Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

I went back into the source and created the hidden joystick (I created two for balance.) so that it can be seen in the split scale wide screen mode.

I also separated the layers so it makes good use of the new dual ambient feature.

Finally, I separated the cartridge decal into another layer, so I can use four small Decal images to save space.


The Adventure Vision is in the repo.

8 items left on the list. :upside_down_face:


I don’t know if you intended it but all the Sources for the Entex is still in the Graphics folder.


I did not. :grin:

I must have copied over the wrong folder.

At least the relevant images are correct. I will update ASAP.



He there, a quick question.

You write that you have updated the “night” presets. Those are the ones I usually use. If have haves core presets with the night version of the shader, do I have to reload the shader and save it as a preset again to activate the new ambient lighting features or does this work automatically with the presets I already saved?

Thanks in advance!


I most cases it should just work. (Every CRT based system.) The Dual Screen presets, and a couple with very small screens, will require loading and saving.

Of course if you don’t like the new method you can change the Ambient lighting parameter to only use the 2nd image.

Just manually add…


to your existing core, game, or content directory presets.

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Do you have this one already?

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That looks like a very well done graphic though! :grin:


Here is a new WIP.

The Pocket Dream Console.

Boy was this thing fun! :joy:

There are a lot of funky curves and bevels going on, rivaling that of the WonderSwan Color and the NGP pair.

It will never be perfect, but there is enough to trick the brain into believing. :grin:

I will probably go back and brighten up the triggers and external switches, so they show against the background a bit better. Otherwise I think it is done.

I am using every available shader layer, so it can be colored. That being said, I think only the Device layer can be colored without unexpected results. (So no later model PDC color variations. :frowning_face:)

I also need to do some R&D on the PDC screen aspect. Depending on the results I may have to tweak the glass/bezel a bit.

From a video I just found, it also appears that the LED is blue. :wink:


OK. Research done, changes made.

I may make a few small tweaks but it is pretty close to done. Time to start exporting layers and building presets.

I’m feeling a bit nostalgic… this graphic only took about 12 hours to complete. A short time ago it would have taken several days worth of trial and error.

BTW. This system is a blast to play and the controls for the two available PCD200 games work OTB.

  • dorapdc.zip
  • tmntpdc.zip

The MAME pdc100.zip needs to be loaded as content for the 100 game multigame unit and requires the mouse.

There are also four other multigame roms…

  • pdc150t.zip
  • pdc200.zip
  • pdc40t.zip
  • pdc50.zip

All told there are a lot of games.

It appears that some of the games are vertical so if I can verify this I may need to make a vertical graphic.

That can wait for a later time though. I don’t want it slowing me down right now.

Edit: I have verified that some games are vertical but my statement about waiting still stands. :grin:


OK… one last look. The colorizing works well.


This system looks pretty cool, I’m going to have to try it out!


The Pocket Dream Console is in the repo!

7 graphics left! :grin:


What are ya gonna do with all your free time once you’ve completed them all?


There are still a few “optional” graphics that need to get done.

In the short term I will be spending my time converting the last half of my graphics to Batocera decorations.

Long term I plan on doing an extended series of vintage TVs.

Then there will be new cores that get added, new MAME software lists, and changes in the shader that will need implementing.

I will have enough to keep me busy. :wink:


I think these looks fantastic and really blew me away when I installed them last night. I like the TV presets since the screen part blends in well with the background stuff though I do wish there was at least one option that was a darker grey/light black in the night options. TV7 is a good example where I wish I could have that but in a more common TV colour. If you ever get bored when all your other work is done, maybe you could throw a darker version in of TV7 like how most of Soqueroeu’s TVs on a table are coloured.

Really is incredible the stuff you all have done with this stuff, from HSM’s mega bezel reflections which have me shake my head at how real they look to your presets here and then Soqueroeu’s presets. Also can’t forget that Guest fellow and the others. I thank you all.


Welcome to the forum!

I’m glad your enjoying the Mega Bezel. I agree… it is something very special.

I’m also happy you are enjoying my work.

As I said above, I plan on doing an extensive series of Vintage TVs. I don’t really have anything like the TV1 through TV4 and TV7 planned but I am not against doing more. :wink:

For the time being you can familiarize yourself with the Mega Bezel parameters.

Specifically, the image layer HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) and Gamma parameters.

Here is a shot of the default TV7 preset.

And here is a shot with background image layer Gamma reduced and the Bezel color value reduced to compliment it.

I find that a good mix of Brightness and Gamma reduction, combined, helps retain some of the contrast.

As dark as this is I don’t really think Night mode would yield much of a benefit.

Have fun and thanks for the feedback! :grin:


Here is a new WIP.

The Camputers Lynx! :grin:

There is really not a whole lot going on with this system’s looks. :frowning_face: It may be the most boring system I have done yet.

The most standout feature is the logo plate, so I did my own logo from scratch. It isn’t perfect but I think it is more true to the original that anything floating around the Interwebs.

The second standout feature is the arrow keys being on opposite sides of the keyboard. :hushed: They are all visible so that is that. :wink:

To run the entire floppy and cassette library you need to use all three models… the Lynx48, Lynx96, and Lynx128.

This being the case, I will release three sets of presets with the only difference being the logo plate.

logo48 logo96 logo128

I will probably just use the Decal layer to swap them out and save space.


I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the new Device split scale feature but I have to say…

…it is a whole lot of fun!

@HyperspaceMadness I don’t know where you get your magic powers, but they are beyond compare!

Incredible work my friend.


Aw shucks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ah, the magic is bashing my head on the keyboard (aka persistence) until I find something that works :rofl: (which was the case with getting the exposed bit to fill in)

I think we have a lot to thank @TheNamec for this, he had a strong vision of how he imagined this would work that he shared with me and was very encouraging, thanks @TheNamec :slight_smile: