlotMaskTall15Wide9And4d5Horizontal9d14VerticalSpacing.png"
mask_shadow_texture_small = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/TileableLinearShadowMaskEDPResizeTo64.png"
mask_shadow_texture_large = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/TileableLinearShadowMaskEDP.png"
mask_grille_texture_small_wrap_mode = "repeat"
mask_grille_texture_large_wrap_mode = "repeat"
mask_slot_texture_small_wrap_mode = "repeat"
mask_slot_texture_large_wrap_mode = "repeat"
mask_shadow_texture_small_wrap_mode = "repeat"
mask_shadow_texture_large_wrap_mode = "repeat"
mask_grille_texture_small_linear = "true"
mask_grille_texture_large_linear = "true"
mask_slot_texture_small_linear = "true"
mask_slot_texture_large_linear = "true"
mask_shadow_texture_small_linear = "true"
mask_shadow_texture_large_linear = "true"
mask_grille_texture_small_mipmap = "false"  # Mipmapping causes artifacts with manually resized masks without tex2Dlod
mask_grille_texture_large_mipmap = "true"   # Essential for hardware-resized masks
mask_slot_texture_small_mipmap = "false"    # Mipmapping causes artifacts with manually resized masks without tex2Dlod
mask_slot_texture_large_mipmap = "true"     # Essential for hardware-resized masks
mask_shadow_texture_small_mipmap = "false"  # Mipmapping causes artifacts with manually resized masks without tex2Dlod
mask_shadow_texture_large_mipmap = "true"   # Essential for hardware-resized masks
SamplerLUT = "../reshade/shaders/LUT/NEC_XM29plus_capture.png"
SamplerLUT_linear = true

# NTSC Shader Passes
shader0 = "../ntsc/shaders/ntsc-adaptive/ntsc-pass1.slang"
shader1 = "../ntsc/shaders/ntsc-adaptive/ntsc-pass2.slang"

filter_linear0 = false
filter_linear1 = false

scale_type_x0 = absolute
scale_type_y0 = source
scale_x0 = 1024
scale_y0 = 1.0
frame_count_mod0 = 2
float_framebuffer0 = true

scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 0.5
scale_y1 = 1.0

shader2 = "../reshade/shaders/LUT/LUT.slang"

# Pass0: Linearize the input based on CRT gamma and bob interlaced fields.
# (Bobbing ensures we can immediately blur without getting artifacts.)
shader3 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-first-pass-linearize-crt-gamma-bob-fields.slang"
filter_linear3 = "false"
scale_type3 = "source"
scale3 = "1.0"
srgb_framebuffer3 = "true"

# Pass1: Resample interlaced (and misconverged) scanlines vertically.
# Separating vertical/horizontal scanline sampling is faster: It lets us
# consider more scanlines while calculating weights for fewer pixels, and
# it reduces our samples from vertical*horizontal to vertical+horizontal.
# This has to come right after ORIG_LINEARIZED, because there's no
# "original_source" scale_type we can use later.
shader4 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-scanlines-vertical-interlacing.slang"
filter_linear4 = "true"
scale_type_x4 = "source"
scale_x4 = "1.0"
scale_type_y4 = "viewport"
scale_y4 = "1.0"
#float_framebuffer4 = "true"
srgb_framebuffer4 = "true"

# Pass2: Do a small resize blur of ORIG_LINEARIZED at an absolute size, and
# account for convergence offsets.  We want to blur a predictable portion of the
# screen to match the phosphor bloom, and absolute scale works best for
# reliable results with a fixed-size bloom.  Picking a scale is tricky:
# a.) 400x300 is a good compromise for the "fake-bloom" version: It's low enough
#     to blur high-res/interlaced sources but high enough that resampling
#     doesn't smear low-res sources too much.
# b.) 320x240 works well for the "real bloom" version: It's 1-1.5% faster, and
#     the only noticeable visual difference is a larger halation spread (which
#     may be a good thing for people who like to crank it up).
# Note the 4:4 aspect ratio assumes the input has cropped geom_overscan (so it's
# *intended* for an ~4:4 aspect ratio).
shader5 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-bloom-approx.slang"
alias5 = "BLOOM_APPROX"
filter_linear5 = "true"
scale_type5 = "absolute"
scale_x5 = "320"
scale_y5 = "240"
srgb_framebuffer5 = "true"

