Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

If I had to guess, it’s possibly suzo happ, or zippy. American arcade parts. (Or it’s some generic stuff. idk about suzo and zippy quality. Never hear people talk about them.)

I just did a full crown build for my stick. It’s been interesting lol.

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Ohh they make they’re own hardware. Seems to be suzo happ clone parts.

Edit: Didn’t see you add the edit to your message lol.

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I really would like a non-tilted version of this overlay. I’ve build an arcade cabinet, the screen is already tilted.

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I am happy to comply, but confused. If you have a cabinet, why would you want an image of another cabinet and control panel on the screen. Not judging, but, wouldn’t one of my earlier MAME graphics be better suited?

Did you expand the link and look at the graphics? They are, intentionally, very much like the cabinet bezel portion of this graphic.

In any case I will go ahead and produce a non tilted version. You are likely not the only one who would use it. :grin:

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I would like arcade platformes background like konami, cps, mame… I was doing some, but since we have a new born at home I dont have more time to spend.

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I hate to say no to anyone but my current mission is to do Retroarch core graphics. I do not plan on doing arcade platform specific things like Konami, Cave, CPS2 +3 etc.

I am willing to do a generic “Arcade” graphic that other artists might be willing to customize. My MAME graphic has the bezel as a separate layer and is meant to be replaced if someone wants.

I don’t know what else to say. :frowning_face:

Maybe @Digitech is willing to do some custom stuff once he has his feet firmly on the ground here. :grin:


No problem. I hope to have a little time to do it and I will share it.

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ZX Spectrum graphics are in the repo.

The source *.ai was too large for Github so I had to reduce the internal effects resolution to 72dpi. This can easily be changed in Illustrator once the file is local. I have included a note in the repo that explains this.

At least there was a solution for the file size. I would hate for this to become a problem going forward. :frowning_face:

Id love to have enough time to create bezels por specific systems, i remember i made this for my beloved ninja turtles but i opted to make an standard one for all the arcade games, i wish to have enough time to make all popular

arcade games a good overlay but id have to quit my job, lol


Cough cough Pateron Cough cough jkjk

Hello everybody! I was hanging out in HSM’s thread and saw some talk about the N64 Parallel core, which I have never tried. So I did.

While I was doing so I realized how much I didn’t like the graphic I had been using. So I went ahead and created an N64 graphic.

I really like it, but, it is kind of tragic that most of the detail is hidden by the bezel. The depth of the venting changes as you go from center to the outside edges. I spent an awful amount of time trying to get it right.

I took some real liberties with this one (I guess that is not unusual for me to do. :grin:) so that some of the detail showed while playing a game.

What do you guys think?

I also made some progress on the non-tilted version of my MAME graphic.

I may try and do a modified daylight version with a bit more detail that can be customized for other arcade systems.


Small update . I added the on/off details next to the power switch and resized the logos to give the details some room.

Not sure I like the positioning of the logos. The offset “64” makes it tough to balance.


Final changes I think. I messed with the power and reset switches to give them more realism, (And turned the power on. :wink:) adjusted the position of the logos, and cleaned up a couple of other things.


I feel like I haven’t been making much forward progress. Here is a quick peak at the Atari 2600 WIP to make me feel better. :grin:

The easy part is done, now for some details. :grimacing:


Your progress is amazing man! Very nice graphics!

Getting close! :wink:

I still need to create the cool down arrows for the right two switches. :blush: (And probably a cartridge slot.)

I am using the TopLayerImage to display a logo over the bezel. With any luck (And if HSM agrees it is useful.) in the near future this will not eliminate the additional use of a second TopLayerImage for night mode.) In any case I will probably find a way to include the logo in night mode if it seems necessary.

Any comments on my switches? (I just noticed a missing drop shadow. :slightly_smiling_face:)

All 6 “Heavy Sixer” switches will be included, (Although hidden behind the default bezel.) just in case anyone wants a smaller bezel.


Loved the video computer system on the bottom of the bezel.


I added the missing switch drop shadow and lowered the white level of the bezel logo.

Anybody (Besides @Syh. :wink:) bothered by the new Atari logos? They will, of course, be excluded from the plain version.


I feel attacked!

Actually I don’t mind the logos here, tbh.

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@Syh… just inviting you into the conversation my friend. Your opinion is important to me. :grin:

Here it is in all it’s scaled down, hidden finished glory.

Actual difficulty aside, this was easier to design than most because the console was almost the correct aspect ratio… very few liberties had to be taken. :wink: