Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Great, glad it’s coming in handy, one of the things I think we could add at some point would be transition zones and possible shading for the outer edge of the bezel so it is not so sharp a falloff

Thanks! It’s funny, I was right about my guess that the video was running at 320x480! Such a strange resolution :slight_smile:


right now i am trying mame 2010 core and do the same :open_mouth:

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AFAIK there is no workaround for the MAME 2010 core. (The core doesn’t have the settings to turn off TATE.)

Until @HyperspaceMadness manages to magic up some fix for this scenario, I recommend using the 2016 or Current core.


Here is a WIP on a Commodore Monochrome monitor.

I chose the DM602-00E. (Just because I thought it was cool. :grin:)


Here is a small OCD pass.

Not much is visible but I was using Photoshop to balance the color. I went back and changed the source instead. (I was mistakenly using my Atari graphics as a color source instead of the 64C. :rofl:)

Upon close inspection I still have a couple of things to change. (I forgot to update some highlights.)


Hey! The system has just notified me that I have gotten over 1000 clicks on my GitHub link.

Very cool! :crazy_face:


Here we go. I think this is complete.

My R&D on the CPC and Texas Instruments didn’t turn up any monochrome monitors so for now I think I am done.

I may hold off on getting these monitors in the repo depending on how imminent the next shader update is.

That is something only @HyperspaceMadness knows.


This should be soon, probably next week :smiley:


I made another OCD pass on the Commodore Monochrome. (I tweaked the shading on the base and bottom of the monitor body.

I was also trying a few things out with shader parameters. I turned off the mask, (Because monochromes don’t have one.) gave the grayscale a very slight hue shift, and turned on GTU with composite.

It is pretty damn amazing what these shaders can do.


That monochrome smb3 shot is just :chef kiss:


Here’s a sneak peak at the Amiga A-500 Plus WIP.

I have the keys laid out, so some of the tough work is done. (I still have to do the function keys.)

I understand why they went with barrel keys as opposed to cup but it sure created a lot of extra work for me. (I could have just copied and pasted my 64C keys. :frowning_face:)

On a happy note, since they transitioned to a GUI interface, there was no longer a need for extended character symbols. :grin:


Baby steps. :grin:

There really is no end to the nit-picky details in this type of graphic.

Looking forward on my list I have the Apple 2e, Apple 2 GS, Fujitsu FM-7, and Tandy CoCo 3 that will have this kind of layout. There are versions of the Apples that are virtually identical, and the CoCo uses fairly standard keys.

The FM-7 is going to be a VERY fun project as it has some really unusual keys.

I may jump ahead and do it out of order just because. :grin:


I am thinking of adding another MAME SL to my list.

The KenSingTon Vii. (On the right.)

It only has two carts but they are a 7in1 and a 10in1 so 17 games that run well and are controlled easily.

The graphic will probably be simply a copy of the console on each side of the bezel.

This brings the list to…

* Amiga 500
* Amiga 1000
* Amiga 2000
* Amiga 4000T
* MegaDuck
* Apple 2e
* Apple 2 GS
* Casio PV-1000
* Emerson Arcadia 2001
* Entex Adventure Vision
* Epoch Super Cassette vision
* Gamepark GP32
* Hartung Gamemaster
* Watara Supervision
* Fujitsu FM-7
* Tandy CoCo 3
* KenSingTon Vii

Only 17 graphics to go. (Along with possible supporting cast members.)


For those of you that might be curious. Here is another WIP.

It is coming along fine. :grin:


Here’s another.

And live.

The model plate and Amiga logo are sized and placed to accommodate the default bezel. I will probably do an alternate for use with the monitor.

There is still room for a serious OCD pass, but what would life be like without one. :innocent:

One thing I am wondering about is if the Amiga had enough texture to merit adding some? Does anyone know?

If I did I would probably want to add some to the 64C also.


Hey Dumion! Trying to get create a nice N64 setup using the latest Mupen64-Next core. But when using any N64 preset the image is flipped, and pretty often RA crashes when trying to apply the shader. Any ideas?

I’m using Vulkan on my 3070.

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There is a "Flip Viewport for the graphic and I would turn down any internal scaling on the core to 2x and see if it helps the crashing.

Are you using a newer core? It seems some changes have been made to the rendering method of hardware accelerated cores. I will have to update all my cores and do some looking.

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Ah, I’ll try that! I’m using the newest version of the core which is 2.3-Vulkan 26e306a.


Edit: Turning internal scaling down to 2x seem to stop the crashing, and Flip Viewport worked as well! Would you recommend using the HD versions or the regular ones for N64, what’s the difference?


The HD ones are created for use with higher internal res. (They eliminate the Scalefx pass that causes the crashing.) They will go away soon and the new STD presets will be used in thier place.

So I would recommend using the STD presets for now and after the next shader update you can increase the internal res.

BTW. Unless @HyperspaceMadness works some magic, the next release will require RDP “Angrylion” and RSP “ParaLLEl” with the mupen64_next core.


Oh ok, why is that? And if we have to have Angrylion as RDP we won’t be able to increase the internal res, and we loose out on all the VI options as well?

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