You’re fine it seems the forums have been down for the better part of the day anyway.
Thanks for changing the stepping I’m just being nitpicky, lol.
About temperature I remember you talking about changing it, I just don’t think I had updated since right before then (I may be wrong.) What is proper D75? As I think I have the temperature set at 7501 or something like that.
Mainly I’d be happy with the decoupling, if you could decouple the base deconvergence (not the zoom version, as the zoom deconvergence seems fine being tied to reflection. Might be harder to untie it this way though 🤷) from it, as well as the afterglow being decoupled. I haven’t looked everything over to see how feasible this is though.
I’m fine with everything that’s in glass being in a single shader, I’d just like to pick and choose my effects more liberally. (Again being nitpicky, I love Swiss army knife shaders. I just like being able to micromanage/power-user these effects.)