CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs

Thanks. CRT Royale is “supposed” to be compatible with all display subpixel types.

With that said, I think Hyllian did manage to get a reversed Mask Layout for BGR displays.

Another thing to look at could be your aspect ratio setting in RetroArch.

What do your Video–»Scaling settings look like?

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Just some useful information regarding getting the most out of Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor that I felt should be in one place and easy to locate.


Of course, sorry for the delay in responding, I’ve been a little busy at work these days. The monitor I use is an AORUS FV43U, it has a BGR subpixel division.

Regarding the adjustment it is the following:

#reference “shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV.slangp” HSM_ASPECT_RATIO_EXPLICIT = “1.319300” HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = “89.169907” HSM_CURVATURE_MODE = “1.000000” HSM_CURVATURE_3D_RADIUS = “300.000000” HSM_CURVATURE_3D_VIEW_DIST = “300.000000” HSM_BZL_OPACITY = “0.000000” HSM_FRM_OPACITY = “0.000000” HSM_REFLECT_GLOBAL_AMOUNT = “0.000000”

scangammaoffset = “2.500000”

g_hue_degrees = “-7.000000” wp_temperature = “6500.000000”


g_sat = “0.020000”

post_br = “1.310000”

h_sharp = “5.200000”

GAMMA_INPUT = “2.100000” gamma_out = “2.500000”

bloom = “0.150000” halation = “0.000000”

scan_falloff = “0.250000”

g_crtgamut = “1.000000”

scans = “0.000000” GDV_NOISE_ON = “1.000000”

glow = “0.000000”

masksize = “2.000000”

gsl = “2.000000” scanline1 = “9.000000” scanline2 = “9.000000” beam_min = “1.350000” beam_max = “1.300000”

shadowMask = “6.000000” maskstr = “1.000000”

addnoised = “0.180000” noiseresd = “1.000000”

the resolution of the game is 512x448

sorry if my english is pretty bad, I’m using a translator :frowning:

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This might work better.

#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV.slangp"

HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "89.169907" 
HSM_CURVATURE_MODE = "1.000000" 
HSM_CURVATURE_3D_RADIUS = "300.000000" 
HSM_CURVATURE_3D_VIEW_DIST = "300.000000" 
HSM_BZL_OPACITY = "0.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "0.000000"
scangammaoffset = "2.500000"

g_hue_degrees = "-7.000000"
wp_temperature = "6500.000000"

g_sat = "0.020000"

post_br = "1.310000"

h_sharp = "5.200000"
GAMMA_INPUT = "2.100000"
gamma_out = "2.500000"

bloom = "0.150000"
halation = "0.000000"

scan_falloff = "0.250000"

g_crtgamut = "1.000000"

scans = "0.000000"
GDV_NOISE_ON = "1.000000"

glow = "0.000000"

masksize = "2.000000"

gsl = "2.000000"
scanline1 = "9.000000"
scanline2 = "9.000000"
beam_min = "1.350000"
beam_max = "1.300000"

shadowMask = "6.000000"
maskstr = "1.000000"

addnoised = "0.180000"
noiseresd = "1.000000"

You might have to refresh my memory a bit.

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Hi, @Cyber I was wondering if you were working on updating to the latest HSM. I’m interested in your take on the NTSC updates to GDV.


What I would say with a chuckle is that my presets have always aimed to achieve what is now taking place using the new NTSC updates to the GDV. So I’ve probably been able to manage to eek out extra sharpness while maintaining blending and filtering through the use of different workarounds and possibly exotic techniques.

One example is employing the use of Blargg NTSC Filters which I have painstakingly fine tuned to get that balance of sharpness plus filtering which I have always wanted to achieve.

Nonetheless, there are definitely some aspects of my existing presets which should be able to benefit from the improvements, for example maybe the high res fonts in Turbo Duo games when using NTSC Filter Mode 4.

What I’m saying is that my presets have always been probably the some of the sharpest of the sharp so you may not see as much of a difference or an improvent where that is concerned at least compared to other offerings which might be now starting to embrace that style of preset design a little more.

As you can see the new Mega Bezel Reflection Shader already lags behind the latest CRT Guest Advance, please correct me if I’m wrong, so I would hope that eventually things would settle a bit.

So if I do have time, I might update to take advantage of the new updates but I don’t like trying to keep up with the moving goal posts just to say that the version number is higher.

Many times I achieve my goals already through extensive tweaking and workarounds.

Afterwards, things are sometimes improved on the shader end to make these tweaks and workarounds unnecessary and more accessible to others but for me it would be like reformulating my preset to end up with the same or very similar result I had already achieved.

Greetings Cyber! First of all, I want to thank you for the amazing work you do with MegaBezel, your shader packs are my favorites by far. I’m especially in love with Bleeding-and-Transparency, I use it with all the platforms that used CRT. from MS-DOS to PSX through NES, Megadrive or SNES. I use the version that is found in “MBZ_0_Smooth-advance-_Full_Reflections” “4K_Optimized_Presents” My TV screen is a Samsung Q80 of 55", model of 2019 and my question is the following: Would you recommend another shader pack from your collection? I’m very happy with the result of this one (especially for the definition and transparency, fog, etc. effects) but I notice the colors a little dull and with a low brightness. Do you have any advice for me? Thank you very much in advance and I hope that your answer can help other colleagues in a similar situation.