# Pass3: Vertically blur the input for halation and refractive diffusion.
# Base this on BLOOM_APPROX: This blur should be small and fast, and blurring
# a constant portion of the screen is probably physically correct if the
# viewport resolution is proportional to the simulated CRT size.
shader6 = "../blurs/blur5fast-vertical.slang"
filter_linear6 = "true"
scale_type6 = "source"
scale6 = "1.0"
srgb_framebuffer6 = "true"

# Pass4: Horizontally blur the input for halation and refractive diffusion.
# Note: Using a one-pass 9x10 blur is about 1% slower.
shader7 = "../blurs/blur5fast-horizontal.slang"
alias7 = "HALATION_BLUR"
filter_linear7 = "true"
scale_type7 = "source"
scale7 = "1.0"
srgb_framebuffer7 = "true"

# Pass5: Lanczos-resize the phosphor mask vertically.  Set the absolute
# scale_x6 == mask_texture_small_size.x (see IMPORTANT above).  Larger scales
# will blur, and smaller scales could get nasty.  The vertical size must be
# based on the viewport size and calculated carefully to avoid artifacts later.
# First calculate the minimum number of mask tiles we need to draw.
# Since curvature is computed after the scanline masking pass:
#   num_resized_mask_tiles = 2.0;
# If curvature were computed in the scanline masking pass (it's not):
#   max_mask_texel_border = ~3.0 * (1/3.0 + 4.0*sqrt(2.0) + 0.6 + 1.0);
#   max_mask_tile_border = max_mask_texel_border/
#       (min_resized_phosphor_triad_size * mask_triads_per_tile);
#   num_resized_mask_tiles = max(2.0, 1.0 + max_mask_tile_border * 2.0);
#   At typical values (triad_size >= 2.0, mask_triads_per_tile == 8):
#       num_resized_mask_tiles = ~3.8
# Triad sizes are given in horizontal terms, so we need geom_max_aspect_ratio
# to relate them to vertical resolution.  The widest we expect is:
#   geom_max_aspect_ratio = 4.0/3.0  # Note: Shader passes need to know this!
# The fewer triads we tile across the screen, the larger each triad will be as a
# fraction of the viewport size, and the larger scale_y6 must be to draw a full
# num_resized_mask_tiles.  Therefore, we must decide the smallest number of
# triads we'll guarantee can be displayed on screen.  We'll set this according
# to 3-pixel triads at 768p resolution (the lowest anyone's likely to use):
#   min_allowed_viewport_triads = 768.0*geom_max_aspect_ratio / 3.0 = 341.333333
# Now calculate the viewport scale that ensures we can draw resized_mask_tiles:
#   min_scale_x = resized_mask_tiles * mask_triads_per_tile /
#       min_allowed_viewport_triads
#   scale_y6 = geom_max_aspect_ratio * min_scale_x
#   # Some code might depend on equal scales:
#   scale_x7 = scale_y5
# Given our default geom_max_aspect_ratio and min_allowed_viewport_triads:
#   scale_y6 = 4.0/3.0 * 2.0/(341.33334 / 8.0) = 0.0625
# IMPORTANT: The scales MUST be calculated in this way.  If you wish to change
# geom_max_aspect_ratio, update that constant in user-cgp-constants.h!
shader8 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-mask-resize-vertical.slang"
filter_linear8 = "true"
scale_type_x8 = "absolute"
scale_x8 = "64"
scale_type_y8 = "viewport"
scale_y8 = "0.0625" # Safe for >= 341.334 horizontal triads at viewport size
#srgb_framebuffer8 = "false" # mask_texture is already assumed linear

# Pass6: Lanczos-resize the phosphor mask horizontally.  scale_x9 = scale_y5.
# TODO: Check again if the shaders actually require equal scales.
shader9 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-mask-resize-horizontal.slang"
alias9 = "MASK_RESIZE"
filter_linear9 = "false"
scale_type_x9 = "viewport"
scale_x9 = "0.0625"
scale_type_y9 = "source"
scale_y9 = "1.0"
#srgb_framebuffer9 = "false" # mask_texture is already assumed linear

