Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Seems I forgot to add the $GAME$.png. This implies that your rom is incorrectly named. The rom names need to match the Vectrex_Overlays image names. (e.g. Armor..Attack (World).png = Armor..Attack (World).zip or Armor..Attack (World).bin)

I have updated the repo and will update the release ASAP.

Edit: The release has been updated. (I replaced the latest release.) To avoid downloading anything, you can make a copy of \Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Graphics\GCE_Vectrex\Vectrex_Overlays\Mega.png and rename the copy $GAME$.png.


thanks for the quick reply, its just took me 2 hours to update Retroarch to 1.15. Now that that mission has been accomplished it is now working having made the change in your reply above, all is now well in the world of Vectrex. thanks for your time and enormous efforts on this whole project.


Hi, I just registered here because I have to ask a stupid question. I’m using the “new” Atari Jaguar emulator BigPEmu (https://www.richwhitehouse.com/jaguar/index.php?content=userman#sect_19) which is wonderful. Unfortunately, since I only like to play with your shaders because they look so great, I can’t quite get along with the internal shaders of BigPEmu anymore. Of course this is a luxury problem, the games work perfectly. I have now added your Atari Jaguar image to the existing MBZ__3__STD__GDV.dstack (“Name”: “BackgroundImage”, “Path”: “MBZ__3__STD__GDV/Jaguar.png”,) it is displayed, but I have to set everything to stretch, then I have your background in full screen, unfortunately at some point it mirrors the image. Can I optimize this somehow?

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What resolution/aspect is your screen?

If it not 16x9 I’m not sure there is anything you can do using the current preset.

You can create a custom preset in Retroarch and convert it. I have not done so, but someone who has is sure to chime in shortly. :grin:

BTW. It works fine for me with my custom BigPEmu background.

(Shot taken in BigPEmu.)

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Hmmm… no, if you download the repo using the “Code>Download zip” button on GitHub it will name the repo that way. That is true for downloading any repo on GitHub.

Honestly, the folder name doesn’t matter. None of my paths are dependent on the “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder name, or the “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder name.

(From the second post in the thread.)

The Git “pull” installation method and the release zip both use the “Duimon-Mega-Bezel” folder name.

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Many thanks for your answer :hugs:

Unless I’m too stupid, I hope I am :rofl:

4K 3840 x 2160 Pixel on my main Setup and 3440 x 1440 Pixel on my second Setup

Thats what i want :star_struck: not more

I did it realy quick and dirty and change only the background image in the dstack file.

I will try to convert your file, keep your fingers crossed that i can do it

One thing to keep in mind converting presets is that Rich’s converter reasonablely only works on full presets, so to convert Duimon’s preset, you will need to load it in Retroarch, then go to the save page, then turn OFF Simple Presets then save.

This will save a full preset which will have all the passes in it which is what the converter is expecting.


I’m not certain the split scale automatic wide screen works in the converted shader.

That’s why I mentioned creating your own preset.

You would need to adjust the parameters so split screen scale is on but not performed automatically. Then use XScale to expand the background to fill the screen.

Alternatively, I could just split and expand the current graphic in Photoshop, to fill a 3440x1440 screen. Then upload it to a repo for you.

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hey all, just a quick question, I am getting an error with this bigPemu shader thing, using the already converted ones. No matter which one I choose, i get the same error

do you guys think this is even possible with my AMD GPU ? do i need any special settings to get it going ?

does your display has HDR ? or did you disabled it ?) it doen´t has to be amd as reason i aslo have an AMD GPU :slight_smile:

thanks for your reply. i have no idea about the hdr thing on my monitor sorry. I’ve turned on the setting on the emulator but still doesn’t work for me.

in windows under display setting yoou have an windows-color setting , there you can see if it can HDR

no sorry it says not able to use hdr

yeah thought so than you can´t use the shaders with HDR :neutral_face:

ok thanks for your help today

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I’m not sure how this implies an HDR compatibility error.

GLSL shaders use opengl and some AMD driver versions are reported to have opengl issues.

I would recommend, if you have your GPU driver up to date, that you try an older driver or two.

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thanks for your reply Duimon and sorry to be asking this stuff on your thread.

yeah my drivers are up to date and mostly stuff works fine, not really willing to downgrade for this one emu, hoping it gets some updates to make this work in future but i know the situation with the emu creator so i’m happy to have what we have as it is.

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i thougt HDR cuz i his screen shot and als l hese settings and warn messages about that.:)…my amd card jjust dont want to boot citra or lrps2 witth an saved shader preset :upside_down_face:

but this sort of thing would be new for me ^^

i thought you can not load/use any real HDR stuff without the right display

22.6.1 you should try cuz after this version amd changed something with opengl since then citra is broken

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So you can always load HDR presets, which the only ones are the Megatron ones. But if you don’t have HDR on and you load a HDR one it will look really funky with the colors overblown and uncontrasted.


so its more an param to , work with hdr …to counter the hdr a bit ^^

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