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Greetings @JavimetalRF!

You’re most welcome. I’m glad I could help.

That should be Blending_and_Transparency.

There is so much variety in all of my preset packs, the intention is for users to play around with and try many presets while looking for the ones which they like.

There is nothing to be lost by loading another preset so why not try them all?

Take the time to read the first post and scroll through the thread. There are many examples in posts featuring screenshots which can also provide some guidance.

I have countless presets which can blend dithering and provide transparency effects in Sega Genesis games so you might be really missing out if all you use are the older stuff.

That TV is begging to take CyberLab Megatron Death To Pixels Preset Pack for a spin.

Feel free to come out of your comfort zone then come back if you require more assistance.


Thank you so much for your extensive and detailed answer! I realized today that my PC was not activating the game mode of my TV and everything has changed a lot, the lighting and the color saturation have improved a lot. This is amazing. Still, I’m going to try other settings, especially the ones you mention from CyberLab Megatron Death to Pixel. You are very kind, we will continue to comment on your fabulous work here.


I tried to test the settings of CyberLab Megatron Death To Pixels but my 1080ti won’t let me enable HDR :cry:

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I doubt the problem is your 1080ti. I use a GeForce GTX 1070.

Try updating your display drivers and try again. Are you using Windows 11?

What’s happening when you try to enable HDR?

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The HDR option is not available directly, the switch to enable this feature does not show up. I always update the NVIDIA drivers, punctually, and use HDMI cable with my Samsung TV. Months ago, looking for information about this problem on the internet, I read several people with this problem and they said that a few years ago they could use HDR on 1080ti without any problem, but at some point this option disappeared. Microsoft blamed NVIDIA and vice versa, the reality is that I have a good card that does not let me enjoy this option and I would love to see these settings with HDR, it must be spectacular. Since I can’t activate HDR in Windows, the option in Retroarch does not appear either.

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Wow! That really sucks man. Can you share the full TV Model number please. Because there seem to be different varieties of Q80 some with different letters after the 80.

Is your TV firmware up to date?

I know Samsung TVs don’t support Dolby Vision and those TVs might have been released just around the time HDR was becoming standardized.

With that said though, you don’t need HDR to enjoy Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor nor my preset pack for it.

All you need is the brightness of your display so what what you can do is load up a preset, switch the SDR/HDR parameter in Shader Parameters to SDR and then increase your screen backlight and brightness to as high as possible.

You might also have to play around with the Display’s Subpixel Layout to find the one which matches your Display.

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My Q80 model should be compatible with HDR because it works fine on my Xbox Series X, I’m pretty sure the problem is in my graphics card. I’m happy with what you tell me, that I don’t need HDR to enjoy your Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor setup, I’ll do some tests in the next few days, I’m not very good at experimenting with the settings you mention but there must be a first time for everything XD Thank you very much for being so attentive!!

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Try connecting the PC to the TV using the same HDMI input and cable as the Xbox Series X.

Also try lowering your refresh rate to 60Hz.

A graphics driver reinstall might also help by the way. Also you might need to be sure your TV’s HDMI input is set to PC Mode and that you have HDMI Wide Colour Gamut or Ultra Deep Colour enabled.

This might be a good time to explore your TV manual again to see if you might be missing something.

Also make sure your graphics driver is set to output RGB 4:4:4 Full.

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Hi are there any of your presets that I can use with DOS games? Whichever one I tried, the screen is very small

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I haven’t really tried any of them with DOS Games yet so you can feel free to experiment. If you want to make the screen larger you can increase the Int. Scale offset or change the Int. Scale Mode to 0 but there could be unwanted side effects.

Other than that you can continue to explore and experiment with different presets and hopefully you’ll find something that you’ll like.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to adjust the Mask Layout setting to the one which matches your display.

You can probably also try one of @RealNC’s VGA Monitor presets which might be floating around in the forums somewhere.

@Cyber Hey Just wanted your opinion on the RetroTink 4K CRT filters, Is it any good or am I just getting angry because certain youtubers have no idea CyberLab Death To Pixels exists.

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Greetings @DDB,

I’m yet to watch/listen to the full gamut of RetroTink 4K reviews. I’ve probably only partially looked at 1 so I’m not really in a position to judge it’s CRT filters.

What I would say is that it’s a product that’s geared to a different market and attempts to solve a different problem from what emulation via RetroArch delivers.

I can’t speak to the abilities of the RetroTink 4K when it comes to having the power to reproduce what Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor or CRT-Guest-Advance-NTSC does but I’m in support of better CRT Shaders/Filters/Emulation across the board.

I don’t like the arrogance and misinformation I sometimes see in certain circles though but I guess if you’re trying to sell something, marketing hyperbole or cognitive dissonance are par for the course, right?

“Good” is in the eye of the beholder I guess, just as with CRT Shader presets.

Don’t let things like this get you down. Just be happy to get your retro gaming fix in whatever way you prefer.

Whether or not certain YouTubers know, don’t know or know and choose to ignore is not really my prerogative.