# Pass7: Resample (misconverged) scanlines horizontally, apply halation, and
# apply the phosphor mask.
shader10 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-scanlines-horizontal-apply-mask.slang"
filter_linear10 = "true" # This could just as easily be nearest neighbor.
scale_type10 = "viewport"
scale10 = "1.0"
#float_framebuffer10 = "true"
srgb_framebuffer10 = "true"

# Pass 8: Compute a brightpass.  This will require reading the final mask.
shader11 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-brightpass.slang"
alias11 = "BRIGHTPASS"
filter_linear11 = "true" # This could just as easily be nearest neighbor.
scale_type11 = "viewport"
scale11 = "1.0"
srgb_framebuffer11 = "true"

# Pass 9: Blur the brightpass vertically
shader12 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-bloom-vertical.slang"
filter_linear12 = "true" # This could just as easily be nearest neighbor.
scale_type12 = "source"
scale12 = "1.0"
srgb_framebuffer12 = "true"

# Pass 10: Blur the brightpass horizontally and combine it with the dimpass:
shader13 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-bloom-horizontal-reconstitute.slang"
filter_linear13 = "true"
scale_type13 = "source"
scale13 = "1.0"
srgb_framebuffer13 = "true"

# Pass 11: Compute curvature/AA:
shader14 = "../crt/shaders/crt-royale/src/crt-royale-geometry-aa-last-pass.slang"
filter_linear14 = "true"
scale_type14 = "viewport"
mipmap_input14 = "true"
texture_wrap_mode14 = "clamp_to_edge"

parameters = "crt_gamma;lcd_gamma;levels_contrast;halation_weight;diffusion_weight;bloom_underestimate_levels;bloom_excess;beam_min_sigma;beam_max_sigma;beam_spot_power;beam_min_shape;beam_max_shape;beam_shape_power;beam_horiz_filter;beam_horiz_sigma;beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight;convergence_offset_x_r;convergence_offset_x_g;convergence_offset_x_b;convergence_offset_y_r;convergence_offset_y_g;convergence_offset_y_b;mask_type;mask_sample_mode_desired;mask_specify_num_triads;mask_triad_size_desired;mask_num_triads_desired;aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime;aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime;aa_cubic_c;aa_gauss_sigma;geom_mode_runtime;geom_radius;geom_view_dist;geom_tilt_angle_x;geom_tilt_angle_y;geom_aspect_ratio_x;geom_aspect_ratio_y;geom_overscan_x;geom_overscan_y;border_size;border_darkness;border_compress;interlace_bff;interlace_1080i;LUT_Size"
beam_horiz_filter = "0.000000"
beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight = "1.000000"
beam_horiz_sigma = "0.555000"
beam_max_shape = "2.000000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.250000"
beam_min_shape = "2.000000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.075000"
beam_shape_power = "0.250000"
beam_spot_power = "0.330000"
bloom_excess = "0.335000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "1.20"
border_compress = "2.500000"
border_darkness = "0.000000"
border_size = "0.005000"
convergence_offset_x_b = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_r = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_b = "-0.200000"
convergence_offset_y_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_r = "0.200000"
crt_gamma = "2.400000"
diffusion_weight = "0.075000"
geom_aspect_ratio_x = "432.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_y = "329.000000"
geom_mode_runtime = "0.000000"
geom_overscan_x = "1.000000"
geom_overscan_y = "1.000000"
geom_radius = "3.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_x = "0.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_y = "0.000000"
geom_view_dist = "2.000000"
halation_weight = "0.000000"
interlace_1080i = "0.000000"
interlace_bff = "0.000000"
lcd_gamma = "2.400000"
levels_contrast = "0.750000"
mask_specify_num_triads = "0.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "3.000000"
mask_sample_mode_desired = "1.000000"
mask_type = "1.000000"
aa_cubic_c = "0.500000"
aa_gauss_sigma = "0.500000"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime = "-0.333333"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime = "0.000000"
LUT_Size = "32.0"

Awesome :smiley: Thanks so much :+1:

How do I install this shader

I put this in RetroArch\shaders\shaders_glsl\presets

When I attempt to load the shader, I get “Failed to apply shader preset”

that’s a slang preset, so it won’t work with glsl shaders. If you find-and-replace .slang with .glsl, it may treat you better, though.