Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

I noticed that if I turn the Scanline trigger to 100 or the Core res to 200 it gets a weird vibrating effect in the graphics. I would like to be able to get closer to the no shader look, but with monochrome (like when you compare the two sides, the one on the left).

I’ll check out your Apple preset for sure.

I’m using the DosBox Pure core. I’m not sure what the Hercules adapter is.

Thanks for your help.

edit I think, in my screenshot, above, that the brightest shade of the amber looks to bright and glowy… I don’t remember the old monitors looking quite like that… what do you think?

The Interlace setting must be set to something other than 4.00 (off)

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I don’t know for sure if the Pure core has it. HGC (Hercules Graphics Card) was the “Hercules” behind what you are going for. Whether the monitor was amber, green, or white, the Hercules Card was where the name came from… not the monitor.

If Pure doesn’t have a setting for the Hercules Card then you are just coloring standard ~240 output and it won’t be as crisp.

As I said above, the Hercules had a vertical resolution of 348. More than 100 additional lines.

Of course you will limit yourself to the library of games that had an HGC setting available.

I’m showing that zero is off in my settings. 4 and above is interlacing. Is it possible I’m using some wrong version? 4 is one of the only settings that doesn’t vibrate.

Ah ok, I see the “emulated graphics card” settings in the core settings for DosBox Pure. When I set it to Hercules, now we are looking a lot better. lol

Sorry, I didn’t realize the core wants us to change that manually for each game… but it is starting to look a lot better now, so I just have to tweak things. Thank you.

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Hi Duimon, I wanted to report that Atari 2600 presets mentioned below have this line in them despite not being Night preset;


Presets affected;

(Lite) 2600-[STD]-[Guest-Mini]-[Bezel].slangp

(Standard) 2600-[STD]-[Guest-Mini]-[Bezel].slangp

(Advanced) 2600-[ADV]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp

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Thanks. Strange I didn’t notice while grabbing screenshots for my gallery. The 2600 shots are all correct.

In any case, it is fixed now. :grin:

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I ran into a bunch of problems working in DosBox Pure’s Hercules mode, so I went back to the beginning and this is what I ended up with for now. It’s not 100% authentic looking, but I think it’s close enough for nostalgia purposes, so I’m happy with it for now. Thanks again.


Hi dude. Yesterday, you replied with ‘this’ yesterday, I guess implying that the way to get your new presets is indeed by redownloading the whole 743 mb package again. Might you know if your new presets are already in there? Because today I tried to change the Non-Integer Scale % to 82.97% and the Y offset to 39, as you suggested, and although I can see the change taking place, it seems the actual shader preset is still the old one. So what I mean is the controls at the bottom and speakers at the top and the words ‘arcade’ or ‘mame’ on the right and left of the shader are still in their old position. So when I change the non integer scale my playing area indeed increases but then the controls are slightly overlapping with the play area and the play area partially covers the decals on the left and right of the shader. So it still seems like I have no idea how to obtain the new presets. Thanks.

They were there since I posted saying so.

I just jumped on my GitHub and viewed one of the presets and they are indeed the new ones.

If you read my post I said that the release package has not been updated and that you either had to download the “Master” (The “Code>>>Download ZIP” button on the repo front page) or use the Git update method.

I honestly think the Git method is the easiest way to keep up to date, and it saves bandwidth.

I’ll update the release later today.


Hey duimon;)have a new challenge for u :wink:



Whoa. Couple of things. Did you make that shader yourself? It seems based on Duimon’s arcade cabinet slangp, except I don’t recall a CPS 1 specific one. Do you have similar ones for CPS 2, 3 etc…?

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Let’s all settle down a bit. Take a look at my license before you get carried away.

I’m open to giving someone permission, as I gave @akuma22, but they need to have a chat with me first.

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Good night, I edited these just for myself, I don’t post anything. I just posted it here to show how it looks.

I used it with the Zomb shader preset. Then I posted it here but I’m not the author. I respect the work of all of you here. Cyber, HSM, Duimon, Orions… When I post the video I always leave the link of all of you here.

If you would like to do something for distribution, it looks cool. We could chat about it in private.

I have some Photoshop templates I could provide to make it quick work.

I just wish you could do some Overlays like this with companies. But I don’t know anything about Photoshop, just for basic use. I’ve seen the Akuma22 edits. I edited these Overlays just because of my brother. He has the ReteoArch separated by companies so I’m just kidding here. But I admire the work you all do.

This Overlay is authored by Duimon, I got it from his repository. I just edited. The shader render is from Zomb. Duimon, I ask you to make some like this. SNK, Midway, Konami… It would be nice with your creativity and talent. :brazil:

Duimon, does Akuma22 have a repository?