Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

sorry the error was on my side , wrong setting in mame.ini my apologies

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No worries. You can do per game ini files if you need different settings for regular use.

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Hi Duimon. Thank you very much for your amazing work! If i can make a suggestion. Would you be interested in create a RCA Studio 2 graphic? I know that can be executed through Mame Software list. Just a suggestion if you´re still receiveing it, Sorry about my english. Thanks a lot

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All I have ever gotten when trying to run it is garbage.

So I never added it to any list. If you know some trick that I am not aware of, I would gladly do it in the future.

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There is a special trick to do. Each trick for each game is listed in the studio2 hash xml file. I should state that most are press F3 and then Q.


Thank you for that. Sometimes I forget that they include notes in the XML.

Sounds like there may be a need for a lua script to make things easier. :grin:

I will give loading another try and add the system to my future projects list.

@espidie1979 Please keep in mind that it may be a long while before I get to doing the new list. I have other things I need/want to do first.


It was the same way with the console. To play a game, you would have to press ‘clear’ and then a number key on the A Keypad.

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The Duimon-Mega-Bezel / Duimon-Mega-Bezel-Potato repos and releases are updated to v1.0.0.1.


  • Changed LED layer follow parameters to “Follow Exactly” on the Apple Macintosh IIx, and Apple Macintosh LC III alt presets.
  • Updated Tiger Game_com so the Device layer scales with the tube.
  • Tweaked HSV parameters on the ColecoVision, and Channel F [Custom-Bezel_002] and [TM20] presets.
  • Added missing BBC Monitor Advanced presets.
  • Enabled B&W monochrome shader parameters in B&W LCD systems to eliminate colored sub pixels.
  • Enabled green monochrome shader parameters in DOSBox 5150 IBM_5151 presets.
  • Tweaked the Game Boy screen parameters and migrated the settings to all the GB-like screens.
  • Tweaked the GB [Custom] screen parameters.
  • Fixed broken GB2Player and GBC2Player presets.
  • Corrected the aspect ratio of the GB2Player and GBC2Player potato presets.
  • Fixed screen black edge in generic PDP-1 presets.
  • Updated the cartridge slot bevel/frame of Saturn Alt graphic.
  • Created desaturated Background and Device and graphics for the Saturn Alt preset. (The bright yellow versions are now named Saturn_Alt2.png and Saturn_Alt_Device2.png.)
  • Created a _Common folder for graphics that are used in many presets, to save space, and updated the affected presets.

With the amount of changes I will be leaving the old release zips for the time being.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.


great improvement again. :+1:t2:

in the fm_towns presets folder : what is the FM-Towns-[ADV]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangs file?

the lite and standard also has this file.

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Excellent update! Quick question: What settings do you recommend for Gameboy? I’m still not seeing reflections in the bezel.

That is a leftover test file from before we (The Mega Bezel Team) decided to use the *.params extension in our multiple reference presets. It escaped my notice but will be removed and can be ignored.

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I have global reflection intentionally turned down. My preset uses a tube diffuse image and it dominates the reflection.

Since the Game Boy didn’t have a back light or light emitting pixels, there wouldn’t have been a reflection anyway.

I have attempted to give the screen a dim authentic look. The Night preset is a bit easier to see.

At some point the hope is @HyperspaceMadness will revisit his attempt to integrate the DMG shader and things will change again. :wink:


Hi Duimon, I was using some of your SNES overlays (for example, on page 723), and I assumed these would also be reflective, but they weren’t. Indeed, in the screenshot on page 723 you can see they don’t seem reflective. On page 736 Oconner shared a similar one that does have the reflections. So now I’m wondering whether I need to activate the reflections in Retroarch menu?

Or are these simply variants without reflections?

This is the overlay I’m using and the location:


Name: SNES.png


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The overlays don’t have reflections.

The reflections are from my Mega Bezel presets, which I used to generate the overlays.

The Mega Bezel has steep hardware requirements but the overlays can be used on any hardware.

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Hi guys, I’m a noob who’s trying to install this for the first time. How can I activate these bezels?

I read on Duimon’s GitHub page how to place the files in the correct folder. I also installed the Mega Bezels dependency. But after the folder placement…there are no further instructions.

I don’t know what to do next.

Hey… after you have everything in the right folders, just start a game in RA and go into the shaders menu in the quick menu and load a shader.

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Hello @FamShoppa Welcome to the forum!

Once you are running content you can load shader presets from the shaders menu.

To get to the shaders menu, press F1 on the keyboard or “Home” on your gamepad.

Go to “Quick Menu>>Shaders>>Load” and browse to my presets.

After you have one loaded and are happy, you can go back to the menu and “Save” a Core, Game, Or Content Directory preset. This will set the preset to automatically load with your content.

If you have any problems feel free to post here as much as you need.

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I have updated my GitHub Pages gallery with all new screenshots.

1358 screenshots, multiple renaming passes, lots of file organization, and many hand edited HTML files later, and it looks like I got it right the first time. :grin:


something i suggest for you gameboy overlay …

the dark grey bezel/border you use for the screen makes it a bit less authentic in my mind , i recolored it like this … ^^ the old gb had allways such a “frame” on the screen. would be nice to get the shadow image on the bezel itself too if there is a way

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I assume you mean the shader preset. Things get confusing since I release standard overlay versions of all my graphics.

When it comes to things that can be done within the shader, my presets are just a starting point. Feel free to make any parameter changes you like and save a preset.

Not sure what you mean by this, but you can just turn the bezel off if you want.

I think you could use “Empty Tube Space” after turning off the bezel.

In the end the final solution will be to integrate the DMG shader in the Mega Bezel. We can only get so close with the current base.

I am pretty happy with the features @HyperspaceMadness has given us that have gotten us this close.

I am using Multiply Blending on the screen, Tube Shadow, Empty Tube Space, and Diffuse image. These are all great features!