Ok thank you for the information, i’ll use 1.7.0 combo for now then, i’ll check more the forum to see if there is any updates in this reflection research.
If you need or prefer to use CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack 1.7.0 with HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader 1.9.0 you might have to play around with the various Horizontal Sharpness and Subtractive Sharpness settings until you get an equivalent looking image.
It’s not that I haven’t started working on updating my pack or testing it but to do all that testing and updating needs some worthwhile benefit.
For me that means:
A settling of the NTSC presets and their Filtering Controls since after I tweaked the existing versions and worked around any peculiarities to achieve my desired look, me and my big mouth pointed out some discrepancies and that led to HyperSpaceMadness fixing things so I will definitely have to do over some of my preset tweaks and:
A fixing of the reflection bug when Bezel Independent Scale is used because I need Bezel Independent Scale for my SNES presets to look as intended.
All of those issues were discussed in posts subsequent to the one I just shared with you.
i think there is a weird colour in the middle idk if it is intended to look like that ! or the other way in the second image as i’m already looking there is a magenta clue on the middle of the screen it changes position and size depending on viewport zoom, this thing only happens on drez for psx, as it doesn’t happen with any other shading on other consoles also i’m trying in the first one a viewport of 90
What are you trying to accomplish by using viewport zoom?
My presets are only tested with the settings that they come with. If you start adjusting settings especially things that make scale the viewport to a smaller size, all sorts of unpredictable and unpleasant anomalies may arise due to fact that you might be throwing off the alignment between the mask and your display’s subpixels as well as reducing the number of effective pixels you have available to render the mask, scanlines and graphics.
So please try to explain in a little more detail what you would like to achieve and also can you send me some zoomed in pictures/screenshots focusing on the specific anomaly that you’re experiencing so that I can more clearly identify what you’re talking about?
Something looks very wrong with those screenshots. What internal resolution are you running at in the core and which core are you using exactly?
Also, I notice you’re running at 1080p desktop resolution. 1080p might be a bit limited in terms of the mask settings that would work well with it.
ok i was trying to correct the magenta clue in the middle of the image or in other places by changing the viewport zoom, but as i’m looking already, integer scale to short or both axis “solves” the problem here is the phenomenom in the standard way without configurations altered, and also the last are with integer scale in short axis and with both axis
Okay, instead of using viewport zoom for this, you could try using Non-Integer Scale %. There should be a point where it goes away.
Seeing that you got it to go away by using Integer Scale Mode, you can switch on Integer Scale Mode 1, then in the Shader Parameters turn on Show Info. It should be the first option in Shader Parameters Menu.
Look for either Integer Scale % or Non-Integer Scale % here. Take a note of that value, then change Integer Scale Mode back to 0. Then enter the value you got (or as close as possible to it) in the step before as the Integer Scale Mode %.
It is very likely that that the “phenomenon” might be reduced, gone or different. You might have to fine tune the value until the anomaly is gone.
The reason I used Non-Integer Scale instead of Integer Scale in this instance is that PSX games that change resolution change the bezel dimensions as well and I find this to be a bit distracting.
Of course you’re free to use whatever Integer Scale Mode works for you.
Also remember that I use Mask Layout = 1 for my 1080p Optimized presets. You should choose the Mask Layout that’s appropriate for your display.
it’s quite weird but as i adjusted the values i quite get the same results as before but with the thing more in the middle, i had already adjusted non integer scale to 88.80 which it is the closer i can get to 88.88 which it was the reported non integer with integer scale mode in 1 the only value after reverting back to integer scale mode 0 is non integer scale, it seems that by changing non scale integer offset by .10 value has changed the screen resolution exactly to how it was in integer scale value 1 and now it seems that it looks exactly the same
You know you can also enter these values manually by opening the Shader Preset file in a text editor. That’s my way of working around situations where the UI doesn’t allow me to enter the exact values that I want. You can even go over some of the maximum values for some parameters by doing this.
Excellent! Clever idea to get more fine grained control.
So it seems as though your issue has been resolved!
I did however, find the differences in Core Output resolution discrepancy among your screenshots to be a bit strange. For example, where did 768 x 717 come from in the first screenshot and why do the others show 1920 x 1200?
changed core internal resolution, one is 3x the other is 5x
i would like to know, should i use swanstation scaled dithering in combination with drez preset? or should i completely disabled dithering and enable or not true color rendering?
I have no idea as I’ve never used Swanstation. DREZ really has to do with limiting the Core resolution which flows through the shader pipeline so you’re free to render at higher internal resolution then downscale.
True color as far as I know refers to 24 bit colour, while 15 or 16 bit were referred to as high colour. Perhaps the PSX natively supported 15 or 16 bit colour so rendering at 24 bit True colour might reduce banding or the need for dithering.
