Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

My work is all original and there are no contributors.

If someone is serious about a project, and wants to release derived versions of my work, they are free to contact me and I can evaluate if I think an exception to my license is merited.

@soqueroeu is a valuable member of this community, if he wanted to release a pack the answer would be a quick yes.


Hi @Starman99x!

This was one of my first works with overlays. Honestly, there’s a lot of room for improvement in them. I thank @Duimon for the material he provides us.

With the arrival of the Megabezel, many other possibilities emerged and use overlays, in my opinion, became more distant, unless performance is an issue.

It also seems to me that they are solving the screen rotation problems with FBN core.

Can you run Mega Bezel on your rig? If this uploaded image is yours, you are on the right path and you have already advanced a lot in your goal, am I right?

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Hi @soqueroeu :grinning:

Indeed the Mega Bezel Project can easily replace overlays, and even if performance is an issue there’s the less resource hungry alternative “koko-aio” which is what I’m using in the image above.

I also made this custom koko-aio preset that exploits the ambient LEDs in a unique way:

It would be cool to see a mega bezel edition of your arcade overlays, they’re really cool and unique especially the portrait versions, now imagine that with auto rotation like the recent Duimon update. Would be amazing.

Lastly, I hope it’s not rude if I ask you for a clean no RetroArch or Launchbox logo versions of your FBNeo and NeoGeoMVS overlays (the no bezel variants).

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After using in the figure, the picture is like this. How can I adjust this?

Several formal files circled by the red frame in the figure below are loaded errors, please check, thank you

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This preset is meant only for games that require a “book” orientation of the NDS. Use the other presets for all other games.

There is a small, easy to correct, error in the base Potato LCD-GRID preset. I’m sure @HyperspaceMadness will release an update soon. He usually takes Fridays off from Mega Bezel tasks, so be patient.


Yeah, the potato gdv base shader is broken at the moment hopefully I’ll put auto a new release which fixes it this weekend

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Hi @HyperSpaceMadness - I wanted to thank you for the new version of your package, the lightening of the performance demand on my PC feels, and I’m back to using your Potato-Super-XBR-GDV version smoothly. I also wanted to tell you, having seen them run smoothly on a friend’s computer, that your Smooth-Advance presets are for me the pinnacle of modern emulation, and I hope in the next few years to be able to upgrade the PC to use them too. They are the best. Thanks always for your work

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Since this friend gets to run smoothly with your SMOOTH-ADV up to Nintendo 64 - I was wondering today what is the minimum configuration to get to use your shader up to PlayStation 2 / Gamecube

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That really depends on if you are using a 1080p or 4K Monitor.

For CPU a newer i5 or Ryzen 5XXX.

For both, the GPU is the most important component.

For 1080 I would recommend a GTX 1070. (But you can get an RTX 3050 for about the same price.)

For 4K an RTX 2060 or above should work. You could use an equivalent AMD GPU but you may have to play around with driver versions to find one that doesn’t fail to run cores using the glcore video driver.


I run a RTX 3050… I upgraded from a 1660, which was a reasonable upgrade. I used to read that people compared the 1660 to a 1070, which probably wasn’t 100% accurate, but it was a good bang-for-your-buck card at the time. Anyway, point is that I would recommend the 3050 now, because even though it isn’t the best in the 30xx line, it’s a nice card for the price right now, imo. I run pretty much anything reasonably possible in emulation with ADV shaders with an i7 and 3050. Anyway, that’s my input.


a tip : for the Smooth-ADV, and to use it up to the PS2 / Gamecube emulation, what do you think of this configuration ?https://amzn.eu/d/d37YsUd

To be used strictly at 1080p with 60 FPS

That would definitely be more than enough, I run everything at 1080p on a laptop like this and I don’t hear the fan starting up much or at all mostly.

I also run 4k (which is about 4x the GPU computation load) on my other machine which has a RTX 2060 in it, and the fan starts to work but I get a solid 60fps.

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I just used https://pcpartpicker.com to put together a desktop with roughly the same specs for $100 US cheaper. (Based on Euro to US conversion.)

I’m just saying that with the desktop you have an upgrade path.


@Duimon thanks for the advice, I also tell you that you are absolutely right on the cost ratio and the possibility of updating. For many reasons, especially family and work, I find myself away from home, and I think the laptop is the most effective solution for my needs. I guess I’ll only go back to buying a Desktop PC when I retire lol. Since it’s not an immediate purchase, I think I’ll wait for the future Christmas or at the latest the first months of next year, it was enough for me to know if this configuration is suitable for the Smooth-Advance, and it would also be perfect in combination with your fantastic work. Of course, I also trust in a price reduction over time if this PC is suitable


Guys, thanks a lot for your help. Very kind.


I have expanded my “The Bezel Project” presets to include Advanced, Standard, and Lite presets for all the systems the project supports.

The first post in the thread has been updated with links to my new “Duimon-Bezel-Project” repo and release.

Be sure to read the included README for installation instructions.


Really liking the bezel project presets especially for mame. One thing I would suggest for users if they are downloading these from the bezel project app is to setup a second instance of Retroarch and not point it at your main Retroarch when downloading bezels and just copy over the png files to your main retroarch overlays folder. Because it will change your main retroarch.cfg file settings to core provided in video aspect and will turn on the option to enable overlays which are not needed when using with mega bezel Also you do not need all the cfg files it downloads if just using the overlays with the mega bezel shader.

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In my instructions I have it set to not modify any overlay cfg files.

Turns out that doesn’t keep the installer from modifying retroarch.cfg :frowning_face:

I’ll have to edit my instructions to either do as you suggest or backup, and restore the rtroarch.cfg after install.

Thanks for the heads up! :grin:

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