Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Just tried applying some presets on Duckstation core as well, using 6x upscale, and it also crashes, could it be related? Tried lowering it to 1x and it works.

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Right now the other RDP plugins aren’t playing well with some new, very important, perfornance related new features in the private alpha version of the shader. I’m sure that @HyperspaceMadness will work whatever magic he can to fix it. Even in the worst case scenario I will still have a preset for the other RDP plugins. They will just not have some of the full features.

The current presets that aren’t “HD” have a Scalefx pass that results in something like a 32K output at high internal res. Even the best video card on the market can’t handle it. It will crash.

Personally, I don’t understand the desire to use such high internal res. It takes away from the nostalgia.

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Thing is, using upscaling and then downsample it creates a very pleasing image. Especially with these awesome shaders from you and @HyperspaceMadness

From libretros ParaLLEl post.

(paraLLEl-RDP) Downsampling**

Available options: Disabled, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8

Also known as SSAA, this works pretty similar to the SSAA downscaling feature in Beetle PSX HW’s Vulkan renderer. The idea is that you internally upscale at a higher resolution, then set this option from ‘Disabled’ to any of the other values. What happens from there is that this internal higher resolution image is then downscaled to either half its size, one quarter of its size, or one eight of its size. This gives you a very smoothed out anti-aliased picture that for all intents and purposes still outputs at 240p/240i. From there, you can apply some frontend shaders on top to create a very nice and compelling look that still looks better than native resolution but is also still very faithful to it.

So, if you would want 4x resolution upscaling with 4x SSAA, you’d set ‘Downsample’ to ‘1/2’. With 4x upscale, and 1/4 downsample, you get 240p output with 16x SSAA, which looks great with CRT shaders.


If you have a beefy enough GPU, and you do, you will be able to turn off the new performance feature and there would be no restrictions. The feature is there for less powerfully PCs.:grin:

Keep in mind that I don’t really know much about the code, I am just an artist in the inner circle. My prognosis could very well be premature.


Sounds good! Just tried the HD presets and they work fine, now I know why! :slight_smile:

And if I haven’t already said, your overlays are gorgeous!


So this sounds like the Downsample is being done inside the core before it is being given to the shader system. I think this is really the ideal way to do it.

The situation which causes a lot of issues is where there is a higher internal res multiple and no down-sampling, and you end up having something like a 6k image going through the shader pipeline and you max out the GPU framebuffer memory. And if you manage to have enough memory the performance is rough.


Hey folks! :grin:

I have created a GitHub Pages site to host screenshot galleries of my presets and various guides.


It is a WIP.

The social media icons include a YouTube link to some videos of my presets in action.

The YouTube channel is another WIP. :wink:


Just an FYI.

I am planning to spend some time getting screenshots for my new site. While I am doing that I intend to tweak my presets a bit. (There are some new features that I have yet to use.)

I am also working on the required changes for the next version of the shader, and creating misc presets where they are needed. (e.g. the CPC ADV don’t have a bezel version etc.)

So if thing get a little quiet, rest assured that I am working feverishly behind the scenes. :grin:


I have added galleries for the first 6 of the systems to my site. (Up to the Atari 5200.)

There is really no better way for me to get an intimate look at my presets. I expect every bug directly related to my presets to be squashed by the time I am done.

I also expect to have a much more detailed list of anything @HyperspaceMadness needs to work on.

This is really turning into a valuable use of my time. :grin:


(google trad :stuck_out_tongue: )


I have a bug with the Amstrad CPC 464 or 6128!

No monitor that struggles, well, but it lacks the model of the screen, the power button and the 12v socket !!

all other overlays / shaders work !!


Yeah, there is a bug in the base shader. :frowning_face: It has been taken care of in the private alpha and will be fixed in the next shader update. :grin:

The NEC PC-9801 & 8801 also suffer.


Ok ok , thank you ^^

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Screenshots from the first 36 of my graphics are on the new site. (Just about half way there.)

