Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

If there is a core, then my mission requires it. :grin:

I’ll do some tests of my own, but consider it on the list. Thanks for the heads up!


I’ve been told that my idea of fun is rather unique. :grin:

Here is what I’ve been working on.

The Sega Saturn Model 2!

I could have used some of my Model 1 source but didn’t. (I didn’t want it influencing my design path.)

This was pretty difficult. (Although I didn’t expect it to be. :innocent:) Part of the battle was that I wanted to allow color changes. (Hence the yellow color.)

In the end, to free up more layers, I did away with the window.

Here it is live using what will be my default settings.

And here are a couple of customized shots.

I won’t be releasing anything other than the default, but for those that want to color it… keep in mind that nothing needs to be 100% bright, or 100% saturated.

In all of my graphics not a single white is above 90% brightness.

In additive color, like what we see on our monitors, a 50% gray rectangle looks white on a black background.

The logo is a separate layer so by not using it in some presets I should be able to create a complete set.


I made a small change to the beveled edge below the cartridge slot. I’m still not totally happy with it but it was getting washed out. (I have spent way too much time on it and I honestly don’t know how to improve it more. :frowning_face:)

Here is a 21:9 mode shot.

I think it looks pretty cool!

There was all sorts of banding when I originally tried it live during development. Adding some texture solved the issue.


I like this…i like it alot.


The Sega Saturn Model 2 Alternate is in the repo.

I’m still not in the mood for tedious work, I’ll probably find something else to do before I get back to the BBC Master.


Thanks for doing that Saturn model Duimon, grabbing it from the repo now. Always excited to see what you come up, whatever it may be.


Hi Duimon,

Very impressed with your work :slight_smile:

Any chance for the monochrome green Amstrad GT64 monitor?

Thank you very much


Looks like fun! I’ll add to my list.

Would the GT65 be acceptable?


Here’s a new WIP.

The VTech Socrates! :grin:

This one was rather easy because the system design made it impossible to do anything realistic…

…so I had to do something representational. :wink:


Another one I can add to my ‘new to use’ collection. :grinning: I think about 80% of all my platforms now use your Bezels. The ones who don’t are the commodore platforms for which I use TheNamec’s bezels. And a small portion that remains are regular mame bezels through MAME. Your work is very much appreciated. I once more bow my head to you :bowing_man:


I’ve watched too much Bill & Ted…All I hear when I see that word is “So-Crates” :rofl:


So-Crates is in the repo. :grin:



Here is a WIP on the GT65 .

There were a lot of different versions of this thing, including a Schneider version, so I just picked one. (Not a Schneider version. :grin:)

I still need to tweak some things, and do a recolor for the 6128.


I am adding the VTech Laser 310 to the list.

Actually, the MAME software list concentrates on the Dick Smith VZ300 clone and they are responsible for most of the software catalog, so I am adding that model.

And the logo is too cool! :grin:

I am also doing a 1988 RCA TV for systems that were commonly used with a TV.

The RCA E13165FW.

I will be changing the color a bit to make it more universal.


The Amstrad GT 65, green and glorious, is in the repo. :grin:


Absolutely amazing! :heart_eyes: GT65 is slightly better than GT64 but the people who bought the first Amstrad CPC464 with cassette, it included the GT64 version and there are many of our memories, it would be great to include it too :blush:


Other than the text, I don’t think there is a difference. I think I have enough layers to use the Decal layer to change it.


Thought I’d knock this one off the list since it is just a variation on the Wii.

The KenSingTon Vii! :grin:

FYI, I didn’t go through the effort to separate the layers so it could be colored. (It is just an off the wall obscure system and I didn’t feel it really deserved the extra effort.)

There are 17 playable games though.

On an aside… I had to create the logo from scratch so it is not perfect, but it is the best I’ve seen.

Here is a shot of the real thing next to a Wii.


What I ended up doing was changing the text on the CPC464 version. So the 464 uses the GT 64, and the 6128 uses the GT 65. (Makes sense to me. :grin:)

The repo is updated.


Cool!, just one thing, the GT-64 does not have a plug but has a built-in cable:

GT64 Monitor

More images

On the other hand, it would be great if the GT65 monitor had the cable plugged in, for greater realism since when you are playing it seems to work without power :sweat_smile:

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