Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

oh yeah you are right ^^ thx

Hey there, if you take a look at the tube diffuse parameters you should see some colour controls there, like hue, saturation, & colorize


Yeah, I am using those in this preset too, so that is off the table without causing issues. :frowning_face:

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I did the customizing again.

It probably isn’t identical to the previous shot. :grin:


#reference "Mega_Bezel_Community/Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Lite/Nintendo_NES/NES-[STD]-[Guest-Mini]-[Bezel].slangp"
HSM_BZL_WIDTH = "80.000000"
HSM_BZL_HEIGHT = "55.000000"
HSM_FRM_THICKNESS = "80.000000"
HSM_BG_SCALE_X = "102.699959"
HSM_BG_POS_X = "-0.100000"
HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "0.000000"
HSM_DECAL_SCALE = "68.200485"
HSM_DECAL_POS_Y = "-15.800042"
scanline = "5.000000"
masksize = "2.000000"
CGWG = "0.100000"

Just another tidbit of info. If you remove the top reference line and rename this *.slangp to *.params


HSM_BZL_WIDTH = "80.000000"
HSM_BZL_HEIGHT = "55.000000"
HSM_FRM_THICKNESS = "80.000000"
HSM_BG_SCALE_X = "102.699959"
HSM_BG_POS_X = "-0.100000"
HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "0.000000"
HSM_DECAL_SCALE = "68.200485"
HSM_DECAL_POS_Y = "-15.800042"
scanline = "5.000000"
masksize = "2.000000"
CGWG = "0.100000"

…you could create a preset that has these contents.

#reference "Mega_Bezel_Community/Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Lite/Nintendo_NES/NES-[STD]-[Guest-Mini]-[Bezel].slangp"

#reference "NES_Test.params"

Of course the *.slangp and *.params would both need to be in the root shaders folder with these paths.

Also, the params file extension isn’t required, it is just the practice adopted by our team, you could name it NES_Test.settings or NES_Test.junk, etc.

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i guess i found my favorite settings for this now ^^


Hi, I’m really amazed how well the tilt function works for the mame cabinet shader. I just have one suggestion. Is there any way to maximize the play area just a tad more and perhaps reducing the vertical graphic ‘mame’ a bit in size? The speakers and controls don’t have to be removed entirely, just moved up and down a bit I guess. I know under the ‘arcade’ folder and ‘mame’ as well, there are variants which do just that by removing the speakers and controls completely, but those don’t have the cool and atmospheric cabinet visuals, the left and right bezel look a bit tacky. Akuma22 did something similar somewhere around page 1376 of this thread, but he seems to be gone and I haven’t been able to figure out where he stored his presets. Sorry don’t mean to sound ungrateful, now that my PC Is powerful enough, it is legit amazing to finally be able to sample the work done.

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Duimon just posted a bunch of information about how to customize some of this. Read over the recent posts in this thread for more info.

I’m glad you like the preset.

When I first did the graphic it wasn’t well received by the community. :frowning_face: That changed over time. :grin:

The cabinet presets are not currently set up to scale with the screen.

I will spend some time today changing that and update the presets in the repo. Once I am done you can just use the “Non-Integer Scale %” parameter to increase the size of the screen. It may take some Y Position adjustments as well but should be easy enough.

I will post when the repo is updated.

That is a sad thing indeed. RL took him away and we haven’t seen him since. I was really looking forward to his presets being released, but they never were.

Maybe he will make an appearance someday. Hopefully all is well in his world.

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OK. The cabinet presets have been updated in the repo. The release may not be updated right away so you will have to use the GitHub update method or download the master.

The two parameters you will need to change are Non-Integer Scale %.

Here I have changed it from 69.97 to the default 82.97. (By highlighting the parameter and pressing Space on the keyboard or the “Start” button on your gamepad)

This is the result.

If that works for you, you are done. If like me you would like the screen centered vertically, adjust the Position Y parameter.

For this scale 39.00 works.

Thanks for the feedback. I think this is something that should have been done in the beginning.


Thank you. That’s exactly what I had in mind. Just one little thing. Can I play around with the colors myself? Change the red to the blue you already used for some of your other cabinet shaders? Thanks again.

edit: never mind I think. I see your mame preset folder was also updated, so probably takes care of my question.


Yes you can, and it is still relevant even with my universal changes.

I created these before the HSV parameters were added to all the layers, so I did the color adjustments in Photoshop. This can actually be done within the shader today.

Here is an example, using the MAME preset, where I adjusted the Hue of all three layers (Background, Device, and Decal) to 270 and the Saturation to 200.


I grabbed all 6 presets under the mame preset folder (Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Advanced/MAME/) and placed them in the location where the original slang folders were, overwriting the others. but when I select these shaders I get a ‘failed to apply shader preset’ notification bottom left of the screen. Seems like it should work as I merely replaced the previous 6 shaders in my retroarch folder by 6 new ones.