So I guess you might be able to disable dithering if true colour allows smooth colour blending and gradation without requiring dithering but I’m not sure it works like that as I’m only speculating.
You could also probably allow dithering and use NTSC Filtering of some sort to blend the dithering. For example Blargg (not sure if it works with PSX but it might depending on the colour depth/format) or GTU, MDAPT or SGENPT-MIX in the Smooth-ADV presets or you can use the GDV-NTSC presets.
It all depends on if you’re going for a more authentic look or an enhanced look.
hello after trying a lot of things i had determined that apparently gdadapt and gtu on doesn’t solve much of the blockyness on fmvs, there it seems quite a lot on drez psx presets, and i don’t see more dithering options neither, apparently this only happens on drez presets

Perhaps. If you look through CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack you’ll see that over time it has grown to contain over 150 different presets. What this suggests is that this is not a one size fits all kinda thing.
I have attempted to cover a number of scenarios by focusing on different aspects of the output that I may have wanted to see rendered in a particular way. One area that has never really bothered me is FMV. You seem to be interested in a customization that solves a particular problem you are having. While I do assist users who are experiencing bugs or would like to make minor customizations, what you might be looking for is a new shader, preset or settings that cover your specific issue or preference. This is a bit beyond the scope of what CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack is about and also it’s feedback thread.
I’ve tried to point you in other directions, suggesting different presets to use but it might have been missed. I only introduced DREZ presets for those who might be experiencing crashes while running high internal resolutions. If you are not one of those then you probably don’t need to be running the DREZ preset.
Even though you have been submitting screenshots and attempting to describe the various problems you are experiencing, unfortunately the message isn’t always being received that clearly as I’m really not seeing what you are describing as “blockiness” in the FMVs as one example.
Perhaps this topic warrants a new thread as I really doubt it’s an issue with CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack itself.
Remember CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack is a collection of Shader Presets not Shaders. So some of what you might want to achieve might possibly be gleaned from trying to research and learn how to use some of the shaders themselves from the different threads available already and possibly by posing questions to the Shader developers or the general community about how to go about achieving this look or that look for example.
All of the PSX screenshots that I have posted were taken using Beetle PSX (Not HW) at native resolution by the way.
Okay so these Shadow Mask presets are actually my first to be developed mainly using the latest HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader v1.10.0 and are going to be released in my next preset pack update.
I’m still not 100% satisfied with the way that the NTSC Filtering Section is no longer working for me (and probably only me) since I haven’t seen anyone else complain but it is what it is. I’m just going to have to find a way to work around some of the changes like I usually do. I’ll have to implement a solution so that my existing presets will look the way they should but the show (or game rather) must go on.
Thanks @Neofuuma, I really like it myself! It’s amazing how some of these presets actually come to be.
After commenting on @zerowing’s post about an old GE Shadow Mask Vacuum Tube TV, I never thought I’d end up making one of my new favourite shader presets and so it begins because a great SNES preset won’t work well for NES so a new family of presets is bound to follow.
I’ve kinda always wanted to do a Shadow Mask preset but just like my first attempts at Slot Mask, I didn’t like the initial results at all.
What’s interesting about this preset is that it’s not as straight foward as some might think to get these things right, at least using the Mask Stagger option. If the stagger values are off even slightly there are some strange artifacts being produced, something like the NTSC artifacts we see in CRT-Guest-Advance-NTSC when changing the NTSC Scale value.
Depending on the value, these artifacts could be facing the wrong direction and also affect the alignment of certain elements on screen and it’s not really scalable.
So in my first few example pics something is off with the value and I spent quite some time trying to get an inbetween value that would work. I gave up on that because I needed to increase my integer scale offset anyway because it’s SNES.
The value that I had the Mask Stagger on before wouldn’t work for this screen size but I quickly found a value that rendered everything perfectly!
I’m even getting some NTSC artifacts and transparency effects using this preset just as a by product without even using any additional special NTSC filters.
This preset is also one of the cleanest I’ve seen in terms of text and edges. It’s a bit unfortunate that I can’t guarantee that all of my past presets will look the same with the new Mega Bezel going forward though but at least I have something new and shiny to focus on in the meantime.
At some point I plan to use these presets as a foundation for future NTSC versions. I hope by then I’ll be able to figure out those NTSC Filtering Section controls.
thanks for the advice, i’ll look into that but also i had noticed that aside of drez for me just being to have running the core resolution at higher resolutions, i had seen too apparently it provides more image quality than normal preset in my opinion, i’ve indeed started using drez as a solution for crashing, but as i dug deeper onto this preset, i’ve noticed it looks different compared to normal one, overall i think it has something to do with my screen calibration other than anything, as i had noticed that by darkering my brightness or in configs of the preset the thing dissapears, and that could also be the reason why i do see it and you don’t