Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

NDS Advanced preset has been added to the repo, along with the updated NDS graphics!


Just to let everybody know, the new features in the Standard base shader will allow the Decals to scale with the screen and let me add some simpler vintage monitors to some Standard presets. I will be working on them before I do any more with the Advanced.


Thanks @Duimon, the Bug Safari is hugely helpful :slight_smile:


Hey @Duimon, I just tried your Advanced GBA preset and I have a question : why is the aspect ratio set to 4:3 instead of 3:2 which is the GBA aspect ratio ?


Good catch, it was actually my base preset. It seems I re-used my base CRT by just changing the reference shader. (Oops! :blush:) It is fixed, thanks.


Now that we have the PCSX2 core publicly available, are you planning on working on a PS2 theme ? :slight_smile:

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I did one months ago by request! :grin:

I hope you like it. I did it before I did the x68000 request.


Nice ! I was looking in the Advanced folder, but not in the Standard one.

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As far as I have planned, the only difference in the advanced preset will be a separated background so it can be swapped out by the user.

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Presets.zip has been updated. I enabled scaling on all the simple Logo Decals, converted all the Standard presets that didn’t need any advanced features to advanced presets (For completions sake. :grin:) I have tentative plans on doing some PVM’s that I can use in place of the generated frame to give some of the advanced presets some bling. I may just go nuts and have some real fun with it. e.g…


I think it would be great fun to do a few of these that have a lot of stuff going on!

If anyone has a request for a specific model, please let me know.

I have included a couple of simpler vintage monitors in the Standard presets.

These are about as simple as they get, just a decal and an LED. (I used some “X” Width and “Y” position on the frame, (Thanks @HyperspaceMadness, these two frame features were added at my request “way back when” just so something like this could be done.) and some scaling and “Y” position on the Decal and Top layers.) They are actually fairly representative of the respective models. I just reduced the width on the sides.

I will probably do the DOSBox alternate but the CPCs need advanced features. Perhaps I can do something more simple like the above for the Standard.

A bit of advice to people making their own presets… While you now have some limited ability to do some scaling on the Decal an Top layers, It can be a little cumbersome. The Advanced shader handles this kind of thing with a bit more grace, especially if you are using 3 or more layers that you want to scale together.


Thanks for all the work Duimon, it looks fantastic and everything is very well organized in your github.

Thank you. :+1: :grinning:


I’ve been working on the Gameboy preset for the Advanced shader. It will scale and have an independent background.

I have also added a dusty green gel layer with a slight multiply opacity, combined with some color and hue LCD parameter adjustments. I think I have it looking good enough to use until HSM fixes the DMG shader.


Sorry if this has been asked before. I am looking at the N64 advanced preset (using mupen core if that matters) and I had to use the flip parameters to get the screen right and the nintendo logo on the bottom. No problem there except those glare reflection spots are now on the bottom which looks odd, might remove them anyway.

The issue is the resolution doesn’t go to edge of the frame:

I know I can use the cropping parameters but I feel like I am missing a better fix. Funny thing, not all games seem same distance away:

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FYI: It seems like all Vectrex game specific presets are upside down by default. Since all games has its own presets I had to add HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_VERTICAL = "1.000000" line to presets.

It’s not a big deal since the parameters are there to tweak things around but just wanted to inform in case if it’s unknown issue.

@Duimon I have managed to solve the problem with PPSSPP and upside down graphics. It was my first test with this emulator so I never touched anything in its configuration (new core installation). With the Flip Viewport to 0 by default I had the image turned upside down, If I change the Flip Viewport to 1 the graphics turns into correct position. After saving shader changes and resetting RA I had the image turned upside down again… checked the Flip Viewport is set to 1, strange… so I turned the Flip Viewport to 0 as it was by default. After that, another reset and now the graphics are in the correct position.

Weird. Summarizing: Changing the Flip Viewport to 1 and putting it back to 0 solved the problem. I bet it’s more of a core bug than anything else.

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Nope. Nothing in either the base or Vectrex presets to cause this. (No default flip.)

Works fine on my end.

Edit: updated my core and now it is flipped for me also. :upside_down_face: I will add the parameter to all the Vectrex presets.

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Seems like the core developers wants to drive us all crazy :dizzy_face:


Vectrex presets have been updated, I changed a couple of settings…

I got rid of the black screen edge, turned down the Global reflection value, and eliminated the bezel inner edge reflection.

I also included a generic overlay for the plain Vectrex preset.

I am not totally happy with the lower part of the Vectrex, it has always appeared too flat to me. I may spend some time working to improve it. :innocent:


I spent a little time trying to add some dimension. (There is only so much room to move around in that pesky lower 20% gray.)

I have updated the Vectrex graphic and source. My apologies to those that felt it was already perfect. :wink:


it looks like and LCD instead a DMG. @HyperspaceMadness did a preset for DMG but it isn’t in the new release of the shader.

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