Quite a few pesky bugs squashed along the way. :grin:


I was setting up my few 4K Vertical presets, fully intending to redo the graphics from scratch. (I have learned a lot since I made them.)

The thing is… looking at them like this, it’s hard to get a feel for how they will look isolated on a portrait display.

When I fire them up, especially with night mode, they look really good. :grin:

I am using the alpha shader to set them up but I will get the presets in the repo soon and maybe @HyperspaceMadness or someone else with access to the alpha can give me an opinion.

I think I will leave them as is.


I have been making good progress on the screenshots for my gallery site. The first 75 of my preset groups are there. :grin:

You may have also noticed that I made some changes to the first post in this thread, to make it a bit more presentable. :innocent:

A special thanks to @HyperspaceMadness for the updated Mega Bezel logo.

It is really quite gratifying squashing all the bugs in my presets. In addition I am also taking advantage of the newer colorize feature to clean up the colored PVMs.

FYI, the PVMs will also be in the Standard presets after the next shader release. In fact, the Standard will have all the image layer features that are now exclusive to the Advanced.

Thanks to a lot of hard work by @HyperspaceMadness’s (And sheer genius. :wink:) the performance of the Standard will be on par with the current Basic Reflection base preset. :star_struck:


OK then… screenshots of all my current presets are on my gallery site! :grin:

The last gallery is a bit sparse, but I have at least 13 more graphics to create. (More if I decide to do the three remaining Amiga models. I am considering leaving them out.)

This means that all the presets have been thoroughly tested and tweaked. Some changes may need to be made, depending on any changes to the alpha between now and when it is released.

Specifically, I’m not sure we need to flip the viewport for hardware rendered cores anymore. (We’ll see once it’s final.)

I may go back in and tweak the color of a few of the PVMs yet.

My next task is to set up the automatic scaling for non 16x9 monitors. From my testing it seems I may be able to separate the graphics where it just isn’t possible, (Handhelds mostly.) and do a mass search and replace.

Wish me luck. :innocent: I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am.

Edit: I was just looking at my list and it seems I committed to doing a C128 and forgot to add it to the list. (So at least 14 more graphics. :wink:)

Here is the current list including the Amigas.

Standard Retroarch cores.

  • Commodore 128
  • Amiga 1000
  • Amiga 2000
  • Amiga 4000T

MAME Core.

  • MegaDuck
  • Apple 2e
  • Apple 2 GS
  • Casio PV-1000
  • Emerson Arcadia 2001
  • Entex Adventure Vision
  • Epoch Super Cassette vision
  • Gamepark GP32
  • Hartung Gamemaster
  • Watara Supervision
  • Fujitsu FM-7
  • Tandy CoCo 3
  • KenSingTon Vii

Yeah it’s interesting, it really depends on how the setup is for background graphics. The split seems to work on most things, if all the items which should not be split can be put into the Device, Decal etc.

Of course a number of the handhelds are full screen and likely using the BG image because of that :slight_smile:


If they are, I will probably change that so at least the textured background will expand. (I will add one if they aren’t using one now.)

They will only need the background parameter. Most will also need the LED. So two search and replace passes. (It will take some careful planning.)

I’ve done testing on the PVMs, (Which are the most complicated because of the adjustable drop shadow.) and it works pretty slick my friend, pretty slick indeed!! :star_struck:


I have decided more care is in order and will be editing my presets one system at a time.

Here is the A500.

And @HyperspaceMadness, my first edit. I lengthened the shelf in the IBM room. (It will normally be hidden behind the monitor.)

The shelf looks a bit empty but it works. :grin:

I suspect I have a lot of nit-picky editing to do on many more graphics.

I was telling my lovely wife that, at this stage, I feel much more like a developer than an artist. :grin: In the end it will make for a very refined project. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great work! I’ve also been hard at “work” in my spare time editing and updating my presets. Feel free to take a look on those nice 4K monitors when you get a chance. You can tell me if you like the direction things are heading in. I recommend using Arcade - Sharp for arcade games, Composite - Pure for NES and similar systems and Composite - Sharp for the 16-bit era systems and everything else.