Thanks for the compliments
Why do you think they aren’t suitable?
When you get a chance to play around with them, feel free to post some pics and comments so that I can get an idea of how they look on your screen in practice.
Remember you still have to adjust the Peak and Paper white brightness and for many of my presets 450 nits was enough for me.
Some of my miniLED presets use 270 for Paper White.
So you really have to experiment with your display to see how hard you can push the HDR brightness without the whites looking burnt and harsh and the colours clipping and losing detail.
The finer presets (or rather the higher TVL) have less of a darkening effect so you can try the ones that say Fine or the PVM-Edition, Pro Monitor or PC Monitor presets.
Also, all else being equal, Slot Mask is the darkest because of the additional black features of the slots, CyberTron (aka Aperture Grille) would be noticeably brighter (all else being equal) due to less black features and lastly, Shadow Mask will be the brightest because there are no dark features being drawn at all.
W420M started off as a Shadow Mask Preset Pack but I added some of my Near Field Slot Mask presets from my mainly Slot Mask NX preset pack as well.
My first, Megatron Preset Pack features mostly Aperture Grille presets.
I think if you play around enough you should be able to get things looking decently bright enough on your TV, especially if you’re going to be playing in a dark room at night. That’s for MegaTron though, there’s also my CRT-Royale Preset pack as well. I would like to think that that’s a decently bright preset pack and it doesn’t have the border.
There are a couple No Border Presets in my Mega Bezel preset pack as well. Do give them a try. They are relatively bright and they use Shadow Mask.
The only caveat with my CRT-Royale Preset pack is that the Mask is RGB with no option to switch to BGR. Hyllian created a modified BGR mask for CRT-Royale though so I can make a separate pack pointing to that version of the Mask or Add BGR Presets which point to that version to my existing Preset Pack.
Due to how the phosphors are emulated using an actual photo of a CRT Mask, there’s something special about the look of CRT-Royale which I only recently acknowledge again. I mean. I was impressed initially but I didn’t spend enough time needed to fully exploit all of the features of the Shader and use it properly. Well I recently took it for a spin and apart from some oversaturation in the reds it was a pleasing experience also, I figured out how to get other Mask types looking decent, like Slot Mask and Shadow Mask.
I initially thought that CRT-Royale wasn’t well suited to those Mask Types based on what I saw from others as well as my own initial tests. After my most recent play around, I now see that I was wrong about that. The trick was to experiment with the sampling mode a bit. So look out for those.