Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Can you load any other preset not MAME related?

I tried a game now with the original slang shaders I had under standard and those still work, but when I pick a shader in the advanced folder, which is where I stored the new ones, overwriting the old ones, I get the failed to load shader preset.

here the log based on opening retroarch instead of going through LB.

[INFO] RetroArch 1.12.0 (Git 840c448)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] CPU Model Name: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF
[INFO] Built: Oct 17 2022
[INFO] Version: 1.12.0
[INFO] Git: 840c448
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "dinput".
[INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: fullscreen.
[INFO] [XInput]: Found XInput v1.4.
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
[INFO] [D3D12]: Found GPU at index 0: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080".
[INFO] [D3D12]: Found GPU at index 1: "Microsoft Basic Render Driver".
[INFO] [D3D12]: Using GPU index 0.
[INFO] [D3D12]: Requesting 1 maximum frame latency, using 1.
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "win32".
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "d3d12".
[INFO] [SRAM]: SRAM will not be saved.
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_music_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_video_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_image_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_favorites.lpl".
[INFO] [Core]: Using content: "G:\roms\Mame 0.249\vertical\1942.zip".
[INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds.
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols..
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
[INFO] RetroArch 1.12.0 (Git 840c448)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] CPU Model Name: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF
[INFO] Built: Oct 17 2022
[INFO] Version: 1.12.0
[INFO] Git: 840c448
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "dinput".
[INFO] [Core]: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\mame_libretro.dll"
[INFO] [Overrides]: Content dir-specific overrides found at "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Loading config: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Appending config: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.cfg".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save file to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\saves\1942.srm".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Redirecting save state to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\states\1942.state".
[INFO] [Environ]: SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\system".
[libretro INFO] SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\system
[INFO] [Environ]: CORE_ASSETS_DIRECTORY: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\downloads".
[libretro INFO] CONTENT_DIRECTORY: C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\downloads
[libretro INFO] SAVE_DIRECTORY: C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\saves
[INFO] [Content]: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] Starting game:G:\roms\Mame 0.249\vertical\1942.zip
[libretro INFO] Game name: 1942, Game description: 1942 (Revision B)
[libretro ERROR] System not found: vertical
[libretro WARN] Driver vertical not found -1
[libretro INFO] Creating frontend for game: 1942
[libretro INFO] Softlists: 1
[libretro WARN] Invalid video value opengl; reverting to software
[libretro INFO] SOURCE FILE: ../../../../../src/mame/capcom/1942.cpp
[libretro INFO] PARENT: 0
[libretro INFO] NAME: 1942
[libretro INFO] DESCRIPTION: 1942 (Revision B)
[libretro INFO] YEAR: 1984
[libretro INFO] MANUFACTURER: Capcom
[libretro INFO] RES:0
[INFO] [SRAM]: Skipping SRAM load.
[INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 60.000000 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: fullscreen.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Vulkan dynamic library loaded.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Found vulkan context: "vk_w".
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Detecting screen resolution: 3840x2160.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Found GPU at index 0: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080".
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using GPU index 0.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080".
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Queue family 0 supports 16 sub-queues.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Got 3 swapchain images.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using resolution 3840x2160.
[INFO] [Vulkan]: Using BGRA8888 format.
[INFO] [Shaders]: Specific shader preset found at "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
[INFO] [Video]: Found display server: "win32".
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\\vertical.slangp".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_music_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_video_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading history file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_image_history.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Loading favorites file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_favorites.lpl".
[INFO] [Playlist]: Written to playlist file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\content_history.lpl".
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 60.000000 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Environ]: SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: 224x256, Aspect: 0.750, FPS: 60.00, Sample rate: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[INFO] [Input]: Game Focus => OFF
[libretro INFO] ChangeAV: w:224 h:256 ra:0.750000.
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 59.637405 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Environ]: SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: 224x256, Aspect: 0.750, FPS: 59.64, Sample rate: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48291.84 Hz.
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[INFO] [Input]: Game Focus => OFF
[libretro INFO] Joystick map: disabled
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: width=224 height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: max_width=224 max_height=256
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: aspect_ratio = 0.750000
[libretro INFO] AV_INFO: fps = 59.637405 sample_rate = 48000.000000
[INFO] [Environ]: SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: 224x256, Aspect: 0.750, FPS: 59.64, Sample rate: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48291.84 Hz.
[INFO] [XAudio2]: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
[INFO] [Display]: Found display driver: "vulkan".
[INFO] [Input]: Game Focus => OFF
[libretro INFO] ChangeAV: w:224 h:256 ra:0.750000.
[WARN] [Shaders]: Root preset is not a valid shader chain because it has no shaders entry: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME\MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME\MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME\MAME_2010-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET]-[Vertical].slangp". Falling back to stock.
[ERROR] [Config]: Failed saving config to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Loading config: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Configuration overrides unloaded, original configuration restored.
[INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 07 seconds.
[INFO] [Runtime]: Saving runtime log file: "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\playlists\logs\MAME (Git)\1942.lrtl".
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading game..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols..
[INFO] [Core]: Saved core options file to "C:\Users\Alexander\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\config\MAME\MAME.opt".
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.

Tried one for atari 2600 and fm towns and no problem. This is with a mame game. I’m on mame 0.249 latest version by the way.

gotta go visit family but will read later and try again. Odd. Thanks for your time.

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When you get back. Try deleting the MAME folder first, then copying the new ones in.

My main concern is that it reports the same error concerning the “specific” presets in your config folder.

BTW. Unless you are using the MAME 2010 core, there is no need to use the [Vertical] preset. It is only for MAME 2010 which needs a bit of love to work correctly in vertical.