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Can you post a log of the error?

Not sure where I can see a specific error log, but the message says:

failed to apply shader preset MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp

there is a logs folder in Retroarch but it is empty.

You need to go into “Logging” in the RA settings and turn on “Logging Verbosity” and “Log to File”.

You may need to restart after.

Ok, I guess this should be it, logs folder now had 1 entry
[INFO] RetroArch 1.12.0 (Git 840c448)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] CPU Model Name: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF
[INFO] Built: Oct 17 2022
[INFO] Version: 1.12.0
[INFO] Git: 840c448
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "dinput".
[INFO] [Core]: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "cores\mame_libretro.dll"
[INFO] [Overrides]: Content dir-specific overrides found at "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Loading config: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Appending config: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.cfg".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save file to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\saves\1942.srm".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save state to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\states\1942.state".
[INFO] [Environ]: SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\system".
[libretro INFO] SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\system
[INFO] [Environ]: CORE_ASSETS_DIRECTORY: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\downloads".
[libretro INFO] CONTENT_DIRECTORY: C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\downloads
[libretro INFO] SAVE_DIRECTORY: C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\saves
[INFO] [Content]: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] Starting game:G:\roms\Mame 0.249\vertical\1942.zip
[libretro INFO] Game name: 1942, Game description: 1942 (Revision B)
[libretro ERROR] System not found: vertical
[libretro WARN] Driver vertical not found -1
[libretro INFO] Creating frontend for game: 1942
[libretro INFO] Softlists: 1
[libretro WARN] Invalid video value opengl; reverting to software
[libretro INFO] SOURCE FILE: ../../../../../src/mame/capcom/1942.cpp
[libretro INFO] PARENT: 0
[libretro INFO] NAME: 1942
[libretro INFO] DESCRIPTION: 1942 (Revision B)
[libretro INFO] YEAR: 1984
[libretro INFO] MANUFACTURER: Capcom
[libretro INFO] RES:0
[INFO] [SRAM]: Skipping SRAM load.
[INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 60.000000 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: fullscreen.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Vulkan dynamic library loaded.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Found vulkan context: "vk_w".
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Detecting screen resolution: 3840x2160.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Found GPU at index 0: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080".
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using GPU index 0.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080".
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Queue family 0 supports 16 sub-queues.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Got 3 swapchain images.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using resolution 3840x2160.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using BGRA8888 format.
[INFO] [Shaders]: Specific shader preset found at "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4.
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "win32".
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_music_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_video_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_image_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_favorites.lpl".
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 60.000000 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Environ]: SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: 224x256, Aspect: 0.750, FPS: 60.00, Sample rate: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[INFO] [Input]: Game Focus => OFF
[libretro INFO] ChangeAV: w:224 h:256 ra:0.750000.
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 59.637405 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Environ]: SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: 224x256, Aspect: 0.750, FPS: 59.64, Sample rate: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48291.84 Hz.
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[INFO] [Input]: Game Focus => OFF
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 59.637405 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Environ]: SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: 224x256, Aspect: 0.750, FPS: 59.64, Sample rate: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48291.84 Hz.
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[INFO] [Input]: Game Focus => OFF
[libretro INFO] ChangeAV: w:224 h:256 ra:0.750000.
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME\MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME\MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME\MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp". Falling back to stock.
[ERROR] [Config]: Failed saving config to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Loading config: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Configuration overrides unloaded, original configuration restored.
[INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 07 seconds.
[INFO] [Runtime]: Saving runtime log file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\playlists\logs\MAME (Git)\1942.lrtl".
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading game..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols..
[INFO] [Core]: Saved core options file to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\MAME.opt".
[INFO] [Video]: Average monitor Hz: 143.926310 Hz. (4.941 % frame time deviation, based on 2048 last samples).
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When you post a log you need to select the text and click the “Preformatted Text” button in the post editor. </>

I think the error is here.

Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry

I see that in a lot of places. Can you load the preset manually?

I’m not sure it has anything to do with my update, all I did was add these parameters.

HSM_BG_FOLLOW_LAYER = "1.000000"
HSM_BG_SCALE = "118.599716"
HSM_BG_POS_Y = "1.200000"
HSM_BG_MIRROR_WRAP = "0.000000"

Everything else is the same as before.

The history in my GitHub confirms that nothing else changed.

I edited my previous post, thanks for the tip. Opening Retroarch, selecting core, then the game (1942), and then selecting the shader does not work I’m afraid. Can you please clarify what is meant with ‘opening a preset manually?’ Could it be that I did not have simple presets enabled somewhere? I remember this recommendation somewhere.

That is what I meant by opening a preset manually…

Your log shows some shaders in your config folder failing to load.

Could you post a new log with the manual load.

Again, I am afraid something else is amiss. Have you updated or changed anything else?