Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Hi I just noticed that many of my shaders for several platforms are not being shown anymore. The image is stretched, you know like how it is before you actually apply a shader. But when I navigate to my shader location in RA’s menu, it says ‘no items’. Even though my shader folder within RA does have the shaders. They’re where they’ve always been. Did I inadvertently change something? Might something have changed elsewhere that I was not aware of? Thanks

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If the shaders don’t appear when you do load preset and get retroarch’s browser this is usually because you have a video driver set which doesn’t support that shader type.

My guess is your video driver got charged to GL or some other one which does not support slang at some point.

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Hi HSM, thanks a lot. That was indeed it. They were set to gl. Now if only I knew why this happened. I don’t recall going into the RA options and switching to gl. Feels so random, and it scares me. Lol. :slight_smile:

More puzzling is that not all cores were affected. SNES and genesis weren’t, whereas arcade, playstation and a few others were.


Some cores force a change in video driver. Also if you go into the core options, there is sometimes a settings for a preferred driver.

Most of the 8 & 16 bit systems never force a driver because they are not 3D

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I think I kinda know what might have happened. Yesterday or day before I was struggling with a core, don’t even remember which one, and I changed under settings/core called ‘allow core to change video driver’ and I believe I turned this to off. Originally it was set to on. I might have changed this generally for all of RA, rather than when I had a core loaded. Not sure whether ‘ON’ is better for this option. I would imagine that ‘OFF’ is actually safer but Nintendo 3DS Citra core seems to prefer this is set to ‘ON’.

That may be true, but there are cores that can’t use Vulkan, so need to switch to glcore. ON is the recommended setting.


The Duimon-Mega-Bezel repo and release are updated to v1.1.0.5.

The Potato repo and release has also been updated to v1.1.0.5.


  • The presets will require Retroarch v1.15.0 or later and the latest release of the Mega Bezel.

  • Removed all the “Vertical” presets (Except for the WonderSwan pair.) and replaced them with automagical variable methods in the main presets. You will no longer need a separate folder for your vertical roms. In addition, games that need 270 degree rotation (MsPacman and some Atari Lynx.) also work as expected.

  • Performed some surgery on the Naomi graphic so that the screen size of horizontal and vertical games matched. (The Naomi cabinet has always been too wide and the bezel glass too rectangular.)

  • Added two new guides. Params_01_User_Created_Params.md and Params_02_Community_Derived_Params.md.

The link to the current releases are in the first post. Installation/Update instructions are near the end of the second.

A couple of screenshots of the new Naomi.

I am using a small (-4.000000) 3D Tilt on the screen to match the cabinet. The potato will look a bit different since it doesn’t support tilt.


Are the automagical vertical presets using the wildcards? I have my verticals in a separate directory so I can set them up as directory presets. Would I be able to use this method and keep my roms in one directory again?

Yes. The WonderSwan are the only exception. The core doesn’t have an auto rotate feature.

Of course I would test a few first by copying to a temp folder. (Just to make sure I did my job correctly.)

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Well, that’s fantastic. HSM was trying to get me into the wildcard movement and I was too dull to think of how I could make use of it. My apologies to him.

So, how did you separate out which games would go with the vertical presets? Previously, I used a vertical playlist in Launchbox and then used its feature that copies the roms to a new directory.

No need. The core notifies the shader system that it intends to rotate (Even though it can’t.) then the wildcard just selects the vertical params.

It would be impossible without the multiple reference system already in place.

@HyperspaceMadness is indeed an awe inspiring wizard. I’m quite confident there is no magic he can’t perform, given enough time and motivation.

There is also no longer a need to flip the viewport in hardware rendered cores.


Well, this gets a lot more exciting when you see the ways you will be able to use it. Thanks for the help, and I will take a look at this today.


Sorry… so should I be looking in presets>MAME for examples of this?

edit Ok, I see the Core-req-rot 0 90 and 270… I just need to reference these in my default MAME preset?

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If you are using the MAME Current it will be a bit trickier. Those are for MAME 2010. I don’t have anything set up for the MAME current because the old method still works.

The MAME current uses $CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT$ and CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-HORZ plus CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-VERT instead of the variable that MAME 2010 and FBNeo use.

Just one second…

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Ah… yeah, I’m using MAME current.


I have released a preset and a set of params files to automatically load The Bezel Project overlays as backgrounds.

The zip file can be found in my overlays repo here, along with a readme detailing their use.

github com/Duimon/Retroarch-Overlays/tree/master/The Bezel Project (Link moved to the first post.)



Take a look at these files as a reference.

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Nice… whoops… sorry I am distracting you from bigger things. I’m sure a lot of people are going to like this.

No worries… your timing was perfect! :grin:


This really makes me wish I had strictly used MAME naming for all my bezels. :grimacing:

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