Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Also you may make the led part of the triangle slightly bigger as it looks like it’s about 1/3 of the complete triangle?

Done nitpicking, lol.

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I’ll think about that, it is just a representation after all, although I like to come pretty close to real. The little square bits around the edge are about 110% the size of real, just so they stand out more. I’m thinking about maybe trying just the lit LED on the Alt version and leaving the rest out. Then the outer glow of the lamp would show more.

Thanks for the comments!

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For your enjoyment All!!

Power is ON!


In case anyone is using the RA overlays, I have added the Nintendo Wii!


New one here, by request!

Super Famicom.

I took the usual liberties with object placement to make things a little more interesting. :grin:

edit: I just noticed something that needs fixing. I will update very soon.


OK…all better. :upside_down_face:

Needed to tweak some object placement.

Repo has been updated.


I’m not OCD… I’m CDO. (The letters are alphabetical, as they should be!)

The missing ON/OFF text detail was going to keep me awake at night. :innocent:

Updated again! (Last time I promise.)


Didn’t want any bad feelings between my ROMs, (You know how they can get. :wink:)

Nintendo SNES!


I have a request : could you do the European SNES version ? It is the same as the japanese version but with “Super Nintendo” instead of “Super Famicom”. :smiley:

This is the best I could do with the space. If it meets your approval I can add it as a Super Famicom Alternate.


I love it ! Thanks !

Cool. I’ll add it to the repo when I get home.:slight_smile:

OK. Super Famicom alternate is in the repo!

And… continuing along the Nintendo path…

NES! (And alternate for those that prefer less color :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)


This one of the few instances that I prefer the logo version, don’t like the text lol.

Nice update!

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There is a plain version but I think it looks a bit out of balance.

This one was way more difficult than I thought it would be. I ended up making it a little darker that the real thing so my little highlights would stand out. :grin:

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Yeah, I imagine it does look fairly plain.

I wasn’t complaining about the logo version as it does look nice.

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Maybe a NES Jr. would look more visually interesting? It’s a top-loading NES.

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I cannot seem to find the Super Famicom alternate in the repo ?


Well, that is an oddball unit! I don’t believe I’ve ever seen an overlay for that. I’ll seriously have to think about it.

I think I’ll do something other than Nintendo or SEGA next, but I’m not sure I’m ready to start converting my MS-DOS to vector. (Doing a whole PC tower in vector is bound to take some time. :wink:)

Maybe something Atari.

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You are correct, I forgot to commit. Give me one minute. :grin:

OK done!