Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

It is my plan that most of the TVs will be from the 50s and 60s, combined with some requests that I have had over the years.


Hi Duimon, I wanted to let you know that when I download your overlay-only package, as soon as I try to open the archive with WINRar it gives me the message “unexpected end of archive”. I don’t know if it’s my mistake or something is wrong with the repository. Thanks for your attention and for your work.

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I’ll try and download it myself and see.

I successfully downloaded and unpacked a zip, so it must be on your end. It is 3.5 GB of data so could timeout for various reasons.

You could try cloning the repo instead. There is over 5 GB of additional data in the commit history though, so I would do a shallow clone.

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Duimon/Retroarch-Overlays

This would allow you to get future upgrades by doing a git pull, instead of downloading the entire thing again.

I may reset the repo soon like I did with my Mega Bezel repos.


Hi Duimon, thanks for your help.

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Looking at this post from the Mega Bezel thread, I realized that the solution doesn’t fit with the developer’s intent.

Funny because I am the developer. :innocent:

The files you should make changes to are in the "Duimon-Mega-Bezel\zzz_global_params\Shader\" folder. There are multiple class folders…

  • ADV
  • LITE
  • STD

…and a params file for each subclass within them.


  • user.params
  • user_Bezel.params
  • user_Bezel1.params
  • user_Bezel2.params
  • user_PVM20.params
  • user_TM20.params

…for the Advanced presets.

Make the changes in these files. You can add the lines in at the end of the files, or create a params file (e.g glow_on.params.) containing the lines, and add that as a reference.

The lesson here is that, with multiple reference presets, there many opportunities along the reference chain to make changes.

Even though it is unlikely I will be making changes to the files suggested in the previous solution, it is even less likely I will ever make changes to the files in the new solution.

Compiling params files from various sources will be the subject of my next few guides. (Several short guides, each detailing a different method.)


@Duimon DirkSimple - play Dragon’s Lair in Retroarch! :exploding_head:




Nice! I’m not much for doing a graphics for a specific game. (Aside from my TV7 port presets.)

Here’s hoping that this leads to some more games.


Yeah it now supports Cliff Hanger and Dragons Lair, not sure if more will come or not


@Duimon (Not an art request) I was just thinking you might want to play with new tech. :upside_down_face:

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I know it may not seem like it right now, but I do plan on creating more graphics. So by all means don’t anyone be shy if they see something new like this.

If it supports more than one game I may do something for it. I have plans to create a new generic cabinet graphic in the least.

Maybe some other talented artist can make use of it once I do.


so dragons lair works finally …and without any daphne config madness …thats awesome hope this will support even more laserdisk games in the future :upside_down_face:


I’m looking forward to this, for one… I make good use of your arcade originals graphics.

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Has anyone tested this yet? I’m wondering if the timing is ok with this new method?

@Duimon I have been using your custom bezel 001 night presets mostly because it gives me more screen playable space. I have a question though. On my 1440P monitor certain presets like the Genesis one some of the words get cutoff on the right side of the screen behind the bezel frame and such. Is there a way to only shrink scale the right hand side so the words do not get cutoff or do you have to decrease the size of the bezel frame is the only option? I have been playing around with the Background Scale & Follow options but the whole background moves instead of just the left or right side of the screen only, so I am not sure if I am using the right options or not. I was wondering if you could help me out with which is the correct options I need to be playing around with to get my desired effect?

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You can adjust the X Scale parameter of the background layer. You may also need to turn on “follow exactly” for the LED layer. It probably won’t be perfect, but it should be more balanced.

I have been doing this for many of my later graphics, but haven’t gone back to the graphics that were created before the custom 001 preset.


Thanks for the help. I changed some settings in the background scale, scale x, position x and wrap mode and got an image I am happy with.


Hi I just noticed that many of my shaders for several platforms are not being shown anymore. The image is stretched, you know like how it is before you actually apply a shader. But when I navigate to my shader location in RA’s menu, it says ‘no items’. Even though my shader folder within RA does have the shaders. They’re where they’ve always been. Did I inadvertently change something? Might something have changed elsewhere that I was not aware of? Thanks

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If the shaders don’t appear when you do load preset and get retroarch’s browser this is usually because you have a video driver set which doesn’t support that shader type.

My guess is your video driver got charged to GL or some other one which does not support slang at some point.

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Hi HSM, thanks a lot. That was indeed it. They were set to gl. Now if only I knew why this happened. I don’t recall going into the RA options and switching to gl. Feels so random, and it scares me. Lol. :slight_smile:

More puzzling is that not all cores were affected. SNES and genesis weren’t, whereas arcade, playstation and a few others were.