Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

You know the saying, “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” (I believe it was Aristotle who coined the phrase?)

Anyway… a great team is indispensable! Thanks @TheNamec!


I did an OCD pass on the Camputers Lynx.

I moved the keys outwards to expose them just a little more, toned down the bevels on the key faces, darkened the sides of the keys a bit, centered the logo plate, and exported the separate Decal Layers.

I think I am ready to start building presets.

BTW. I have been experimenting with lua autoboot scripts. (Really just hacking some I found on GitHub until they work correctly.)

Combined with a *.cmd used as content it is a really powerful way to run some of these more complicated MAME systems.

At some point, when i have enough lua scripts and cmd files to make it worthwhile, I will add them to a repo. (Along with relevant opt files.)


This is really just too damn cool!


Ahah c’mon comrades, so called FLUIDvision was perhaps the first feature I begged @HyperspaceMadness for… the first of a loooong series of stealed week-ends!

And it coame out much better and easier to use than the ancient 9-slice prototype we did almost… :exploding_head: 2 years ago!

Mega Bezel community is such a great place to improve ideas, can’t even imagine what strange feature we will be working on in six months!

May the Pixels be with us! :muscle:



The Duimon_Mega_Bezel repo and release are updated to v0.9.0.4


  • Added the Entex Adventure Vision.
  • Added the Pocket Dream Console.
  • Added the Camputers Lynx trio.
  • Adjusted the ambient parameters on presets that use layers composited onto the background layer. (So they are using the same ambient image.)
  • Changed the layer order on various presets. (Some layers were above the device layer so were still showing when the Device scale was increased.)
  • Combined the Device and Top layer graphics for the PVM presets to free up an image layer.
  • Exported new layers for the PVMs. (The artboard size was increased to accommodate the Device layer drop shadow.)
  • Edited all the PVM presets to reflect the above changes. I used search and replace to make the changes so there is a chance that some were missed. I will fix any errors that are found going forward. (They should only be small Device layer scale issues.)

The link to the current release is in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


Just in case anybody is counting.

The Camputers Lynx puts my completed system count to 150 and leaves 6 systems on the list. :grin:


I just noticed that many of the Apple IIe and IIgs presets are suffering from the same ambient light issue. I will fix them with the next update.

Hopefully I can find the time to go through the rest and double check things.


I found a problem with Gameboy-[STD]-[LCD-GRID]-[Custom] shader presets. There is a file set as NightLightingImage, when I look in the Night variant it is canceled out with //.


I’ll take a look.

Thanks for the heads up. :grinning:

It shouldn’t affect the normal operation of the preset, I was probably trying something custom. Maybe while HSM and I were working on the second ambient method.


Yep. I was just trying something out that never made it to a commit. Obviously the non-Night variant wouldn’t load because the referenced image isn’t in the repo. :grin:

They are fixed, along with the Apple IIe and IIgs.


BTW. I found some presets missing from the Advanced GB, GBC, and GBA. That has also been fixed.


I have had been spending some time doing serious file management. My various collections have been very neglected over the past months.

I’ve migrated many Terabytes of data to their appropriate storage drives and updated all of my HTPC media.

I still have a bit of migration to do but I thought I would post a new WIP.

The Funtech Super A’Can! :grin:

It is still a very raw WIP but it is taking shape.

I stretched reality a lot to squeeze in what I thought were important features. I really wanted the “ears” to be visible so I had to cut down the distance between the inside body parts and the outside. I will also be making the buttons smaller than the original and moving them into view.

When it is finished I think it will reflect the original system well.

This system obviously takes some design inspiration from the Super Famicom. Although I could borrow assets from that source I am going to create them from scratch instead.


BTW. I will also be spending some time swapping out the MB, CPU, and memory in my HTPC in favor of some little used mirror components I have had in storage. It has been up and running 24/7 for many years and since I will be replacing it relatively soon, the spare parts don’t really serve a purpose.

A little temporary new life will “hopefully” hold things together until I finish R&D on the new HTPC. I am still waiting on the new version of the Big Box Community Theme creator to be released so I can finish development.

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Surgery on the HTPC went well, although the PSU decided to die while I had it apart and I had to go back in and replace it with a spare.

I also replaced all the case fans and I am unhappy with the noise level of the new ones. I will be replacing them ASAP. (Edit: ETA is Sunday on the new fans. :slightly_smiling_face:)

Here is the latest on the A’Can.

I created the cartridge slot and added some texture. I also used the texture layer to darken everything a bit.

Most of the troublesome work is done. There are a lot of missing highlights etc. along with the missing components, but it should be fairly quick work.


Here is tonight’s WIP on the A’Can.

It’s getting pretty close. :grin:


Here is the final version of the A’Can.

I was trying to keep my grayscale level above ~20% to give myself some gamut breathing room. I plan to use the shader background layer HSV to darken things up.

Please let me know how this looks on your screen. Since I have a fully calibrated wide gamut display I have some concerns.

BTW. I am making some needed updates to the Apple IIx and LC III Alt presets, both to fix recent breaking and overcome existing issues in 21:9 wide aspect mode.

I am working with an alpha version of the shader so any updates I do will be included in my next full update.



The Duimon_Mega_Bezel repo and release are updated to v0.9.0.5.


  • Updated parameters to be inline with the latest Mega Bezel release.
  • Added the Funtech Super A’Can
  • Fixed issues with the Apple IIx and LC III alternate presets in split wide screen mode.
  • Updated 4K Vertical presets to work with the latest shader release. (They have been broken for a long time.)
  • Added STD and Lite 4K Vertical presets.

My 4K Vertical presets have largely been abandoned. I plan to revisit them at a later date but if they are there, they should work.

The link to the current release is in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


Only 5 graphics left on the short list! :grin:


Hello @Duimon, I don’t know why, but the latest update of HSM Mega Bezel did something with your PVM20 shader, the TV layout is messed up, I don’t know how to fix it, can you help me?

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It is because of the SCALE_MODE to FOLLOW_LAYER parameter change, so Duimon will have to update his shader parameters to fix it.