Now that’s what I call “filling gaps”, looking great. I believe you already checked the Evan Amos professional pictures?
Nope. Just what I needed. Thanks!
I did some work on this using the new reference images.
The colors are more accurate now. It’s not as white as the original because I found it distracting.
BTW. I have been unhappy with the textures i have been using for walls behind my graphics. (When they need them.)
How does everyone feel about me introducing high resolution raster images as backgrounds into my mission statement?
Hi, thank you for the quick reply.
Unfortunately no luck for me.
Tried to play with those parameters, the scanlines gen more distinguished but overall picture sharpness did not get better.
Fantastic Job!
A+++, even the improvements make it worthwhile! The PSOne sucked compared to the “FAT” Models (just like every PlayStation “Slim” Line), but that screen was ingenious (especially for us kids who’ve only had “One TV” in the house)
While I’m here, I’d like to post a link to a bunch of High Quality Phillips CRT TV Renders I posted a while back (but never saw used):
While using images as content doesn’t fit into my mission statement. I’m sure other members of the community will be glad to have them for their projects. Very nice!
I am planning on doing a series of vintage TVs down the road a ways. If you run across a favorite vintage, please post a pic.
I would really appreciate more vintage TVs done by you!
Here’s an idea of what I can do with a high quality seamless texture as a background.
It does increase the file size quite a bit. I’ll have to play around and see if the format of the imported image improves it.
I know this isn’t the scope of this thread nor Retroarch’s really, at least it wasn’t in the beginning, but overlays became its own thing for years now, people like you and so many others that deal with shaders and overlays. It would be really nice to evolve this aspect in Retroarch, giving artists more tools and freedom to create layered overlays, like the background for your last overlay, it would be really nice to be able to switch it on the fly, so the user would decide what fits better, much like shaders that can be switched back and forth. Seeing that overlays were specifically meant for touch devices, it’s amazing how it’s being used for graphical overlays for years, if this became more user friendly, not needing to “fit” the video to the borders, etc,etc, that would be a dream.
This is well within the scope of this thread.
I am doing these first and foremost for HSMs shader, although I do RA standard overlay versions for most.
Since we are using the shader, after the next shader update, all graphics that do not fill the screen themselves, (And require a background.) will have the background separated from the rest of the graphic using layers. If you scroll up to the Vectrex shot you will see that I have a custom background in most and the shader default Carbon Fiber in another.
This will also enable the user to scale the foreground independent of the background if they choose, using the parameters dialog.
For the graphic, all that needs to be done is a simple manual edit to the preset file.
Sometime in the future, (Fingers crossed.) @HyperspaceMadness may succeed in letting us browse for graphics from the shader parameters dialog.
So… wish granted.
The next version of the shader will have many layers that can be ordered any way the user wants, with multiple blending modes, and scaling references.
There is the…
- Background layer
- Generated Frame & Bezel layer
- Reflection layer
- Glass layer
- LED layer
- Graphic Bezel Image layer
- Decal layer
- Top Image Extra layer
And… probably one I am missing.
edit: There is also the CRT layer. This can be ordered also. With it come the Gel image (Dual pass for adding a multiplied and/or additive image to the screen) and the Tube Reflection image.
Finally we have the Night Image layer, which stays on top but may or may not affect the Top Extra layer, as the user chooses.
Yeah I’m definitely going to try to do this, we’ll see if the gods of the RetroArch UI smile upon me because doing ui in retroarch takes some wading into the dark arts.
And yes as @Duimon mentioned, there are more layers coming!
No pressure my friend. You have given us so much already, your name will go down in history.
I didn’t know it was possible as far as RA handled overlays, maybe I was only thinking about the single png file, but now that you mention it’s coming, I understand it’s totally on the shader side, so you can have as many pngs you want, is that right? So, as Duimon says, will it be possible to switch, let’s say, from one room with a CRT, to another totally different bezel, frame and background and video layout (size according to bezel etc) as the user would like to? This thread, for instance, has different overlays, take the PS One LCD, for instance, I want to try it now, but then, I can change to the console border or the carbon, without having to resize the video, etc? If so, this is simply amazing!
Hey there. I’ll answer it here. You can set some parameters, which influence vertical sharpness too.
A good combo is:
Scanline Beam Shape Low : 3.0 or less
Scanline Beam Shape High: 15.0 or more
Just to clarify things. The current release build of the shader already has the Background, LED, Top Extra Layer, and Night layer, which can be changed by manually editing the *.slangp. The scaling, blending, resizing, and layer ordering have been added into the new build for the future.
As amazing as the coming improvements are, the release build has a lot of freedom in it’s current state. Play around with it a bit and you’ll see a whole new way of working with “overlays”.
Hi, thank you for the hint. This works for me)
Good to know that, but, about the upcoming release, is it possible to give it more control inside the menu (like the screenshot below), anything like this or does it involve modifying RA itself?
@HyperspaceMadness is the code master but from what he has told me, it takes an awful lot of jumping around and editing to put anything like a simple on/off switch in the RA interface.
A lot of the parameters have multiple settings that you have control over. Exactly what kind of control are you looking for? There is a mile long list of parameters in the parameters dialog, only the images require manual editing of the *.slangp.
HSM and I have talked about multi-page parameter lists, to shorten the list, but I don’t think a solution has been found yet. With HSM’s stubborn and generous nature, all things are possible, given enough time.
The cool thing about doing things inside the shader is that you can see, in real time, the effect it has. Changes to things like scaling, blending mode, and layer depth, can all be seen while you are making the changes.
Alternatively, when you are using an overlay and want to adjust the view port size, the overlay disappears when you call up the RA UI. (Since the overlay and the menu are both “On Screen Overlays”.)
hi @Duimon, i know you focus on console side but i was wondering if you have a bezel WIP about C64 and vice core ?? i’ve seen some bezel about ZX Spectrum.
Of course, it’s just a question, not a formely demand