The “MAME-[STD]-[Guest][CABINET].slangp” will automagically work for both horizontal and vertical games.

Hi Duimon,

sorry if this has been asked before but I’ve been going through all my platforms one by one after updating to latest retroarch and latest megabezel. With the Atari Lynx I get the following after applying the Lynx-[ADV]-[LCD-GRID]-[Night].slangp

How do I get rid of those inverted/mirrored parts on the left and right of the screen?

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Change Background Layer>>>Mirror Wrap parameter.

Although it won’t look as pretty as it could.

I have yet to do off screen elements for most of my handhelds. It will happen eventually. :grin:

In the mean time I thought mirrored was better than empty space.

I have in mind to do some updates before I do new graphics, the handhelds will be on the list.

First I want to try and tackle TheNamec’s multiple reference boilerplate.


ow. OK. So that was done by design to fill up the screen. Figures :smile: I’ll check and see which one I like most and stick with that. Thanks for the speedy reply. :pray:

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Do you guys have any suggestions for a Hercules monitor shader? If I use the shader I use for my normal DOS setup, it doesn’t look right if I just change it to amber monochrome (at least as far as I seem to remember the Hercules monitors looking). Anybody already have something set up for this? Thanks for the help.


For a small amount of added prettiness, you could add these parameters to your preset.

HSM_CUTOUT_SCALE = "200.000000"
HSM_BG_CUTOUT_MODE = "2.000000"

It will crop the background and round the corners.


Looking much better! Thanks a bundle! :relaxed:


You will want to turn off any CRT masks, and make some adjustments to the Brightness and Gamma of the Monochrome settings. You may also want to increase the [CORE RES SAMPLING] >>> Opposite Direction Multiplier to 200. Hercules Graphics had a 720×348 resolution so if there were scanlines, they were more dense.

Here is a shot.

and here are the needed parameters.

shadowMask = "-1.000000"

I was using an image in the Image viewer core for the shot. Here is a shot using actual DOSBox Hercules content.

Here is a shot with some increased “Bloom” in the Guest section of the parameters, using my Olivetti M21 preset. (Which had a Hercules video card and amber monitor.)


Awesome… thank you. I’m working on this now.

What is the setting to make the viewport zoom and offset for the game screen only and not the background/bezel?

Nope, doesn’t work. I deleted the MAME folder altogether, then created a new MAME folder in:


Once more saved the 6 shaders from the Github: Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Advanced/MAME/

in that new MAME folder. Even deleted the MAME games from LB, and started over reimporting them, but still get the failed to load shader preset notification.

I also grabbed your new arcade shaders as well, did the same, but now they’re also not working since I get the same message.

All I’m doing is right clicking in the github on the slang shader, select ‘save link as’ and navigating to the retroarch folder and saving the shaders there. So for all intents and purposes, I’m not changing the basics at all.

I’m still on Vulkan, my aspect ratio is set to full and integer scale off. Gonna close the PC for now, but will check back later. Can’t be a major error, must be something silly. :slight_smile:

Duimon, maybe this helps narrow it down. I redownloaded your entire 743 mb shader pack, deleted the entire Duimon-Mega-Bezel folder which I already had and copied the freshly downloaded one in the exact same location. Now, my shaders under LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Advanced\MAME are working once more like they were before. So back to square one, which isn’t bad news. :slight_smile:

Here’s the weird thing, which I also noticed earlier: all 6 SLANGP shaders coming from the 743 mb file in that exact folder have a measly size ranging from 1 to 2 kb. But the new ones you made earlier today and which I failed to enable have a size of just a little over 220 kb. In fact, MAME-[ADV]-[Guest][CABINET].slangp which I can find on the github under Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Advanced/MAME/ is 229 kb in size. Obviously, you made some changes but I would not expect the size to go from 2 to 229 kb.

That explains it then.

This will get you an html file not a shader. There is no easy way to download a single file from GitHub.

If you had been using the Git installation method you could have just done a Git pull.

I’m afraid those concepts are still pretty new to me. :slight_smile:

What steps should I take to ensure I’ll have the new shaders which you made earlier today?


No worries. I relatively short time ago (2 1/2 years.) I was manually editing HSM’s base presets because I didn’t know about the RA system menu.

A lot has happened since then :innocent:


If you want to make updating small changes quicker and less painful, and are using Windows, you can follow the Git installation method in the second post.

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Well, this screenshot doesn’t look that great, but this is where I’m at so far on the Hercules monitor look. Duimon, your monochrome lighting settings were great, but even with -1 shadowmask, and turning off the filtering (I think) mine has the fuzzy filtered look instead of the crisp look that yours has. I can’t seem to figure out how to completely get rid of all the scanlines, etc (I started with one of your DosBox presets as a base).

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That will be in the “Follow” section of the target layer. Usually it is either the Background or the Device layer. The rest are “Usually” set to follow the target layer.

When you change the follow though, it will cause dramatic changes to the scale and position. It is not necessarily an easy task.

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Turn down the Scanlines Trigger Res to 100. This will turn on fake scanlines, which are at 0% Opacity by default.

Or you can increase the CORE RES Opposite Direction Multiplier like I mentioned. It all depends on what you are looking for.

BTW. I think mine has a rather fuzzy look also. I’m not sure we can do anything about this. Turning up the Bloom or Halation makes it look more accurate though, even with the fuzziness.

Maybe take a look at my Apple IIe monochrome preset. (Although it is green instead of amber. I have some tweaks in there.

GTU_ON = "1.000000"
compositeConnection = "1.000000"
signalResolution = "480.000000"
g_signal_type = "0.000000"
glow = "0.160000"
bloom = "0.450000"
blendMode = "0.000000"
shadowMask = "-1.000000"

BTW. Are you using the DOSBox core with a Hercules adapter for video?

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