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Failed to apply shader preset: PDP1-[ADV]-[Guest].slangp :frowning:

all shaders from PDP-1 are working the one shader from PDP-1_Spacewar! gives the error above… did a git pull and got latest files … any idea ? thank you


Please take the time to post a log in these situations. It will save me a lot of time. :grin:

There was a typo in the ADV. It is fixed.

Remember that the Spacewar! preset is only for the MAME Spacewar! ROM, It will do very funny things to any other content. :crazy_face:


thank you very much another git pull: LOG:

[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to load LUT "E:\RetroArch-Win64\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\..Graphics\PDP-1_Spacewar!\PDP1_Background.png".

[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "E:\RetroArch-Win64\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\PDP-1_Spacewar!\PDP1-[ADV]-[Guest].slangp".

[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: "E:\RetroArch-Win64\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\PDP-1_Spacewar!\PDP1-[ADV]-[Guest].slangp". Falling back to stock.


i can find 2nd and 3rd file but what is file path in the first line :

what is … ?


There are multiple missing /s at the bottom of the .slangp file. It goes …Graphics when it should be …/Graphics


thank you, got it working now !!! git pull somehow did not get the latest files …


Not sure if those were the newest files or not because I had the same error in my own. I also got mine through git pull.

Edit: My files weren’t the newest. The file was fixed in the updated version.


That was the typo I mentioned. :grin: Let me know what you think of the PDP-1 if you get running.

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Didn’t know that was what the typo was. I probably won’t be using PDP-1 since I only use the cores for consoles and don’t like playing those super old PC Games right now. I might use it in the future sometime.

I tested it with the Playsation it definitely looked weird but was fine with all the details.

it pretty cool, but i can’t find the correct rom (CRC:8EC51506) for this game… when using the wrong rom (CRC:39AC4C1C) is this what it looks like ? :

it is kind of …zoomed …

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That is the Spacewar arcade game. :frowning_face: If you use the wrong pdp1 rom it will not do anything.

I have added the needed ROMs to my PDP-1_Spacewar! graphics folder. (While I am normally reluctant to do so, in this case I don’t think game developers will mind. :grin:)


The regular PDP-1 graphics are meant for 4x3 games.

This is the raw output of the PDP-1 game.

Using Mega Bezel parameters… I split the game a bit off center, using the dual screen parameters. Correct the aspect, and scale/position the halves separately. (With some cropping on the first to eliminate the big white “Printer” box.)

Then I use the monochrome parameters to color just the second screen and the Gel layer to color the first (Using multiply blend.)

We end up with this.

The rest is just very careful creation of the graphic.

Mega Bezel magic! :star_struck:


I get that. I just don’t have any PDP-1 roms to check the shader with. I just used the Playstation core just to see how it would look in general.

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wow , thank you - it really looks fantastic ! even the blinking lights on the dash are doing their thing ! thank you very much ! :slight_smile:


If anybody was wondering how to have the system specific PVMs without the background just change [Background] Opacity: 0 or [Background] Mask: 1. This is the way to do it without changing the shader file itself. For some reason I just thought if it was possible.


Sometime in the far future, @HyperspaceMadness will investigate adding the ability to browse for an image within the shader dialog. If this happens it will make Changing these a lot easier.

It will take some seriously painful code changes in RA but maybe.


It might be the far future or not so. The change will completely be up to RA if they are even thinking about something like that. It would definitely be easier on everybody who makes shaders and those who like making custom ones for themselves.


@HyperspaceMadness is an RA code contributor, and he is thinking about that.:grin:


Definitely didn’t know that. That would definitely help than.


Yeah if it’s changes with the shader system & ui in RA, the most likely person to implement it is me. I will hopefully be able to get around to it after I do some other RA shader features.


Is the idea that the HSM shaders will soon come packaged with RA? That is really exciting if so :slight_smile: