Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

It could using the correct display aspect and shader parameters.

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I just saw the website is it’s wonderful :visage_souriant_avec_trois_coeurs:

I have a friend who can flip his 4K screen vertically for shoot’em up.

I him and share the link I think he’s not going to sleep tonight :visage fou:

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There are a LOT of parameters in the Mega Bezel and starting with a landscape preset and setting your display aspect to portrait is just the first step.

It should be only a matter of adjusting

[CRT SCALING] >>>Non-Integer Scale %



Until the preset is in the repo there will be nothing to do anyway.

Here is a WIP on the Supervision.

This is what I had in mind, but after I positioned and scaled everything I was disappointed that the logo was off screen.

I borrowed a bit from the other model and decided on this.

What does everyone think?


It looks super cute and amazing, and the logo looks good, originally it doesn’t have the Watara logo, the Watara version is the other model

thank you for doing it!!! for the collection of the old consoles


Supervision Watara uses DMG Shader? like the game boy?


The shot is using the Mega Bezel, which doesn’t have the DMG shader integrated. Instead it is using a combination of a custom Diffuse image and Monochrome color settings. I have done my best to simulate the DMG with the LCD-GRID preset. (@HyperspaceMadness has graciously added features to make this possible.)

When I do the overlay version you may use any shader you like.

Sometime I take liberties when I feel it is needed. :grin:


Here is how it could look on a portrait setup.

With the proper scaling implemented, it really was just a matter of setting the two above parameters. (After changing to portrait.)


Here’s a sneak peak at the Supervision Alt WIP.

There is a great deal of work left to do, but it is taking shape. :grin: (The accordion stuff in the middle will be fun! :wink:)


Here is a new WIP on the first Supervision.

I added texture to the body. It takes many large textures, in various blending modes, on many masked layers. So is extremely slow work. (It needs to be done last because it really slows down real-time effect updates.)

Here is the latest on the Alt version.

I need to add the textures and then make adjustments to compensate for the slightly darker end result.

I cropped the shot so it would be easier to see the details. The accordion stuff was as fun as I’d hoped. :grin:


waoo!!! I love it!!! perfect!!! look real!!


Here is the final WIP. I may yet do another OCD pass on them both but they should be in the repo sometime tomorrow.


The Supervision are in the repo!

The Supervision overlays are also up, along with the Apple_Macintosh_IIx and Apple_Macintosh_LC_III. (Which it seems I forgot to commit. :grin:)


How do I play Game & Watch with the bezel on Retro Arch?


I’m not sure it’s possible without disassembling the roms and creating Mega Bezel graphics. I think the graphics are built in.

I also don’t think there would be much advantage honestly. Adding a reflection would look unrealistic.

If you really wanted to you could turn off the scanlines and adjust the aspect ratio and screen cropping.


Tiger Handheld seems to have the same graphics as Game & Watch

I think it would be possible but alpha would have to be applied to the screen. Just a poc.

Edit: I found a place that has the roms without the graphics applied to them. I was just showing that is possible with possibly a decent amount of editing to the Game & Watch bezels.


I’ll try to play it with MAME, not through RetroArch, to see if it works


The rom I used was made for MAME, or at least was labeled that way. I used it with RetroArch’s MAME - Current core.

Edit: With what Duimon said the file I have is named gnw_dkjr.

They will work in MAME. The MAME roms all start with “gnw_” (i.e. gnw_dkong.zip)


I was able to make it run with the bezel through MAME, but without RetroArch ;(

                                      **MARIO BROS**