CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs

Relative Paths are guaranteed to work on all systems rather than the :/shaders method which fails on some systems, mostly Mac and Linux with flatpack type distributions, and on windows if the user has set their shaders folder somewhere non-default.

These are some of the reasons why the Mega Bezel Team switched all presets to using Relative Paths.

Besides that, I don’t adjust paths I distribute presets the same way as they are installed on my system.

Although this might be a decent solution in the above user’s specific case, a similar solution maintaining Relative Paths isn’t that much more difficult to implement. You just need to count your '../' correctly and add the correct number of those to the existing paths. In this case it might be just one '../' to be added to the beginning of all the reference paths because you would now have to go up one folder to get back to shader root level. That’s if the user wanted the console/system subfolders to reside in the Shaders folder.


Oh thank you for the clarification, I think I’ll switch to relative paths too now.

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This is a video recording which attempts to convey what I see when using my presets as opposed to how they look in GPU screenshots.


I felt quite the nostalgia with the video. I remembered when I was glued to an arcade machine, tirelessly watching the attract mode because I had no money to play. It was quite refreshing when a good player started a game, so I could watch something better. Although I’m not a huge fan of the arcade, those were some fun times for me. Thanks for the remembrance!


It’s been a while since I’ve posted some high quality CRT pics/videos.


From my latest CyberLab Megatron miniLED Death To Pixels 4K HDR Shader Preset Pack.

Real CRT

CyberLab Megatron miniLED 4K HDR Game BFI SNES S-Video Slot-Mask Sharp Advanced Pro Monitor Edition CRT Shader Preset

CyberLab Megatron miniLED 4K HDR Game BFI SNES S-Video Slot-Mask Sharp Advanced Neo-GX Super Fine CRT Shader Preset

Powered by Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor, CRT-Guest-Advanced-NTSC, Grade and Img_mod.


Hi @Cyber i have a entry level 4k samsung tv with HDR (not looked into the specs…low nits i imagine). I’m using a nvidia shield android device which can run .slang shaders. Are there any of your shaders that you could recommend for this setup? Thanks. (The TV is isn’t OLED and is fairly old…i’ll get back with an exact model and specs).

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Post the model # as that would give me a much better idea of what it’s capable of realistically.

I would suggest you use the Windows 11 HDR calibration tool and calibrate it in a way that you can use HDR 24/7 without having any jarring results in your SDR content.

From there you can setup HDR in RetroArch’s settings and once everything is calibrated, Megatron presets might “just work” or you can use my other “non-HDR oriented” presets and receive the benefits of additional brightness.

If you use those though in HDR mode they might be brightness clipped so you might have to make some adjustments.

I’ve included some adjusted presets in my 4K HDR folder in my latest Mega Bezel Preset Pack.

There are also some tips on how to do that yourself in a post I’m going to share.


It’s an android device that this is running on btw… the tv model number is: UE60KU6020

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Yes, you did state that. I just got too much in my head there for a moment with my advice.


No problem m8 i understand :slight_smile:

I found this:

Not sure if this applies to your exact model but it might.

According to this the TV is capable of around ~400 nits of peak brightness. It’s also very similar in SDR and HDR mode with SDR mode measuring slightly brighter.

So it doesn’t seem like there’s much advantage to using HDR mode over SDR mode. With that said you shouldn’t have any problems running presets with HDR mode set to On except that they might be a bit dim in very bright environments or if you’re far away from the screen.

You might have to adjust the Peak and Paperwhite brightness to avoid clipping.

Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor recommends an HDR600 or brighter display but it would still run on less bright ones. You would have to determine if it’s bright enough for you.

My other presets, though, the HDR Mega Bezel ones, might be a very good candidate for you because they take full advantage of all the brightness the display has to offer but also uses, brightness “cheats/hacks” in order to get the rest of the way there.

I suggest you try.


I won’t using a reflective border so no HSM … will probably end up using something full screen. Thanks for the detailed reply :+1:

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Well, you can use HDR with any shader but based on those test results, if your TV is in fact identical to the models tested then it may not really make a difference.

The point of using HDR in Shaders and emulation is to unlock the full brightness of a display but your display seems to be doing this already in its SDR mode.

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Thanks fella, I’ll be sure to have a play with your presets. Those last Mario pics won me over m8 … and although those presets probably aren’t suitable for my tv I’m still loving the sub pixel details in the rest of your presets. I’ve been looking at Hari’s 1080p presets which I’ve just tried on my pc monitor… also very nice and looks to have sub pixel details aswell :ok_hand:

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Congratulations on these presets fella… I appreciate your work :+1:

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Thanks for the compliments

Why do you think they aren’t suitable?

When you get a chance to play around with them, feel free to post some pics and comments so that I can get an idea of how they look on your screen in practice.

Remember you still have to adjust the Peak and Paper white brightness and for many of my presets 450 nits was enough for me.

Some of my miniLED presets use 270 for Paper White.

So you really have to experiment with your display to see how hard you can push the HDR brightness without the whites looking burnt and harsh and the colours clipping and losing detail.

The finer presets (or rather the higher TVL) have less of a darkening effect so you can try the ones that say Fine or the PVM-Edition, Pro Monitor or PC Monitor presets.

Also, all else being equal, Slot Mask is the darkest because of the additional black features of the slots, CyberTron (aka Aperture Grille) would be noticeably brighter (all else being equal) due to less black features and lastly, Shadow Mask will be the brightest because there are no dark features being drawn at all.

W420M started off as a Shadow Mask Preset Pack but I added some of my Near Field Slot Mask presets from my mainly Slot Mask NX preset pack as well.

My first, Megatron Preset Pack features mostly Aperture Grille presets.

I think if you play around enough you should be able to get things looking decently bright enough on your TV, especially if you’re going to be playing in a dark room at night. That’s for MegaTron though, there’s also my CRT-Royale Preset pack as well. I would like to think that that’s a decently bright preset pack and it doesn’t have the border.

There are a couple No Border Presets in my Mega Bezel preset pack as well. Do give them a try. They are relatively bright and they use Shadow Mask.

The only caveat with my CRT-Royale Preset pack is that the Mask is RGB with no option to switch to BGR. Hyllian created a modified BGR mask for CRT-Royale though so I can make a separate pack pointing to that version of the Mask or Add BGR Presets which point to that version to my existing Preset Pack.

Due to how the phosphors are emulated using an actual photo of a CRT Mask, there’s something special about the look of CRT-Royale which I only recently acknowledge again. I mean. I was impressed initially but I didn’t spend enough time needed to fully exploit all of the features of the Shader and use it properly. Well I recently took it for a spin and apart from some oversaturation in the reds it was a pleasing experience also, I figured out how to get other Mask types looking decent, like Slot Mask and Shadow Mask.

I initially thought that CRT-Royale wasn’t well suited to those Mask Types based on what I saw from others as well as my own initial tests. After my most recent play around, I now see that I was wrong about that. The trick was to experiment with the sampling mode a bit. So look out for those.

I’m just trying to find an android version of retroarch that supports HDR…will report back later…thanks.

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With your TV, you don’t have to worry about HDR too much. You can just toggle the Megatron HDR/SDR setting to SDR and increase the brightness/Backlight/Contrast of your screen if you don’t find one.

You can try this one though


That’s the one I’m currently using… no hdr option showing. Initially I thought the option within retroarch might not be there if no HDR capability is present and so I went through checking that I can actually play hdr content.

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